The 09-10 Blog Page

Not to be confused with any other blog page – yeah for reading!!!

Dr. Roy

532 thoughts on “The 09-10 Blog Page”

  1. i am reading a book called glory. so far it is about a girl who is 13 and got poisoned by her father. she had one year to live when she found out that she had been she went to foster home to foster home.
    2- now the family she has been with for about 5 months and she has come to loving to woek in the garden because she think it reflects to how she feels and how they have to depend on somebody to water them.
    3- that is how she feels now because she depends on the doctors to give her medicane to get her a little while longer. and if the flowers dont get water then them will die just how she is going to. that is how she thinks.
    4- and now she has about 6 months to live to the posion takes over her hole body. so her and her new family are going on all of these trip of all the places she wants to see before she dies so the family is giving her what she want sence this is it.and that is as far as i have gotten.

  2. Well here we go again just like last year except that we have new grades, new opportunities, and new futures. Today I finished Saga in the morning and decided that I would re-read the first one that I had read last in December. I tuned out to be really reputable book. Now tha I am bookless once again I think I should read the last of the Battle of the Books novel. It is called Sure Fire an the other details I do not know. So I guess that is it for tonight. See everyone tomorrow!

  3. Hey, web page looks different. I liked it better the other way. Anyway I’m Olivia and I’m reading
    ” Breaking Dawn ” It started of sluggish, and honestly lately I’ve not been liking the series. Every time Bella gets in trouble and someone [ or something ] saves the day. Yet the brilleance in the book is that every time the author sucks you write back in like it’s your first action book you’ve read. this book is going great so far i think that this book is very unpredictable. you guess one thing to get a whole other. I think the authors purpose of writing this book was to create her inter-drama, or fantasy.
    to show her intense skills in something she loved.
    and finally to show not all creatures of the night are dark.

    I’m clocking out Olive-A!

  4. Book: Star Girl

    The conflict between the Mica Area High School is external because everyone is wanting to know who Stargirl Caraway is and stares at her during lunch. They wander if is a scam, but really don’t know because of all the weird and crazy things that she does like just standing up and starting to play her ukulele and sing along with it out of no where. Another example of what I mean is that when it started to rain during gym class, and the teacher told everyone to come inside. Well, on everyone’s way to their next period, the saw her through the windows outside in the rain dancing. The last example that I’m going to give is that she always wears some wacky and embarassing clothes like her bright red overall shorts and her off-white dress with the cuffs that went all the way to her shoes.

  5. I’m reading a book called Payback. It’s about this kid named Danny and his grandfather,Fergus. I’m gonna name my kid Fergus. It’s a very popular name. Anyway, they have to live undercover because of something that happened in the last book (didn’t read it), and if they mess up on one tiny thing, they will be hunted down like an escaped convict that marks where he is goin so he can go back if he needs to. When Danny’s cover gets blown, they have to skidaddle out of that town. Meanwhile, there were suicide bombings on the British Parliament that killed a lot of people. Somehow, Danny is connected to the bombings, and he and his grandfather, Fergus :), are trying to clear their family name.

  6. I chose to read stargirl this summer it was about a girl i think she was about our age she went though alot people made fun of her and said that she just needed to change her name to Susan and be like every one else but she did not let that get her down while i was reading it i was thinking that she was never going to

  7. Hey yall! I’m reading Breaking Dawn.

    P.S. It hasen’t taken me forever to finish the book its just that i quit the series for a while.

    Anyway It’s coming out great. i think this is a bad turn for Bella though. Getting pregnat and all that. I love all the points of veiw that are shared in one book setting.
    Like Bella always loving something she shouden’t, or Jake & Edward watching the love of there life die right in front of there eyes. It helps you get in to the book, it entrances you. When i read this book its even more than a movie or a book. I am the narator telling the story. [ though compared to Harry Potter this book is nothing ] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Today I relize a knew reson why the author wrote the book. its her own mixture of love and horror in one.
    i think she wrote this book maybe to make a point.
    life can bring good but you go 1 step forward you get knocked two steps back. like Bella drinking blood to feel better, she feels better but the baby starts cracking her ribs. no matter how good it gets, there will always be trouble .With light and Dark in one, peace can never be found

    Bye Olive-A

  8. sorry my laptop died back to what i was talkin about i thlought she was never going to fit in but then she started the cheerleeding i was like wow!!! but it is time for me to go. !!!peace!!! 😉 🙂 :p

  9. Whew! I am tired. I just now got out of football practice, but hey whos to judge? Anyways I am reading a book called The Soldiers of Halla. It is the tenth of the Pendragon series. Bobby Pendragon, Vo Spader, Loor, Alder, Kasha, Aja Killian, Patrick Mac, Elli Winter, Gunny Van Dike, and Siry Remudi are the travelers of ten territories crated by the Solara beings of Halla( which is all there ever was and will ever be) sent to stop Saint Dane an evil being of Solara who was corupted by the power and evil of bending the wills of territores so they go off there natural paths and twist them so that they are his own image of a perfect universe. I have only gotten to where Booby is with Mark Diamond his friend and one of his alclotes. So what new twist in the story will hapen next?

