just me and my eighth grade hanging out at the Golden Dragon…

the sad thing is none of my eighth grade blog so no one can fill everyone else in on the wonders of the Golden Dragon… 🙂

“five brothers and a million sisters” – let’s just start with the best book I read this week – a bio on the NKOTB – new kids on the block – I guess take whatever band you’re currently loving, and let’s assume it’s a group of guys about 10 years older than you – and have that group fall off the face of the earth five years from now, only to resurface 15 years later awesomely – and then get the chance to read their story, you might then understand the joy I had reading this book – just great – I guess my favorite fact is that four of the five went to elementary school together

“the barack Obama story” – this was the major book I finished this week – great biographer, david maraniss, who basically wrote the story of the president’s life to Harvard grad school – the biographer started with barack’s great-grandparents – in Kansas and in Kenya – just an amazing story to me b/c even as the president grew up, no one could see the path his life would take him – just a remarkable story in the sense that you never know what the things you go through now are preparing you for later in life

“quiet” – I was disappointed in this book – but I think it was b/c I read a book in the summer, “quiet kids” that pretty well gave me most of this book as well – introverts rule the world, regardless!!! and this book further proves that point (I mean, I think it now annoys me that all the workers at publix have to speak to me – I’m like, “just leave me alone – I don’t have the energy to shop AND tell you hello…”

“the year of living biblically” – this book was sad to me – the author spent a year trying to follow a bunch of rules – eight months with the OT and four with the NT – and, very predictably, and the end, he decided that while an agnostic, he was now a more spiritual agnostic for having done this – so basically, one man’s search to find God on man’s terms – which is to an extent all of our stories unless we believe God actually makes an attempt, or THE attempt, to find us and we have just one path to follow – the gimmickness of the book distressed me

happy MLK tomorrow

47 thoughts on “just me and my eighth grade hanging out at the Golden Dragon…”

  1. Ohhh, and I just realized, hotpreachergirl7, that pop-tarts are called POP-tarts because they POP! out of your toaster…… 😉

  2. Hello, Dr. Mafeld. I’m sitting in the library and being a boring little sixth grader while I wait for my class to leave for lunch. I remember seeing that diner when I went to Disney. I kept my eyes closed the whole time I was on the dinosaur ride. It was scary. Maybe Fred’s should have an attatched theme park, one that would rival Disney.

  3. THANKS Nicole! somebody replied!!
    BLOG today:

    The music reaches my ears and it makes me dance.
    I get the rhythm in my head and float around the dance floor.
    I spin as if I am on a string.
    I dance like a butterfly around and around.
    I Fly.
    As the music slows, I slow, As the music speeds up, I speed up.
    Faster, Slower, Faster, Slower.
    I dance until the music fades away.
    Then I hit ‘replay’ and dance again.
    This time I close my eyes and let my feet do the work.
    I don’t know where I’m going or what’s around me.
    I just listen to the music,
    and dance.

    bye guys!!!

  4. Okay so for my birthday i got 4 books by John Green (the author of The Fault in Our Stars)
    I finished The Fault in Our Stars and now im reading Paper Town. I only picked Paper Town to read next because i couldn’t choose and the exerpt sounded to worst. I mean, not to sound rude (Sorry Mr. Green) but it just sounds like a pretty stupid kiddy book, you might want to fix that [Mr.Green]

    But Im reading Paper Town and so far it’s actually not that bad. It’s about this guy, in the prologue he is younger. he really likes this girl, they are neighbors. (They are both like 9 at the time) They were riding their bikes together and they went to the park and this dude was lying dead on the ground. They went home and told their parents and then all the police stuff happened. Ten she looked into what happened. The rumor was that he was getting a divorce and going through hard ties so he killed himself. But that’s not what she thought. Then it goes to them later in life. They’re both in highschool and they’re both seniors and prom is coming up. And stuff like that. (“and” “and” “and” “and” haha, i just can’t stop with the “and”s)


