publix is luring me in with offers of free candy

“fierce” – great book on aly raisman – US gymnast – really recommendable as a YA book – but also for adults who like a good story about athletics

“a place of remembrance” – book about the 9-11 memorial – which i hope to visit in nyc in three weeks – it was a good summary of the ideas that went into the memorial – i’d remembered that it was a contentious issue

“earn the right to win” – book from tom coughlin – former NY Giants coach – he was surprisingly candid about how he changed his personality – that was the best part of the book – that he was humble enough to change

“Run Fast, Cook Fast, Eat Slow” – sequel to a great book by two runners – really appetizing meals – ms. pursley has promised me her class will get on a couple of the items – so that’s exciting:)

“The Fifth Risk” – from the library of Mr. Evans – great book – a scary book in parts – i wondered how the department of education was being handled with this too

“let’s play two” – biography on ernie banks – mr. cub – for such an optimistic guy, it was a fairly sad book