  10. The author’s purpose is to encourage you to not take advantage of situations that involve your friends and to also consider their ideas. For example, Leo is the director of his and Kevin’s little organization called “Hot Seat”. Anyway, Kevin always gives Leo suggestions of people to choose and his suggestions are great but Leo always says that he’s just not sure yet. Well, Kevin gets mad at him cause he never agrees and just shrugs as if he doesn’t care everytime, so Kevin said,”Leo, you know, you can be a really big jerk sometimes.” and walks off. So, people out there, I would take this advice and always at least listen to what others have to say.
    (The above was a “rough draft” – and I forgot to proof it before it was entered 🙂 Sorry… 🙂

  11. I have just started Call of the Wild 😀 . For those who know that Call of the Wild is a classic, I am sorry because I recently found out that my copy is for younger people so it is not the true classic. :'( . Anyways The Authors prupose of this book is to explain what the Canadian Gold Rush was like and how every single 1 of the miners used either Dog sleds or they walked. It si also to describe how it feels to find your true ancestors that were wild and beast-like. It may also entertain a young reader but only if you like a good adventure that truly changes the characters in the book.

    Dear Perrault,
    If you dont give me buck back I will bring you and all of your little dog stealing friends down with you which include: You, Manuel, and Francious. My threat: I will have justice considering that you stole the dog of an official USA small town judge who knows fairness but will only give it to those that are worthy of the mercy! I shall not give false evidence considering the fact that Manuel confessed to the whole thing on a voice recorder! You have 3 days to return him and pay a fine of 500 dollars!

    Small Town City Judge 🙁

  12. I think the authors’ purpose for Payback is to tell a story about Danny and the great Fergus having to run away from the gangstas, mobs, minions, whatever you want to call ’em, that are chasing them and trying to kill them. The authors are trying to write a more interesting series so the youth will read more. When they wrote this book, they were thinking about how people don’t want to read about vampires and go to Twilight Conventions and stuff like that so they wrote a very exciting book about people trying to kill people. Maybe they’ll have a PayCon where if you come, they pay you for coming.

  13. OMG luvin the blog page this year! im readin the book Sucks To Be Me by Kimberly Pauley. yes i kno another vampire book from me haha!! vampires are very interesting if u ask me but n e wayz sucks to be me is basically about a gurl who is forced to choose if she wants to be a vampire or not. her parents r vampires which shes known about for a long while now but the vampire council has just found out that she knos and no mortal can kno bout vampires! n e wayz mina hamilton has to start goin to these vamps in trainin meetings when she gets there she meets aubrey the hot vampire that she is dyin to get to kno more but shes also tied between mortal nathan as well shes had a crush on nathan since the day she laid eyes on him and theyre finally gettin to know each other as well as mina and aubrey gettin to know each other as well!! theres a problem w/ both boys though aubrey has big scary goth gurl crushin on him but mina aint scared of her and w/ nathan he has the whole lot of gurls from school crushin on him but back to the vampire stuff…. yes one night her uncle mortie ( her vamp sponsor which i feel srry for her to have lolz) takes her to her very 1st blood bar which she doesnt like the sight of blood which almost makes her gag but a vamp ceremony begins when she finally comes out of the bathroom and the procedures are horrifying 1st a guy brings out a skull type thingy and the man givin the boy the ceremony slits his wrist open and pours his blood into the skull until its bout half full then gives the boy the skull which he must drink as he does he begins to change from human to vamp but he just screams and its over w/ by then and hes a vamp! pretty cool cept the blood drinkin part ewww!! n e wayz thats pretty much where i am right now lolz!! gots to get ready for bed BIE!!! :))

  14. i dont like doing this but my mom is making me blog all of my stuff tonite for some reason. idk why but ill do em. I aint read anything these few days of school so ill have to blog bout round the world in eighty days.
    wait wat am i sposed to do.oh i remember

    dear philleas fogg,
    i have i auoda in my basement. you must pay me 20000 pounds which back in the old times would be alot today so idk how your gettin this message or how i have your girl friend or how youll bring it to me. so i guess im just writing this just to write this. i still want the money.

    this book relates to a book that ive read before out of the few that i have read and it is classic, just like 80 days. hold on let me think……….. oh i know, it is the jungle book. they were both written more than hundred years ago. and people have been readin em for years and they are both some whatly funny. also because they invovle different countries that i have never been to. and they both envole ridin elephants. i listened to mayfield today on why i made a 14 out of 16 and i wrote all around the answer but didnt hit but i hit the answer now didnt i.

    i think that the authors purpose for writing this book was to inform the reader that traveling around the world is possible idk if it is possible to go around in eighty days back then and also to go and explore new places that youve never seen before.

    im gonna wait til tomorrow to write about the conflict cause i dont really think that i can do it right now cause i really dont understand it.

  15. i wrote alot hahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha

  16. Wow Like What You’ve Done With The Page Mafeld. OK Well Im Not Currently Reading A Book So Im Just Gonna Talk About The Hobbit. Well Its A Pretty Interesting Story But Its Kinda Not Something I Would Want To Read Over And Over And Over And Over Again Like My Mom Did. But Anyway This Book Is A Slightly Hard Piece Mainly Because Of The Language Used In It. Not Curse Words Or Anything But Like The Old Timey Language. One Thing I Like About This Book Is That It Shows How Even The Most Easily Startled People Can Become Courageous In A Time Of Need. Also I Like How The Story Line Isnt Just Straight “Generous To Greedy” But How It Goes From Generous To Greedy Back To Generous And So On And So Forth. Hopefully I Will Have Something Better To Say Later But For Now Bieeee!!!