  5. Hunger Games
    Today is the day that all the tributes _______ for the “Gamemakers”. Such as for Petta, Petta would show them how strong he was by ________ around some heavy objects. Katniss would shoot a bow and arrow. So they sat in a room with all the others and district 12 allways went last. After a while it was Petta’s turn. Then Katniss was up! She walked into the room with the Gamemakers. She could tell that some had, had one too many drinks and did not want to be there. Or wanted to go hume. But Katniss walked up to the table and picked up a Bow and Arrow. She shot but missed a little off of the head. Some looked and noded at approval. Katniss had, Had IT! She looked at a pig roast. There was an apple in it’s mouth. So she pulled the arrow back and shot at the apple. She hit the apple right on, the arrow pinned the apple to the wall. The gamemakers…
    That is alll!!! 🙂 😉 🙂 😉

  6. The first Blank is “perform”.

    The 2nd is “throwing”.
    Did not mean to leave those blank! 🙁

  7. I’m in eight grade and I blog??
    Tuesday- I finished Travel Team by Mike Lupicia. It ended in the normal fairy-tale ending for easy books. The guy gets his girl and his team wins. Mike Lupicia writes all of his books this way. When Danny didn’t make the team, his dad, an injured NBA first round pick, came back and decided to coach his team. When his dad was in seventh grade, he led his travel team to the national tournament and won it. The first season of his NBA career Richie Walker was drinking after a game and tried to drive back. He got into a wreck that left him crippled and he had to limp. When he came back to coach the team, he got into another bad accident after a few losses. He wasn’t drunk at all this time. Richie stayed in the hospital for the rest of the book, except when he came to the last game of the season for his team. Danny, his son, took over coaching for his dad’s team, which he also played on. Nobody had any reason not to let him and they started winning games. They beat the Vikings, the other seventh grade travel team that Danny didn’t make.

    Wednesday- Another book that I read by Mike Lupicia, The Underdogs, was about a rag tag football team that played with 11 guys and a girl on their team. They also ended up beating their rival team, Castle Rock, who was richer and had nice fields, jerseys, and more players. The main character in that book was a fast kid with a single parent and a crippled dad, except his was from an old football game. Even the characters are almost exactly the same. In these two books, both main characters are small and fast. The main difference is that one is about football and one is about basketball. Both teams end up getting a new player on their team with a mean and controlling dad, but their dad befriends the main character’s dad at the end of the book. In The Underdogs, Toby joins the team and his dad yells the whole time. In the last game, the head coach, also the main character’s dad, asks him to help coach. In Travel Team, Ty, the Viking’s head coach’s son and the best player in town, joins Danny’s team and ends up beating his own team. His super controlling dad goes and sits by Richie Walker, who lets Danny finish coaching his team.


  8. so, yea…the hood doesn’t smell bad if you wash it. 😉

    so, i’m currently reading A CORNER OF THE UNIVERSE by ANNE M. MARTIN, and it’s really good. it’s about this girl named Hattie Owen whose parents run a boarding house. the story’s about when her uncle Adam comes to stay, but Adam has some problems, like with his brain. he looks normal, talks very fast, and has some problems with his anger management.

    anyway, here’s my *peom* for the week. hope you *lick* it!

    by Blue
    I am the timekeeper
    I am the timekeeper
    Turn the Shaft
    Turn the Shaft
    Why is this so easy
    Why is this so hard
    I will keep on
    the timekeeper
    the prisoners’
    I give the time
    I live the time
    I am the time
    why be so invisible
    when you can be so silent
    well, that was my blog for the week. so…be here next week! 🙂

  9. Sonnet 1

    From fairest creatures we desire increase,
    That thereby beauty’s rose might never die,
    But as the riper should by time decease,
    His tender heir might bear his memory:
    But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes,
    Feed’st thy light’s flame with self-substantial fuel,
    Making a famine where abundance lies,
    Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.
    Thou that art now the world’s fresh ornament
    And only herald to the gaudy spring,
    Within thine own bud buriest thy content
    And, tender churl, makest waste in niggarding.
    Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
    To eat the world’s due, by the grave and thee.

    Feed’st thy light’s…fuel= self consumed

    niggarding= hoarding

    gaudy- tacky , showy

    What I am gathering from this poem he has a friend that is beautiful/ handsome and he wants his friend to have children so that his friends beauty can still live through his children after he/ she dies .

