takin’ turn 4 hard and fast at the dega superspeedway…

the sixth graders that are new – i’m brain dead after a race so there’s no telling what i’m about to blog – i know, excuses, excuses…

“left for dead” – i’ll start with the one i finished yesterday – BOB – i can see why some liked it – i can see why some hated it – i thought the whole 11-year-old that saves the world plot of the book a little much – in the sense that just b/c someone’s 11, doesn’t mean we stop congress and override a naval decision from years ago – but that can be how things operate when the media gets involved – of course, none of that bring back a naval captain that killed himself 25 years later

“my conference can beat your conference” – by paul finebaum – sports radio – why the SEC dominates – it was entertaining, perhaps most when paul talked about growing up – loving sports with his father – finebaum has this persona where it can be hard to believe much of what he says – and the book has to be taken that way – but the family moments were nice – i hope to get the book autographed this december at the Ole Miss/Florida SEC Championship game (i would not be happy if those were the teams, by the way…)

“Buffy Vol. 2 Omnibus” – well, you request one book and get a better book – the buffyverse is huge – i’m learning that – these comics were older than the ones i read a couple of weeks ago – 300 pages – enjoyable – particularly b/c i have yet to start season 7 so starting season 8 in a comic is confusing

brain tired – tv pretty…


52 thoughts on “takin’ turn 4 hard and fast at the dega superspeedway…”

  1. My other 2 journals :The Rookie Bookie
    Beginning: So I later found out that her name was Jamie and no I don’t have a crush on her. So I always went out their everyday just to meet new people. Not to be weird but Jamie could catch and after Luke got to see her…he was amazed!!, and Luke could even caught the ball that I droped. Now to think of it??probably with one hand.
    Beginning: After I watched Jamie for a while I noticed that some days she would just throw and kick the football around with some of the guys…but other times!!,other timessss!!!, she would make it a real game and when I say real game. I mean a , A.REAL.GAME.After a while she got really good and started being seirious.

  2. 2 Journals
    BOOK: Zucchini
    Line: “Wheres the clinic?”
    Commentary: Billy asked that but. He always spoke softly because he hated asking questions, people even said to speak up because they couldn’t hear him and the reason he said that in the first place because Zucchini was perched up on a stool like a bird and was just a bit to weird.
    Line:”No harm in asking”
    Commentary: his mother says that while she excuses her self up to go clean green paint off her thumb from before when she was working in her studio all-afternoon..

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