  17. I finished the Pendragon book and it turned out to be a really good ending series book. Now I am reading Eric Rex: The Dragon’s Eye and so far it is a really cool book it has magic, mystery, and adventure. Eric Rex is a normal boy who has a magical alarm clock, tothbrush, and other items you know basic stuff. Now Eric has a glass eye and he recives what he calls ” cloudy thoughts
    ‘ which are things in which his brain or something else comands him to do something to (usually) save someone from injurey. Eric at the begining was on a quest to find and save his mother, but ends up into a contest hat allows him to become one of the three kings or queens of The Kingdom of the Keepers. So I will tell you if there any intresting parts. See everybody tomorrow. 🙂

  18. OK Well Im Back. Tolkiens Purpose In The Hobbit Is To Show How People Can Change Over Time For Example: Bilbo Was A Peaceful Homebody Until The Dwarves And Gandalf Came Knocking On His Door In Bagend. Then He Is Pretty Much Tricked Into Coming On A Quest To Redeem The Dwarves Family Name. And Along The Way Bilbo Becomes More Courageous. Also The Dwarves Leave Out On Theyre Journey To Reclaim Theyre Family Name Yet When They Get To The Mountain Where The Kingdom Is ( Or Was Until Smaug Destroyed It) They Find The Treasure And Become More Interested In Keeping The Treasure Than Regaining The Throne.

    Dear Smaug,
    Look Around You What Do You See? Do You Notice Anything Missing? Well If You Do Thats Because I Have Stolen One Of Your Cups And Unless You Want Me To Sell It To Dwarves I Suggest You Do Exactly As I Say (Or Write What Ever) First You Must Stop Terrorizing The Poor Lake Men And Women. Also You Must Give Away At Least Half Of Your Treasure To Them To Pay For Any Damages You Have Caused. Also You Must Pay A Fine Of $200,000,000 For Disturbing The Peace And Air Pollution. And Dont Even Lie About Not Having Enough Money To Pay It. If You Do All Of This And Apologize To The People Of The Lake Town I Will Give You Your Cup Back. And Dont Fake Doing All Of That Because I’ll Know If You Did Or Not. I Have My Sources.


  19. It’s me again!!! Unfortunately. Anyway, I might as well do a chat room for Payback.

    minion#1 says: Hi everybody!!! My name is Bobby McBobby!!!

    fergus says: bobby mcbobby??? :/

    minion#1 says: yes, and your name is fergus so I wouldn’t say anything.

    fergus sternly says: HEY!!! I was named after my great great great great great great great great great great uncle’s cousin’s brother!

    minion#1 says: so how is he related to you?

    fergus says: well…….he’s my grea

    minion#1 says: don’t start that again.

    fergus says: so aren’t you supposed to be like trying to track me down to kill me or something?

    minion#1 says: yeah, and I’m tracking your position right now.

    fergus says: stop.

    minion#1 says: no.

    fergus yells: STOP!!!

    minion#1 says: make me

    fergus pulls minion#1 through computer and says: ha. ha ha. ha ha ha.

    okay, that was kind of pointless, but I think I made a point; I couldn’t think of anything else. The minion is trying to kill fergus like he is in the book.

  20. Book: Stargirl

    Stargirl relates to another book I’ve read, Crash, because in the beginning of both books, there are two people wondering who the new girl is. They are debating if it is just someone they know who got a whole new makeover over the summer or a new girl. Well, it is a new girl (in both books) and the stories compare to each other because no one hangs out with them at first, but sooner or later, the new girls become very popular. Besides being written by the same author, they are also similar because both new girls try out for cheerleading and make it. The stories are very close, I find myself getting one confused with the other …but so far, I have really enjoyed them both.

  21. I’m reading a book called The Last Book In The Universe by Rodman Philbrick (sounds all futuristic, i know). Its about a boy called Spaz who is in a gang that controls the “latch”(sort of a city) known as “The space between Eastie and The Pipe” who needs to see his family unit before his sister dies. He must cross three latches before he reaches this unit, which he was banned from about three years ago. He must also enlist the help of a “gummy” (old guy), which; in the beginning, he is stealing from. Its got a bunch of holograms and all that Star Wars stuff, so any Sci-fi geeks should try it. I’m out.

  22. okay,
    so it’s like thursday, and i probably should at least blog so that you don’t get the impression that i’m not reading (shocking as that would be to all of you:)

    i’m currently battling my way through the battle of the books books (yes, same word twice but it fits – well, it doesn’t fit in the sense that it reads well, but oh well:)

    i read book one (for me) last week – hunger games – it was good in the sense that it kept me reading (took like two days to finish) but it was a troubling book in the sense that there were many choices the main character made that didn’t make her very likeable – i would’ve loved to see this book as an adult fiction book b/c i think some of the issues could’ve been explored more deeply (issues like loving someone when the other person doesn’t return that love – or like having to kill every other person you’re around)

    book two was over the weekend – “it sucks to be me” – again, read it in two days – didn’t like it at all – like twilight soooooooo much better – the message seemed to be that if you’re not married and decided on what you’re going to be by the time you’re 18, you’re out of luck – and the incredible luck it took to get the main character to the perfect ending was a huge stretch – i just couldn’t suspend belief enough for it

    book three is this week – “gone” – i’m enjoying it – it’s a mystery/action type book – probably not deep fictional elements embedded in the book, but it’s at least entertaining – i’m only 150 pages in though and i have like 350 left so who knows where it will end up (probably a few more hundred pages of dead ends before some type of climax is reached)

    outside of that, reading newsweek, the economist, and waiting for my next issue of running times or runner’s world – hope your reading this week was good