    That thereby beauty’s rose might never die, – Metaphor

    soft rhyme

    Thou that art now the world’s fresh ornament – Metaphor

    To eat the world’s due, by the grave and thee.- Exaggeration, Personification, Metaphor

    Tone- Contemplative


  10. Hunger Games
    … looked at Katniss like she had killed one of them, even know she did not. Katniss said, “Thank you for your consideration.” Then Katniss calmly walked out. As Katniss was telling this to Petta, Haymitch, Effie, Cinna, and other stylists. At the end when Katniss told them about how she calmly walked out. Effie said, “YOU WALKED OUT?!?!?! WITHOUT BEING DISMISSED?!?!?!” “Yea” Katniss shyly answers. “I am Probibly going to get a bad score.” says Petta. Then acting like Katniss did not hear Petta. Katniss said, “They are not going to do anything to my family?! RIGHT!?” “No, it would not make any since. Because they would have to let it out, about what you did, it could cause a riot.” says Haymitch. “Good” says Katniss in relief. “But they might give you hell in the Games.” 🙁 says Haymitch. Then they act as if they did hear what Petta said. “I am going to get a worse score than you says Katniss. Then they go to watch on T.V. there scores. Every other tribute got fairly good scores, 10s, 6s, and 7s. Then it came to Petta, 8. everybody was happy for Petta. But after the room got very quiet. Then Katniss, 11. Every one iin the room yelled and patted Katniss on the back then did the same for Petta.
    That is all for today!
    Read again!
    🙂 😉 🙂 😉 🙂 😉

  11. “Insanity:doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
    -Albert Einstein.

    (Seth) “Corbo what the heck are you doing?”
    “Trying to disprove Mrs. Mack.”
    “She said I couldn’t do my homework.”
    “You’ve met Mrs. Mack, She’s evil!”
    “She’s you.”
    “Yea… not anymore…”
    “I got so mad at you that time that she just escaped… it’s weird.”
    “So where the heck is she!”
    “At the Corbotian Middle School, conviently on Jamio town road, I call it the idiot school.”
    (Seth just raises his eyebrows.)
    “What Seth? It’s actually a place, I was actually enrolled their when my sister revolted against my throne and overthrew me… long story short I got out of there quick.”
    “You mean you were in eigth grade?”
    “How did you get out then?”
    “The woods and Cole.”

  12. Thanks a lot Trent!!!! I waas reading The Underdogs!!!!! I think the world is out to get me…

    Alright tonight I am going to do a five minute creative poem.


    I was told it was already decided.
    I wasn’t sure.
    I was told I could decide it.
    Wait, I was told I couldn’t.
    Did they lie?
    Am I hearing things wrong?
    Am I going into an existential crisis?
    I can’t tell.
    Am I really alive?
    Am I done?
    I think I am.

  13. Book: 6912394 (Why no book?)
    Prompt: Creative
    Side Notes: Almost forgot AGAIN!

    Some say during lightning storms on dark nights, a tall, slender figure
    appears. They claim it to be pearl white, while never looking at it face-to-face. Any who look it straight into the face, they claim, have never been seen again. It often appears in the distance, mostly in forests and tight places like alleys. Many claim that it has tentacles, cold, slimy, and poisonous. They say he was once a lost boy, stuck in a mine. An unknown force, the same that caused the miners to go insane, the same that made reason to shut the mine down permanently, got inside of him, began to control him. He had no need for food, nor water. As he aged, he grew more violently than normal, more quickly, more… creepily. He grew the tentacles. His now-white skin slowly crawled across his face covering it, making him into the horror he is today. Making him into Slenderman. The boy was no longer in control, no longer existent. But, of course, that all legend. We think.

  14. Benny Tom nix Chong and lilah went out for their trip into the ruin for an overnight camping trip.while on the way there they heard a noise from behind the trees one out stepped a Rhino .they were all quiet till Chong made a sudden outburst of noise and the rhino charged . They all head for the trees then Chong ran toward the pines not the oaks and the rhino chased him.benny and nix had to run around because Tom told them to.while they ran they tripped and fell into a field of crippled zombies.

