well, we are well into summer

wow, nothing since spring break – although, it was a rather busy end to the school year…

“James” by Everrett – imagining the story of Jim from Huck Finn – this was my lone literary read of the year:)

“The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory” by Alberta – great book – insightful and well done

“Once a Runner” by Parker- probably the 4th or 5th time I’ve read that book – but first time in years – always a delight

“They Came for the Schools” by Hixenbaugh – story of TX schools and the movement to censor things – a cautionary tale for around here

“The Mythmakers” by Hendrix – comes out this fall – story of Tolkien and CS Lewis’s friendship – good

“To Boston with Love” by Roberta Gibbs – wasn’t feeling the love post-Boston, but this was a good start

“Paul Revere’s Ride” by Fischer – 25 years old but still a great book on the start of the Revolutionary War

“10 to 25” by Yeager – really outstanding book – made a ton of notes and put things together to present for the fall

“In the Heights” by Miranda, McCourter – behind the scenes of a great musical – really enjoyed that one

“Reading Genesis” by Robinson – wasn’t as good as I thought it might be – still, a few insights

“Supercommunicators” by Duhigg – really liked this one – how to listen – how to carry conversation

“Elevate and Dominate” by Sanders – when your mom scoop’s you on this book, you know it’s bad:)

“Killers of the Flower Moon” by Grann – really, really good – missed this one when it first came out – didn’t want to read it when everyone else was – but I can see their point

“Filterworld” Chayka – what social media collects on us – did get a great algorithm joke from the book

“Four Thousand Paws” by Morgan – not a big dog person at all – but this book was good – about the sled dogs of the Iditarod

“The Leadership Journey” by Goodwin – new YA on four presidents from one of our best historians – good read

“In the Kingdom of Ice” by Sides – really outstanding book – didn’t make things cooler in this state, but I tried:)

“Dream” by Fader – Hakeem Olajuwon – biography – good

“The Weedflower,” “Dead Squirrels Everywhere,” “Squirrel-ish,” “The Mistakes that Made Us,” “Cat out of Water,” “How to Staycation Like a Snail” – all picture books- Cat out of Water was graphic novel – and by far, my favorite of the group

“Kids Deserve It!” Nesloney and Welcome – book about teaching

44 books so far this year