  23. Hey this blogg is for today & wensday.
    I’m reading “Breaking Dawn”.
    I love this book! It is ausome, because it hits dephs
    of horrors we don’t sometimes relize are as horrable as they sound and show you there wose than they may have seemed. Like with Jake, Loving
    something he can’t have. Its killing him from the inside out. If anyone has ever felt like something was killing you from the inside out than you know only in lucky cases do you ever come out without pain. [ Trust me i know ] Bella and Edward just found out that They can heir there babys thoughts.
    And it said I love you. The baby almost broke Bellas
    Pelvis. With the baby its literaly killing her from the inside out. Leah asked to join Jake’s gang instead of
    Sam’s. And she did it out of love. sha loves him and he can’t love her. So she didn’t want to make him have to suffer Watching her suffer.

    Bye Olive-A

    P.S. I hope the Dance was fun!!

  24. Well I finished The Dragon’s Eye and The Monsters of Otherness today and they were really good. It talkes about a lot of details in mythology, myth, legend, magic, excitment, and more. Now I am about to read The Quillin Games it is the 5th Pendragon book and I haven’t red the fist pages yet , but by the title, cover and back info. I can tel its going to be a great book.

    P.S. Dr. Mafield I have read all of the books you are talking about and I think that outof al of the books I like Hunger Games and Gone the most, becuase Hunger Games has the main caracter Catniss who is a brave, intelligent, and an awsome hunter. I thought It was brave when her sister got iced out for the Hunger Games So she Voluntered to go for her. Also in Gone where Sams sworn enemy turns out to be his brother was relly shocking. So see ya! :B

  25. wow thursday already i have an announcement and ill put it in caps so the people that are mindlessly just scrolling through journals from other people finding out if they can cheat and put that as their own can see it ok here it goes MI BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW WHICH IS FRIDAY IF YUR NOT SMART!!!! im gonna be 13 im in the teen years yes 2 years till i drive haha!! n e wayz im gonna do mi journals for monday wednesday and thursday cuz i already did tuesday its the really long one that has the screen name clarinet band geek and mi screen name will change frequently cuz im awesome like that yeah haha!! ok what did i read monday oh yeah i was workin on finishing marked and yes i know Mafeld another vampire book from the vampire obsessed gurl im srry but to me vampires are way to interesting to not learn bout they should have a course u can take at high school thats specifically bout vampires wow thatd be AWESOME!! n e wayz marked is basically a book mostly about a gurl deciding if she wants to become a vampire or not and that seems typical but in this book the gurl dont get to choose its a matter of life or death. shes personally marked by the head master vampire woman thingy herself and trust me this book is better than twilight by a teensy percent and yes i just said that! n e wayz shes a gurl who doesnt want this but was marked n e wayz and now has to make arrangements to start attending vampire academy in order to understand physical changes and also how to live like a vampire. its a matter of life or death in this book and if she cn survive when she has been MARKED! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! ( im tryin to sound like a horror movie prview lolz )!!! well i gotz to go so ill just write out wednesday & Thursday cuz its lightnin really bad at mi house so gotz to go later maf!!!
    The clarinet geek/golf freak/lil shortie u know
    ~ Jordan Price ~

  26. ok the lighning has let up so ill try to do wednesday real quick which is goin to be a genre slip which will be a ransom note from the book sucks to be me by kimberly pauley ok this may contain language for lil sixth graders who are not aloud to read this may not want to read or somethin like that………j/k……… i hate bein a blonde gah………. wat was i sayin….something bout britt dyin her hair again right…wait wrong blog page nevermind that heres the whatever…….
    Dear Mina Hamilton,
    I kno yur a vampire! ive known for a while now and if u dont do as i say within the next week then w/ one lil click of mi finger the whole school will know cuz u know technology these days i mean come on cells are the best now haha! n e wayz ignore that im not bein a very good villain……. i know yur a vampire wait i already said that ok this “being mean” stuff is really hard ok just stay away from nathan and that aubrey and that george dude and i know hes a vamp to so his vamp rep. is up for knowin to and i also want to be a vamp so u have to turn me so yeah ok well im gonna go to mi mean villain class now theyre not workin out very well but n e wayz whatever bie!
    The not so evil villain person

    BIE MAVEELD!!!! ~Jaylin~

  27. OK so this week i decided to go with a great classic! My very own Bible. yes i said it im reading my bible it might be shocking but its true.