  15. To day I want to tell about the RiverClan. These cats do what other cats freak out over, that’s right they swim. Most of the time if you tried to put a cat in water it would hate you forever and try to bite/claw off your arm. These cats not only swim in water but there fighting style thrives off of it. Most of the cats in the RiverClan have been in the fight over the …. rocks in the middle of their river with the ThunderClan. The rocks have a specific name but I forget its name and my NOOK isn’t working right. This is all I can tell for time being because J.T. is forcing me off the computer.

  16. hiiiiiiiiiii
    I am going to do a creative

    Stupid Cupid
    There once was a Cupid named Hate. I know, weird name for a Cupid. Well, Cupid was REALLY Stupid. The only reason he graduated from Love Academy was because the teachers were running out of red ink due to all of his mistakes. Hate didn’t enjoy making couples. Hate made the WRONG couples. All of his clients were filing complaints to him because they ended up divorcing their match. SO Hate was stuck…in LOVE JAIL(kind of an oxymoron really). So Hate had some time to himself. Hate got mad and turned wicked-sortof. Well YOUR definition of wicked is different than a CUPID’S definition of wicked. Hate decided to shoot a love arrow at his cell cop (yes they still let their ‘criminals’ have arrows in JAIL. Don’t ask me why). Things were working out because his cell cop was a GIRL! So Hate easily made his cell cop fall instantly in love with him so she would let him out. So Hate was free! Uh Oh! Hate forgot all about how strong his Love arrows were! Now he is being chased by a cop who is madly in love with him!

    tee hee 🙂

  17. SOOOOO I gotta do another blog!

    Another boring day at LAMP high. All we do is learn about lamps. I think that having a mascot as a lightbulb is stupid. They say it is for a “brighter future.” Honestly, who cares about lamps? I was forced to go here by my long line of Lamp-selling heritage. Just GREAT. I really hate lamps. really. I usually fall asleep in class. Each year as a fund raiser we sell lamps. Surprisingly it is pretty successful. I guess people feel sorry for us. We get a free lamp for prizes. yay. NOT. My friends at Brilliant high school get to go on smart people trips because- hence the name- they are all brilliant. At least I don’t go to Locust Fork High, because there is no TELLING what they get for prizes. eww. anyway I guess I have to sleep and dream about lamps now. wooo. BORING!


  18. Sonnet 2

    When forty winters shall beseige thy brow,
    And dig deep trenches in thy beauty’s field,
    Thy youth’s proud livery, so gazed on now,
    Will be a tatter’d weed, of small worth held:
    Then being ask’d where all thy beauty lies,
    Where all the treasure of thy lusty days;
    To say, within thine own deep-sunken eyes,
    Were an all-eating shame and thriftless praise.
    How much more praise deserved thy beauty’s use,
    If thou couldst answer ‘This fair child of mine
    Shall sum my count and make my old excuse,’
    Proving his beauty by succession thine!
    This were to be new made when thou art old,
    And see thy blood warm when thou feel’st it cold.

    proud livery- that the person the poem is talking about wears his youth like a uniform

    Shakespeare is saying that his friend is very handsome but he is ignorant and selfish to believe that his beauty will last for ever and he keeps stating that he needs to take a precaution and have a child to carry on his beauty through this child and so that he may also have his characteristics

    besiege- begging to a metaphor ( military metaphor)

    tatter’d weed- garment

  19. Hey Emily, I just now heard you we’re reading A Conner of The Universe. GREAT book, i read it over the summer i think, it really is great.

    Well…me and Shelby talked, figured i’d do what she does (except not with Shakespeare, so i picked Robert Frost. Im also thinking about Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson)


    I figured first I’d do one of my favorites by Frost, im pretty sure most people have heard of it:

    The Road Not Taken

    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
    And sorry I could not travel both
    And be one traveler, long I stood
    And looked down one as far as I could
    To where it bent in the undergrowth;

    Then took the other, as just as fair,
    And having perhaps the better claim
    Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
    Though as for that the passing there
    Had worn them really about the same,

    And both that morning equally lay
    In leaves no step had trodden black.
    Oh, I kept the first for another day!
    Yet knowing how way leads on to way
    I doubted if I should ever come back.

    I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference.

    Rhyme Scheme:

    “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood” – Repeated. Two roads, two paths to the future.

    “And sorry I could not travel both” – Talking to the reader, or maybe someone who judged him on his choice.

