twas the day before 2019…

busy, busy holiday season for reading…

“silent agreements” – new book on the things we don’t say – and how we can say them – the book made me think about my own agreements – and my students’

“auma’s long run” – you too can read this one at the CMS library – thanks to ms. blount, i got a head start on this one – wasn’t really about running – but a really good book for YA

“i lived on butterfuly hill” – another ms. blount book – and a great, great YA book – very recommended

“stranger things: worlds turned upside down” – to get me ready for season 3:) even made my mom read it:)

“the library book” – recent NY Times best seller – book about the LA library – meh – i LOVE the columbiana library so i didn’t need to be re-introduced to libraries

“good to go” – book on recovery – funny part at the end that athletes who use recovery stuff the most are the ones who don’t win – lots of money is spent now on recovery stuff – and i think in part b/c it’s easier to spend money on stuff than it is to put in the actual work

“shade” – book comparing trump’s tweets to what obama had done in a related field

“northern lights” – florida lady sponsored an alaskan football team getting a football field built – within eight months – alaskan high school football is interesting – so i learned a lot

“the magic misfits: book 2” – Neil Patrick Harris’s new book – loved both of them – probably a 4th-5th grade book, but so what? 🙂

“late bloomers” – got a great idea for us to use when we get to shakespeare this year – would like to use this to make my AAGC presentation this year

“highway under the tunnel” – from the book sale at the public library – about a NYC tunnel – was an interesting read – even if it was dry at times:)

“the mamba mentality” – kobe bryant’s book on why he was awesome and we just didn’t appreciate all the time (really, really self-congratulating – a giant waste of space)

“detroit” – sad book on a dying city

so yeah, i’d say i read a bit over break:)
