stuffed full of thanksgiving…

“bestseller” – story of the bestselling books in American over the last 120-ish years – was an interesting read – although, very dry at times (such and such book begat such and such book begat…)

“unstoppable” – great tennis biography – tennis talent is for the young – like gymnastics, in a way – so how to manage kids when they are kids is always an interesting read to me b/c it relates to teaching gifted

“they said it couldn’t be done” – great book on the ’69 mets – got the history and the facts of NYC done well – enjoyed it

“a sin by any other name” – story of robert lee – a great-nephew years removed of the confederate general – and his reconciling his name with that general – this lee is a pastor and has made headlines by denouncing racism – it was an insightful book

“play by play” verne lundquist’s biography – or story of his announcing journey – i enjoyed reading it before the iron bowl


8 days after nyc…

“small fry” – steve jobs’s daughter – his first daughter’s – story of growing up – good book – sad book – coupled with the BOB book from years ago about how wonderful jobs was, this is a good balance to that

“running home” – great book about loss – and running – enjoyed reading it on the way back from nyc – good reminder of how running can help you cope with loss at times – really, any activity can help you cope with loss

“a fine team man” – great new book on jackie robinson – looked at jackie’s impact on others – each chapter was about another person – good, balanced view of those people – not just “this person was evil, this one was good” – enjoyed it – and learned a bit on a topic i thought i already knew a lot about

“the 100-yard journey” – gary pinkel – former missouri coach – meh…

“dare to dream” – 1D – i think i’d read it years ago – although, i checked the blog and didn’t see it – anyway, took me back to 2011 – a simpler time in america – and in london:) back before all the members of 1D hated each other – back when they said all the right things:)

“neil patrick harris: choose your own autobiography” – great, great find at the thrift store a week ago – enjoyed reading it the second time through – had been four-ish years – i’m now passing it along to friends