    So i read Genisis this week and so im up to the point where Noah Builds the ark and god tells him to gather 2 of every animal yeah im pretty sure we all know that. but what most didnt know is that god only did this because he thought that the devil had taken over everyones mind execpt noah but in the end of it he relizes that it was just the natural way of how humans behaved and we still do. Ok so what makes it a classic? ummm i think its because of how it tells the truth about how god created the earth even if some different versions say different things but it all comes together in the end! So in the begining it tells how the world came to be and how the animals were made and all that but in my bible when adam and eve where made it says that adam saw that him and eve where naked and that made clothes and i asked my self why would you put that in a childrens bible? and yes my bible is a childrens bible… but anyways back to the main part umm so it list the decentdants of all the different people but the longest decenedamt list was about Noah at first i hought it was wrong but then i thought about it and came to the conclusion that it was because he had him, his wife and his three sons and their wives on the ark with him and soo thats all!

    oh and Olive-A You spelled awsome wrong and Breaking Dawn is the best book in that series!!!

  28. Okay, I got what you said about what to blog about on character, but I’m still not sure if I’m right so here goes nothin’.

    I think that Danny has to make a big choice to stay with his grandfather or not. Fergus is being chased and he has a leg injury from where he got shot in the thigh in WW2. He only hobbles and he can’t really provide for himself. Danny has to make a choice to either help his grandfather and protect him from being killed, and he will also be chased. He could chose to ditch his grandfather and not be chased and live a normal life without hiding all the time. Choosing to stay with his grandfather really says something about Danny’s integrity. He can stay with his family and risk being killed, but he thinks if he can protect himself and his grandfather, he can possibly clear his name and live a normal life. If he left his grandfather alone, Fergus would be killed on the spot. Danny has a lot of heart, and he is one of those people you could trust for anything and he would have your back for anything.

  29. ok last journal im tourmenting britt cuz she has nothin to do and shes dyin her hair pitch black i swear mi sister is just weird and u call me crazy mafeld….. n e wayz ok im gonna inform u on summer reading bookk thing that i read called young man and the sea… first of all theres this boy called skiff his father has been in grief ever since skiffs mom passed away when he was a lil boy and ever since then his dad gets up everyday stays glued to the couch watchin tv and then at night he drinks his beer until he falls asleep cuz hes soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wasted or drunk watzeva u wanna call it. well skiff is a boy who doesnt give up even when his life is at risk now thats towards the end which ill tell u bout in a minute but when the mary rose (skiffs dads boat (they name their boats and talk to them i mean in a way thats weird but im 1 of them people who yells at inanimate objects when im mad or bored)) sinks his dad wont help watz so eva so he goes to Mr. Woodwell to see if he can help out w/ the mary rose well hes cant see very well so he has to tell skiff wat to do and when skiff goes back to the mary rose to try it out it works well his adventure started when he was determined to save the mary rose from bein ruined forever so he decides hes gonna get some money so he can give the mary rose a new engine and a lot of creat (a combination of crazy and great from the jordan dictionary) stuff so he decides hes gonna take his dads lobster traps and try to catch over 200 lobsters and sell them to mister japenese guy whos name escapes me and buy the mary rose its new stuff. well the plan goes pretty well until his rival comes onto the lake one day and starts cuttin his traps a rival by the name of tyler croft! well one day at man comes in from the lake or whatever it is and bringsin a huge bluefin fish that mister chinese man or wat eva he is is dyin to buy for like 100,000 dollars maybe even more but it gives lil skiff an idea so he decides he’ll sneak out one night and go to mister woodwells place to steal his harpoon made for mister woodwell by skiffs dad then he’ll go out on the lake or wat eva and catch his bluefin well it turns into a life or death situation when he finally catches a 900 pound bluefin that would blow chinese dudes head off but the when skiff tries to grad the line next thing he knows hes up underwater kickin for dear life after a long time he finally realizes hes breathing air and the fish that was tryin to kill him had just saved his life but when the fish starts to go again he knos better than to try and pull the line again so instead he just lets the fish pull him knowing that the fish will eventually give up and die but when the fish finally dies skiff cant put the fish in the boat cuz it would sink the boat and he has no food or drink and hes bleeding from the line wrapped around his wrist so he has to decide whether he should cut the line and lose all that money or carry the fish home and possibly die from starvation and bleeding till death he decides to go w/ keepin the fish and eventually he gets saved and u dont want to know bout the blood that he had to not think bout and how he had to tie his hands to the oars after the engine gives out bcuz his hands were so bloody that they slipped off and how he almost died until his dad comes ridin in on skiffs rivals dads boat comin to rescue him! but the endin was great cuz he got everything he wanted and he lived happily ever after blah blah blah the end!!!!!! well thats it for this week maveeled dude gotz to go BIE!!! ~lil JJ~

  30. Hi. Its Me ( Boooooooooo!!!!!!) But Anyway I Was Gonna Re-read The Hobbit But Then My Mom Stole It From Me. SO Im Gonna Re-read Among The Enemy. So Heres Where I Am So Far: I Am On Chapter 7 Where Matthias’s Friend Percy Has Been Caught In The Cross Fire Between The Police And Some Smugglers.

    I Think Haddix’s Pupose In This Book Is To Tell What The World Is Really Like Outside Of All The Fluffed Up Glamour Of Stories That Are Normally Read. I Say This Because In Most Stories It Leaves Out Most Of The Details In Our Society Like Smugglers And Death. Also This Book Tells That No Matter How Well You Think You Know Someone They Can And More Than Likely WILL Turn Their Back On You.

  31. so… i’m reading the vampire diaries. i know what you’re thinking… another vampire book, but i’m gonna try to read this one before i see the movie this time. anyways….

