one more week left in a rather long year…

“The Code Breaker” by Isaacson – wonderful book – and very relevant to the past year – used part of it in the classroom as a book talk

“Why Longfellow Lied” – really went well with the Paul Revere poem we read in class – comes out in August – enjoyed reading it – would love a class set for the kids

“I am C3PO” – bought this one after none of the local libraries seemed to care to carry it – sigh… good – enjoyable

“I Keep Trying to Catch His Eye” by Maisel – really great book – one of the best I’ve read this year – comes out in October – lots of takeaways

“Think Again” by Adam Grant – filled about four pages of notes in my book on this one – lots of practical takeaways

May(be) I’ll read some books…

“Maybe He Just Likes You” by Dee – CMS book – really good one – tackled consent issues for a middle school audience – and the author liked my tweet about the book:)

“Where the Light Fell” by Yancey – fantastic book – comes out in October – I’d read Yancey before – reading his memoir made me realize that you don’t know someone’s story – even when they are writing non-fiction – tackled issues about the fundamentalist faith

“To Be or Not to Be” by Ryan North – a Choose Your Own Adventure with Hamlet – not as fun as Romeo and Juliet – but I still enjoyed it – clever

“Wit’s End” by Geary – why did we end up with Eve eating an apple in Genesis when apples don’t grow in the Middle East? B/c Jerome’s translation made a pun on Latin for evil (Mal) – that was a cool fact to pick up

“Made for More” by Anderson – so I ended up reading a book on Biblical womanhood – probably not the first one I’ve read – still, a bit out of my zone – but what was cool was that mom called within a week about her Mother’s Day children’s moment – and BOOM! I actually had something to contribute to discussion:)

“A Wild Idea” by Franklin – North Face/Espirit founder – his life – his work – meh…

“Running is a Kind of Dreaming” by Thompson – running and psychology – he made me feel bad running 205 miles – I feel inadequate:)

“How to Train Your Dad” – by Paulsen – cute YA coming soon

“Start Here, Start Now” by Kleinrock – book on addressing racism in the classroom – probably more for California – kudos to the author for tackling a big subject

“That Way Madness Lies” – by Alder – 15 recreations of Shakespeare – not that great – if you mess with a masterpiece, make it better, don’t insert your agenda – sigh…