    “Because it was grassy and wanted wear” – Personification

    “wanted wear” – Alliteration

    Second Stanza- Talks about he looked down both roads, now hes looking at the second one, it wants someone to take it, because not many have

    “And both that morning equally lay
    In leaves no step had trodden black”
    – Both paths that morning no one had taken, no ones steps were there.

    Tone- weary, questioning, finding out ones destiny

    now my favorite part:

    “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference.”
    – He took the path traveled by less people, and that has changed his life forever. I like how he didn’t say weather it had changed his life for the better or for the worse. He lets your mind drift and come up with that part, but yo just know that his decision it that moment changed everything there on after.

  20. Hola peeps. So I just had a really lo blog and it got deleted SO FRUSTRAITING! But I will give it another shot do hear it is.

    “Horseshoe Bend”
    Joe was an average boy, lost in the pines of south Alabama or so,ethers near there…he was the 5ft 5 average height 140 pounds of tan skin and almost no muscles. He was the average joe.

    BEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP! I hit the alarm clock hard. Slamming my fist into the table. I got up, put on a striped green t-shirt. And slid down the stairs. I said high to my newspaper reading dad, and breakfast making mom.
    “What are we doing today mom?”
    Nothing….oh wait I have a brunch with Claire around noon, if you want to come I could drop you off down by the highschool…you know to hang?”
    “Sure…Why not?” I got up reluctantly, and flipped through some of the TV channels. We never do anything anymore…

    “Thanks…see yah mom.” I slammed the door and looked around.
    There was no one here. Of course there isn’t. I shrugged my shoulders, while kicking rocks, and looking inside the empty highschool.
    “HELLO? Is anyone there….anyone at all?” I heard a voice repeat itself multiple times,
    “Anyone at all, is anyone there? Anyone at all. I need help?!” I ran towards the voice, hoping anyone wasn’t hurt.
    “Hello is anyone there anyone at all?” It was coming from the north side of the school, it sounded like a girl. I started to pick up speed getting closer and closer.
    “Hello is anyone there?”
    I looked around the corner…and before me was a sight, I wish I never would have seen.

  21. Alrighty here’s a ten minuter here. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to read at all this week because it has been filled with after school activities. So going to do an analysis on the monologue I memorized for drama tryouts.

    In the monologue, a man named Billy who has childlike behavior(how ironic. I bloeve it is a vision to the future of Billy Fryer-which is an awful thing to think about) and he writes a letter to God asking him to take an angel home he was talking to beside his bed one night. He monologue I believe is an excerpt from a movie, so we don’t know the whole situation with the angel. I do know that Billy feels strongly about this letter because it conveys a serious tone. He changes his feelings after he reads the letter though, when he cracks a joke. I loved portraying this character’s feelings.

    Now five min of creative.


    Go forward.
    Get out of my way.
    You idiot.
    Look out!
    Your time is up.
    Out with you.
    It means all of these.

  22. This week I continued the Smurfs. I was pretty busy so I didn’t get very far but Clumsy, Papa, Gusty, Grouchy, Brainy, and Smurfette had just gone through a portal into the real world. They didn’t know it was the real world, but when Gargamel (the villain) came, they didn’t care. So… they ran.
    The Hawk
    screeching, and squawking
    flying and soaring
    a jet plane speeding through the skies
    cutting through the air as a knife in butter
    never losing its incredible beauty
    always moving at heights never known by man alone
    the amazing hawk

  23. Hunger Games
    Then Katniss walked into her room and layed down on her bed. She was tired and worn out from all the crying and stressing. She layed there and did not move. Then she remembered what Cinna had just said, “Katniss, the girl on fire.” That made her smile. She watched the sun come up on morning. It was Sunday, a day off at home in district 12. She wondered if Gale was in the woods yet. They most of the time devote the day on stocking up for the week. They get up early, hunt, gather then trade at the hob. She thought of Gale without her. They could hunt alone but they just most of the time do it together. They enjoy it. Katniss finds it fun to fill her family’s plate to eat. Then she remembered…
    That is all for today! 🙂 😉

  24. Back on the death moon, our hero’s prepare to blast a planet to smithereens…

    Corbo: Shoot it Seth!
    Seth: Got it!
    Corbo: That was fun, let’s do it again!
    Seth: No, battlefront five really messes with my head sometimes.
    Corbo:(appears disappointed) I really like that game though…
    Seth: Does anyone give a flying Wookie anymore?
    Corbo:(confused) Uhh, no…
    Seth: Let me rephrase that, does anyone even care about what you want?
    Corbo: Don’t talk to me like that! I’ll unleash Mrs. Mack on You!
    Seth: NO!