    1- okay, so this girl, elana, has lived in a house for all her life, and all of a sudden, when she moves back, she feels like she doesn’t belong there anymore. it’s not like she doesn’t fit in… she was described as one of those girls with long silky blonde hair that all the guys wanted and all the girls wanted to be. i don’t get it yet, but i’m only on like, page 10 right now, so…

    2- so, she walks out the door with her aunt trying to tell her something and she shuts the door so she doesn’t have to listen to it anymore. when she walks outside, though, there’s no one on the streets or anything, and she has a feeling that something is watching her. then, she looks up in a huge tree in their front yard and there’s a big, fat crow sitting there watching her. all of a sudden, she bends down, picks up a rock, and throws it at the bird. he gets away safely, but he loses a LOT of feathers.

    3- okay, so now there’s a guy named stefan. he is the first vampire i’ve heard of in the book. he was out hunting in the woods, regretting only getting a rabbit because he was starved. he was worrying, though, about what would happen if he didn’t eat enough and couldn’t control his hunger somewhere in public. i guess that’s kind-of important to a vampire…

    4- stefan laid down the remains of his rabbit and hears a fox calling to him wanting to know if he could have the remains, and of course, he lets his “brother hunter” have the rest. but, out of nowhere, that same crow shows up and starts to eat at it. he wants to send a probe to it, but then he remembers that he had promised only to use his powers if it was absolutely necessary. he ends up deciding to read its mind if he encounters it again. i don’t know what i would do if i had weird powers like that… i would probably freak out… idk

    well, i’m done…

    ~anna moe~

  32. I have finished the Call of the Wild and I have now started reading my way all the way through the Bible. So afr I have made it through Genisis and I have started Exodus. The bible has much character in it. In Genisis god creates man in the image of himself and hopes that his creation will come out as a good Idea. But curiousity gets the best out of Eve and she decides to listen to the serpent and eats from the forrbidden tree. Not only does she do that but she also gets Adam to try some of it. This lets God know that Adam and Eve are very curiousl about their world but that they are easily tricked.

    #2 The facts are that God created the world, the seas,day and night, sky, animals, vegetation, and finally humans. He managed to do this all in 6 days which shows how great and awesome gods powers are. On the 7th day god decided to rest and decidecd to call it sunday which is the day that most people go to church. Also God found that humans were becoming a terrible thing to watch. Then he saw Noah and saw that Noah was a righteous and blameless man among the people of his time. So God came to him and told him to build an ark because he was going to flood the earth because of the way that all his creations were going. God said that it had to be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high.God knew that this would be big enough for Noah to fit 2 of every animal(male and female) on the ark.God gave Noah seven days to complete the ark and have all of the animals along with his sons and his son’s wives. The god told Noah to load everyone, animal, and food onto the ark. Once he had done this he sealed them in and made the sky open up and rain for 40 days and 40 nights. Then Noah had to wait 150 days for the earth so dry up again.

    Opinions: I love the book of Genisis, it shows God’s pure awesomeness and power. It also explains why we have most things in the world. Like the week and animals. I do not like how Cain killed Abel but I think that it is a valuable lesson that you should not ebvy someone first of all at all but if you do do not envy them so much that you kill them especially if they are your brother.

    That is all that I have for tonight. Goodnight and may the lord bring you all good dreams.
    Signed, Football Fanatic #22

  33. Book: Stargirl
    Ransome Note:

    Dear Danny Pike,
    Sorry about your reck on your bike. Here is you a get well and welcome home gift from me. Take this bike that I am giving you. Your Welcome!


  34. well this is the first time ive ever wrote about the conflict in the story and i think it will be a big change. and the reason i am still writin about 80 days is because i havent had the chance to checkout a book except for today.
    the conflict in this story is very simple. i dont fully understand so im just goin to say when philleas and that american dude were fightin on the train or supposed to fight. i guess thats conflict right. yep yep yep thats conflict and i know it. i know plenty of people who fight alot but i dont think that they would call it conflicting i know i wouldnt anyways. well thats it so i guess im done now. yea!!!!

  35. Well the First blog of the year! Whoaaaaa!! This hopefully will b a great Blogging year:) I just have to say that Crash was an awesome book Statgirl not so.. I stopes reading when she started getting into great detail of a rat!(I sort of got creeped out about that) Crash was really good though and I even cried over it! But back tothis weeks reading I’m officaily addected to.. No Mr. Matfield not your favorite book ever Twilight but Chicken Soup for the Preteen soul. What I live about it is how deep people get in their stories some are funny most are sad but it Can in some ways compare to your own life! I think the authors reason of creating a book of real peoples really stories are because when I can compare smething to my life it intressed me more. Ill tell u the truth I’m a very picky reader I can’t stand stuff thats like completle unrealistic.. Which brings us back to Stargirl it’s just Ughh that book got on my nerves because it just seemed so fake like ohh yeah people bring table clothes and flowers to school and does it in every class it’s just annoying.. So back to my weeks reading Mr. Mayfield I know how you live that book about the dude that runs a lot it related to you so you have more interst in it just like Chicken Soup the author wrote it probly also because she had a bad childhood or knew someone with a bad childhood my favorite story still to this day is about When this little girl gets her first horse and after years of riding and training she did with that one horse when day out of no where she comes to the stable and the horse looked really bad. After the vet examend the horse he came to the conclusion that it wuld be best to just put the horse down. I could relate to that because I also used to have a horse and he was the best thing in life but one day he just didn’t act right with me and he kept bucking me off since that day he has never acted right for me. He now lives with a lot of other horses with our neighbors and my brothers best friend he acts just fine with everyone else but me and even when I go to visit him he turns around and walks away I still love him a lot and miss him more then ever still to this day I don’t know what I did or what happen but one day I came home from school and went to ride him and he kept bucking me off refusing to let me ride. And when I hear thses stories of people and their problems and life experience or even what theynhave done beofr WTO help others it really touches my heart because I have flashbacks of that one day..

