starting the baseball season w/ everyone in first place

i’ve been busy…

animatedyep, i made myself into a powderpuff – awesome, right???

“in the distance” – a reread from a few weeks/month back – still good – still lines that stood out – my takeaway? we teach the next generation by the way we do what we do – so show bravery by being brave

“duel in the sun” – the 1982 boston marathon came down to a final sprint – this book told the story of that race – and the runners that ran it – they were never the same afterwards – i think for that book it was a re-re-read – still good and i still enjoyed it

see everyone tomorrow


parking the easter crowd in between lightning bolts…

i’m ready for the rain to go away – forever…

“running man” – new book – sad book – story from the guy that was in “running the sahara” – he went to jail a few years ago for mortgage fraud – he battled alcoholism before that – again, sad book

“the teenage brain” – i got out of this a nice chart about the problems of distracted learning – that we can’t do two things at a time – the book was from a neurologist – for small children – who combined what she learned about the brain with raising her kids – i honestly didn’t find much in the book – i was disappointed – i was also not impressed – none of what she said was typical was what i went through in adolescence – i think people sometimes excuse behavior that they shouldn’t – and that kids blame others when they should just grow up

happy spring break – mayfield

tripping over palm branches in the early dawn darkness

palm sunday in the cold:)

“the lost boys” – great story about a subject i knew little of – soccer and the proliferation of underage talent being taken advantage of – highly recommendable – baseball and basketball has this problem too

“unashamed” – lecrae’s story – it’s sort of hit or miss who knows this guy – if you do, you’re probably already excited to know he has a book coming out – and it’s recommendable – if not, put down your evil rap music and listen to his:) his story is pretty amazing – even for an old guy like me that’s read a ton of amazing stories in my life

“the end of the perfect 10” – definitely must-read for those of you that love gymnastics – even if you were out of the club before age 10 (alexa, cough:) i really loved this book – one of the better ones of the year – and parallels to running talent – how to develop it – should be done like team usa for gymnastics


even a broken clock springs twice on DST – if you’re careful

fourth nine weeks – wow, here so soon…

“(gender) testing” – book on the olympics’ efforts to test women as women – since 1924, they’ve had some type of system in place – really found the book fascinating – lots of science and track and field stuff

“relational children’s ministry” – great book – about how to reach children with God’s Word – the characteristics of a ministry were interesting to compare to what goes on with the church I serve with – I was heartened that third grade boys are tough on everyone – not just me:) i also found a great verse from 3 john i hope to use sometime

“an uncomplicated life” – biography of a down syndrome lady – now 24 – one of the many lessons in the book is that none of us are guaranteed the perfect anything – most parents elect to abort down syndrome children now – b/c they want a “perfect” baby – it’s sort of ridiculous that we set that standard – and tragic – so the book reminded me of why every life is precious – and valuable


Gifted AND Talented at Columbiana Middle