may day, may day

“attucks” – story of first af-am basketball team to win an integrated state high school championship – great, great YA book

“the class” – great book about a sci class in conn – the teacher’s work is very inspiring

“after zero” – great YA book about selective mutism – great read about an important issue

“half the sky” – book about opening opportunities for women across the world


i get back into trashy ya:)

“not if i save you first” – so a new-ish YA book – former BOB author – i recommended it – or said it wasn’t the worst book ever:) for the library – i was the screener – so you have me to blame if you read it – although, i do think girls will probably enjoy it

“from the outside” – ray allen’s new book – allen is about my age – so i love reading tales of old men who played in the nba – it was a good book:)

“my year in the middle” – great new YA – actually, probably young YA – story of a sixth grader in 1970 in Alabama – historical fiction – but lots about the wallace-brewer run off – really recommendable to all ages – and well researched – and lived – but the author

“fascism” – new book by albright, former secretary of state – with this word being used a lot now, she takes a more in-depth approach to the word – what it means historically and currently – she has a good sense of humor – really good book and recommendable


Book update after Boston

“how to be a perfect Christian” – great book – ridiculous satire – biting satire at times – but very uplifting – actually made me think how bad I am too – so i really enjoyed it

“100 yard classroom” – enjoyed this one – retired teacher/coach – basically, his message was that you have to relentlessly coach up your kids – stay positive even when you don’t want to – really appreciated it and respected the guy’s work in omaha

“at the dark end of the street” – profoundly sad – but history has to be told and preserved – learned a lot about rosa parks – she was a much more active person than history has relegated her to


Book update before Boston

“ticker” – great book about the development of the artificial heart – very recommendable

“sharp” – book about 10 influential women in the 20th century – all writers – they led sad lives

“sidetracked” – great YA book i now have in the classroom about xc and 7th grade – really enjoyed the book

“why baseball matters” – i mean, as if there was any doubt:) but the author makes a good case – and makes it a relevant book by discussing how current tech trends are altering perceptions about the game

“poverty creek journal” – great book about a year – and running – and learning to find wisdom from others


post break

“keeling” – i forget the title – but it was by an 102-year old runner – her life story – sort of amazing you could go so long in life under the radar – and then shine so late – she has a strong faith that was neat to read about

“boston” – planning for my trip to come – read a 2016 travel book – i’m now going to visit MIT!

“anything for a t-shirt” – story of the race director for NYC marathon – he passed away of cancer in 2004 – he had an amazing life, starting with being a Holocaust survivor

“wherever i wind up” – great book – re-read it after i found an autographed copy – definitely worth getting it

catching my breath before the break:)

so much reading going on:)

“anne frank remembered” – highly recommendable – to anyone – miep gies’s remembrance of anne – really compelling read

“never ran, never will” – book on a brooklyn district that’s tried to use football to escape poverty – great book – coupled with teaching here, it was interesting

“PTL” – book on jim bakker’s empire from the 1970s and 1980s – compelling book for a kid who grew up in that era – just amazed at what happened and that it was allowed to happen

“presidents and the pastime” – book on baseball and the presidents – they have all loved the game, for the most part – book was written by HW’s speechwriter – but it was a nice, non-bias look at all presidents

“1997 masters: my story” – book by tiger – good reading prior to the masters this year

“the other shulman” – reread of a book from years ago – about the NYC marathon – i remembered lots of parts

“the essential guide to running the NYC marathon” – do you see a pattern in the reading? learned a few new facts from this book

i think that’s about it for now:

reading shifts to thoughts of NYC…

so i got into the NYC Marathon for this November – that’s sort of cool…

“pride of the yankees” – always meant to watch this movie – and there was a book written a year ago about the movie too so i watched the movie and then read the book – both were good – the lady at the library, a lady well into her 80s, was impressed with my movie selection:)

“hurricane season” – great book about the houston astros’ season last year – unfortunately, my seventh grade boys had me confused as who won the series last fall – so this book was good in clearing that up:)

“masters of modern soccer” – great book on how soccer has advanced in recent years – what the trends are at the top levels – great book and well prepared me for world cup:)

“movie night with the reagans” – great book about being a press person with Reagan and watching weekly films with him and the First Lady – most every chapter was about a classic 80s film they watched – although, i left the book thinking i should see a Reagan movie myself – I definitely need to see Top Gun

“the New York nobody knows” – sociologist walked 6,000 miles in the city covering every block – but the book isn’t about his walk so much as about the city – it was excellent and i really enjoyed it


valleys and mountains…

“in the valley of the devil” – local author – actually, a teacher in the area – the second book in his series – i can’t reveal any plot info, but i did read it this week – it’s coming out in july – it’s amazing when you know someone who’s written a book:)

“play on” – book about aging and its effects on performance – looked at the elite level but also had a great chapter at the end on making personal connections – sadly, one of those was not buying a $30,000 sleep suit:)

“soul of basketball” – great book on the 2010-2011 nba season – the author thought basketball made a transition that year – he supported his theory with great stories on the mavs, lebron, kobe – i enjoyed reading it before the all star game

to the moon and back…

“rocket men” – story of the 1968 trip around the moon and back – the men that made that trip are still alive – this was a book my mom and i could share – she loves the space program – so that was an added nice feature

“eunice” – another book my mom and i shared – the kennedy daughter that the author argued would’ve made the best president – had the times been different for expectations of women – her passion for the special olympics and for life was an added bonus

“let’s go exploring” – book on calvin and hobbes – made me want to reread the series – it was a good, critical analysis of the strip and what happened – and why it’s beloved

“those turbulent sons of freedom” – fascinating book on ethan allen and the green mountain boys – learned a lot about vermont – highly recommendable


Gifted AND Talented at Columbiana Middle