    Love, Marcyy Luu

  36. OMG OMG OMG!!!!! Mayfield, it has been one week of high school and i miss ur class SOOOOO MUCH!! Baker gave me a C on an assignment and my average, after one week, is a low B. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I have never had that low of an average! Old Man and the Sea is boring and i am positive i will fail the test on Tuesday. jamie and I are ina group for a presentation on Old Man and I have a paper due Friday……..its frustrating!
    I hate the ABC schedule, the classes are way too long. My favorite class is Spanish but just Becasue Mr. Creekmore loves me…..other than that it has to be band! OMG, PE at high school is stupid. You actually do stuff…… retarded. My highest average is in Honors Geometry….who would have thought!
    Everyday I have a class with Katie and Matt!! so that part i love, but i dont love the fact that i have ALL Honor classes. But it making me a better student so ill live i guess. Prayer is much needed and very appreciated.
    I finished all 4 of my summer reading books 4 days before school started. WOOT WOOT!!! go sarah!!!!
    I’m happy to say that i have started high school out on the right foot! no drama, or enemies…… been a great week and i hope that this was just a glimpse of what is to come over the next 4 years! I will definetly come and visit when i can…i have a pretty hectic schedule for the next couple of weeks but rest assured…ill be around!!! email when u can…….
    i miss u mafeld!!!!!!
    always ur student,
    Sarah Horton

  37. yo,
    is it already time to blog again??? argh… 🙂

    i think the only book i read this past week was gone – BUT – the big accomplishment was that i finished the book this weekend – all 560 pages of fun (sadly, it will be more pages than some of my students will read this year – but that’s beyond my control – i think)

    gone was okay – the first 100 pages were good – i was intrigued with the mystery – the next 200??? i was curious how it would end – then like the next 350 pages, i was like “okay, we’re just going from one crisis to the next – but you know that the main characters will survive b/c there’s 300 pages left”

    and then the ending – there’s a book two – i was suckered in

    not really suckered though b/c i give up – i’m NOT reading book two – i’m sure i’m an old man, but i’m tired of every book having a sequel and eight other books to follow – can’t we just write one really good book and be done with that thought???

    i guess i’ll be reading another battle of the books book this week – i did get running times this week – which i’d love to read asap – but i only get it once a month and so if i read it immediately, then i have to wait a whole other month to read another issue – so i’m like trying to savor the magazine by reading it like people are supposed to eat dark chocolate

    okay, i’m comparing reading to eating dark chocolate – it’s time to go


  38. Okay,here we go again.
    Harry Potter Number 7.
    Authors purpose.
    I think that the authors purpose is to entertain because of all the imaginary characters in it, and all of the make belive,and most fictional books are written to entertain.
    Book Comparison.
    This book compares to the hobbit because of all of the odd characters in it,the magic,and the strange animals in it.They contrast because in the hobbit they don’t use wands. And they have different driving forces,gold is one of the most important things in the hobbit to almost everyone. While in harry potter it isn’t really a reason for people to do stuff.
    Theme Relation.
    This book compares to character because as harry gets older and goes through more in his life his has a stonger character,so this book also relates to change too.
    Genre Slip.
    Dear Harry,
    We are coming for the locket, soon we might already have the locket and be gone by the time that you read this letter. But you will never get the locket back,because we already destoyed it.
    The Ministery of Magic.

  39. yo, sup, all that jazz. first blog of the new year, and hopefully it will turn out as great i as i antisipate it to. O.k. well im reading a book called redwall, and its perty cool, i guess. (idk what level it is, purple dot or something.) AAAAAAnnnyway, it’s about this place called redwall (can’t seem to figure out why the book’s called REDWALL… hmmm.) and it appears that everything is the same accept for the fact that animals seem to have advanced centience, and are able to do tasks just as good as the average maf. they’re still the same size, so a horse, as seen in chapter three(i think), can easily squish the inhabitants of redwall. so, i think i’m gonna do a ransome note about this book.

    Dear redwall inhabitants,
    i, the evil villian cluny, shall pillage your quaint little town and murder its inhabitants unless you fork over tons of supplies and many strong warriors to my evil cause. please leave the warriors and supplies by the lake, and we shall be on our merry way. maybe.

    (hugs and kisses)

    so yea. sorry i couldn’t be at school friday, i came down with something, but miraculously recovered just in time to attend makayla and jordan’s joint birthday party at the montgomery swim club ( XD LOL!!!)

    see yall tomorrow!

  40. doo di doo what to do… maby I could start out with a ransome note or like maby author’s purpose… ok, I will do a ransome note to the infamous Zuka ‘Zammamee from halo the second book, the flood.