  25. Biloxi, MS is considering there minor leauge team to be named the bacon (sorry, anna) which will also be in the southern league

    I can see it now:

    Montgomery Biscuits vs. Biloki Bacon

  26. I’m reading defender, because it’s so long I’m still reading it and I’m on pg 405 and it’s where Cyrus has became one of the leaders of the guild and he must find more people to join the guild so they can get their numbers up. They decide that the alliances that they had formed had to be broken because they couldn’t be trusted to split the treasure 50/50 with them and they stab them in the back, so they are sending Cyrus and 1 other person and they go on little missions to speak about why people should join and the circumstances one must have to enter the guild and they are setting the amount of things and experience one must have to enter to zero so that they can get more troops and they can train and they are overstocked with weapons in the armory so the weapons, armor, and training are no big deal of they are desperate enough, whichever hey are because more that half of their guild left them so now they barely have easy people left to attack with and go on missions to fund things and get weapons

  27. Thursday- Creative- The ship left at exactly 2 o’clock, or so I thought. The captain was a very punctual person so he left at least 5 minutes early every time. Luckily, his dock is in the back of the Harbor so I can run down the last and beat the ship to the ocean. I normally have to jump on ships at the last second since I never have money for a ticket. This time I had to swim out to it. They normally hang cargo nets over the side of ships so that people can climb back in if something happens. I use them to sneak on ships since they are the easiest way, except for the board walks. I have been caught twice, but we were in the middle of the ocean both times so they couldn’t just throw me off. They made me work and clean the entire ship one time and the other time the captain taught me how the ship worked.


  28. I’m still working on the second question. For now, I think I’ll protect Nicole with my wooden sword!

    Also… I just let Rachael stalk Jordan on Instagram!!!

  29. That last comment on Rachael was me!!! Oh and now we are jamming to the Best Song Ever which i accidentally just called the Best Sonnet Ever! Thanks Maf now all I think about is sonnets!!!!!

  30. Ok,I read Brisingr by Christopher Paolini.

    In this book Eragon goes to Helgrind(the Ra’zac’s lair) and kills the Ra’zac and the Lethrblaka(there steeds and parents) and then sprints across the countryside to get to the country Surda. When he reaches Eastcroft he takes lodging in a hotel for about half the night and then they sneak out, go up a pole, then jump out of the town. They run down the road and meet 15 of Galbatorix’s soldiers. One soldier stop them all and then Eragon throws a pebble at him and it goes through his head. The finale soldier he kills is pleaing to live, saying he is to young to die and that he has yet to marry and was forced into the army and it was only is fifth mission.

    That is all i have read so far

  31. Yes… And now we founds yours maf… Danielle told me you Adress!! Also we found the hobos grandmother!!! Peace!!

  32. Yes… And now we founds yours maf… Danielle told me you Adress!! Also we found the hobos grandmother!!! Peace!!
    P.S.Detective Roasheele is still on the case!

  33. oh great mouse detective, perhaps you can order another cup of coffee at fred’s diner and riddle me this…

    does google maps still have my area looking wild and wilderness-y??? b/c times have changed, baby…

    if you liked the house just under mine on google maps, it’s for sale – as of this week – I’d act quickly though – actually I wouldn’t – it’s the final house in my area that had it’s original owners from when I moved in – in other words, I’ve driven everyone away – some twice – so chances are, another house will come up soon:)

    you two enjoy detect-a-tiving

  34. Dr Mafeld, your area is very suburban-looking now. I eternally give up on question #2, because most of this detective’s time is spent tracking Fred’s every move and discovering when the great mastermind will strike next.

  35. It does have a swampy area near it, but other than that not really! Your house area looks tamed… unlike Fred’s T-Rex!

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