The “over the break” non-break from books…

“the end of youth ministry” – i like reading about approaches to youth ministry b/c i think there are parallels to teaching – the book was interesting – and had a great movie recommendation at the start – but wasn’t as radically new as i probably was expecting

“Michael Jordan: Bull on Parade” – graphic novel – took me back to the 1990s – probably a bit much for middle school – but i enjoyed it

“Storm-Wake” – based on Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” – s’okay – I enjoy the Tempest – although, I think modern people give Prospero a bum rap – control freaks are people too, right? 🙂

“the 47 people you’ll meet in middle school” – the title was more clever than the book – sadly…

“Lost in a Book” – companion to Beauty and the Beast – again, over-promised – but, if you have people in your life who love the movie, then I’m sure they’ll love this one

“New Kid” – really enjoyed this graphic novel – high recommendation

“Pop” – amazed me how much CTE and the risks of football have changed since this book was published in 2008 – no one else seems to be realizing this though from the reviews I read

“Anna Karenina” – this was my big read for the break – watched the movie too – was surprisingly true to the book – i definitely can’t recommend a normal person investing 950 pages in it, but it was okay – probably slightly better than I thought it would be

“Infinite Hope” – came from a recommendation from the mom of a friend – the momma selected good:) great book as a first person POV on WWII

“Surface Tension” – a YA freebie – not my favorite:)

“Castle of Concrete” – another YA freebie – was okay – not middle school though

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