    Zuka ‘Zammamee,
    I am aware thet you have experianced many hardships (like your friend’s head exploading) but I will need for you and your Covenant buddies to pool your money together, and buy me a scarab. Yes nyou heard me, a scarab (^_^) I mean, every halo fan goes through a phase where they want to … well, own thier own scarab and, well, I think that would be cool.

  41. Hey, It’s time to blog

    and may I say, Dr. Mafeld, that you are crazy.
    Because if everyone were to write one good book that we would not have the Harry Potter series
    [ The 2nd Greatest books in History. ] The only book greater than the Harry Potter sreies is Gods Word. [ sireously. ]

    Anyway I’m reading “Breaking Dawn” Bella just Turned into a vampire. Which is pretty cool.
    All her senses are like 100X stronger shes Hurting Edward now [on accedent], and Beating him in races. Girls have you ever been horrified at how good you looked? Thats a new prespective in that is so extremely Horrifying, and though when it all comes down to it most girls are so self absorbed that they would have loved looking completly different. Bella on the other hand couldn’t recongnize a thing about herself. Which is part of the reason that I love this book. It shows that relly and truly that now you may want to look completly different, but be carful what you wish for.
    I think thats another reason the author wrote this book. To show things that sound grand can relly be horrors. I got to go.


  42. oh and to comment on coleman’s blog, Why did you sign it Stargirl? I guess that I have a new nickname for you ^_^ (just hope he reads this now)

  43. I’m reading Artemis Fowl, it is about a criminal master mind named Artemis. He is trying to locate a book that tells you all about fairys. once he finally finds it he has to trick a fairy to get it. after he got it he had to decode it it took him a while but he finally got it now he has twenty-four pages to go.
    The second part of the story is about a fairy named Holly.she is the first and only girl on recon. her job is really like a police officer except she goes out and hunts down the exscaped things like trolls and other stuff on her first adventure she fights a troll how many more adventures will she go on?

  44. Right know I am reading OFF TO WAR. It wasn’t as intersesting as I thought it would be. It sounding so interesting on the back but anyway, it is very sad. It is a story about children whose parents are in war and they talk about the different things they go through while their parents are away.

    They talked about what could happen next, if their parents could die or not. Some get worried, some don’t, some act like every simple thing in life is normal. (I couldn’t personally) They also said that sometimes it is hard when they forget what their dad loks like after him being gone for a long time. Also when they can’t see their dad on birthdays, holidays, and any of their summer breaks, they can’t say “Hey dad”, or “Hey mom”.

    One boys parents were all away, his mom, dad, and step-dad. I feel sorry for him because he says his brother likes to beat him up but he says he is just kidding. The book does have a lot of meaning though, it really does. Dr. Mayfeild would like it because he is crazy….. Just KIDDING, don’t cry, I mean because he said he loves non-fiction.

    Well, have I blogged enough, I think so. I have been doing this for a while. Well, ttyl, type agian tommorow!

  45. I am reading Death Run. It is about a brother and sister that go and live with their dad because their mom had died. They don’t really know what their dad is like until the meet him. They are both 15 years old. The part I am reading right now is they are in a casino and one of them can’t sleep. Their dad is snoring really loud and it is echoing off the walls. They are mad because they can’t go into the casino. That is all I have right now, bye!

  46. I am reading a book called Black Water it is yet another Pendragon( the 5th to be exact) and he is on the territory named EElong and it is a world of what they call keeles we call giant cats. Although Booby is strugling handleing this he finds something ot that snds chils through him. On Earth the keeles are the pets. Whereas on EElong gars(humans) are the pets and animals that have to die for the” greater cause” of the people of Lenndera(on of the citys of keeles). So I am going to read more to find out what happens next.

  47. What’s up it’s Dragunforse with a buk update. I’m reading ARK ANGEL by Anthony Horwitz and so far this guy was teaching people (like u du) about terrorist safety, like bombs and stuff, anyway so he teaches, meet and greets, and leaves. So he is walking like a regular Joe & he hears his phone ring, obviously he picks it up out of his pocket, then there is a tick, tick, tick, tick, and BBBBBBOOOOOOMMMMMM! He’s dead & he got killed by terrorists, go figure. Then the story completely changes. Now the setting is the hospital, where Alex Rider is. Alex Rider is a 13 year old secret agent who got shot (which is why he is in the hospital), he has been on many cases all dangerous, and he has no family.The nurse comes, checks-up on him, and leaves. So he starts to read his french textbuk then decides “What the hey” and stops reading to catch up on his sleep. That’s about where I am right at this moment so good-night to all and to all a good-night.

    Your awesomest student,

  48. Hello Im Almost Done With Among The Enemy. At This Point The Poulation Police Just Imploded Their Own Base To Keep The Rebels From Getting More Fake ID’s.

    This Book Relates To Character Because It Tells How Matthias, Who Is An Illegal Third Child, Became More Courageous Over Time And Nearly Gets Himself Killed To Save His Friends When They Were In Trouble.

    Im Srry This Entry Was So Short But Im Kinda Rushed For Time So Um I Guess Ill See Yall Peeps Later

  49. I have started reading harry potter I an not very far but I will tell you what I did read. The book starts off by talking about harry’s parents dieing and harry getting sent to his muggle aunt and uncle.he has to stay there till hogwarts starts and to harry it is a pain to stay with his uncle and aunt because all they do is talk bad about him and treat him very horribly.I wonder what will happen next time.

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