The 09-10 Blog Page

Not to be confused with any other blog page – yeah for reading!!!

Dr. Roy

532 thoughts on “The 09-10 Blog Page”

  1. I stopped reading Payback. Now I’m reading the Good Book. I started out in the Old Testament, I’m gonna read the whole book, and I think Moses’s purpose for writing this book is either God said, ” Write this or I shall smite you!!!”, or God just told him what to write and Moses wrote it, but I’m goin with the 1st one about the smiting and stuff. He is telling about how the Earth and everything on it started. Adam was the first person on the Earth (which proves men are dominant:) and that he and Eve created sin by eating a fruit. Well, I can’t think of anything else so I’ll stop before I embarass myself by rambling on and on. Dang it.

  2. Hey yall!!!! I’m back, startin’ a book called Final Theory. Beginning 15 min. A guy called Kleinman was a student of Einsten (AWESOME!!!). Einstein created a “final theory” called Einheitliche Feldthorie (big German word) a.k.a. the Theory of Everything, but could not publish it because it’s like some blueprints to a mega atom bomb. So he told it to his students, one of which was Kleinman. Kleinman gets tortured by Simon, who is a mercenary. Kleinman is rushed to the hospital, but needs to see David Swift, his old student. David gets captured by the F.B.I and is interrogated. Very action-y, very confusing (unless you are Einstein :)). Out again.

  3. Right now i,m reading this book called “Small Steps”. If you’ve read the book “Holes” you will like this book. It is actually the sequel to that book. I’m on page 75, and it is really eventful. Right now the two kids X-ray and Armpit are trying to make money by selling tickets to a young singers concert. She is called Kaira DeLeon. Armpit is mad because he spent $600 dollars on tickets and now they haven,t even sold one ticket! If i were him i would be furios. I’m hoping that they will sell all the tickets! Peace out homedogs!:]

  4. still on harry potter It has started talking about harry getting older and being treated really bad and always getting beat up bydudley and his friends and also how it is dudley’s birthday and he got mad because he got two less presents than last year so he started fake crying so his parents say they are going to give him ten more than last year.

    Harry goes to the zoo with Dudley and his friends it seemed like a really good day until he went to the reptiles and started talking to a snake. Dudley got up next and leaned on the glass and all of the sudden the glass disapeared and the snake got out so as always Harry gets blamed and has to stay in his room for a week.Thats all I read today.

  5. I’m still reading Artemis Fowl. from my last blog Artemis just got the book and is decoding it. he finally decoded it and found out that Fairys have to do a ritual on the full moon to restore there powers. When he finds that out he sets up a stakeout for a fairy. On the third night he finally sees a fairy he sees Holly. He decides to shoot her with a dart and capture her. what will happen next with Artemis?

    this is what happened earlier with Holly after her fight with the troll her magic is completly gone. she decides to do the ritual and gain her powers back she had no idea about Artemis. thats when she was captured by Artemis. What next will happen with Holly?

  6. I am currentley reading the book Artemis Fowl by: Eoin Colfer. I justed started it yesterday!(8-25-09) Anyway, Artemis Fowl is this rich twelve year old prodigy, and he wants this certain book from a druuuuuuuuuuuuuunk fairy that lives on the street. In return Artemis gives the fairy a potion that is supposed to take 100 years worth of alchohol out of her body. Artemis’s butler took some snapshots ( if you’re not that smart, snapshots mean pictures:^) of the book. So after that, Artemis and the butler went back to Fowl Manor. I finally figured out what the book actually was, the faries Bible/spell book. Artemis stayed up all night trying to decode this book of “THE PEOPLE” which is what they called the faires. Artemis figured out that the fairy language was really close to the egytptian language. Artemis is soooooooooooooooooo luuuuuuuuuuuucy because he has like 100,000,000,000 super computers. (not really) The reason why Artemis wanted the book was for one reason and one reason only…GOLD! The reason why he wants the gold is because his dad spent most of the Fowl fortune on shipping lines, but that did not work out. The Russian Mafia did not like a westerner muscling in on their market so… the Russians’ blew up the the Fowl Star (that is the name of the ship). Artemis said it was quite a sight watching a ship full of 250,000 cans of cola exploding. After the explosion Artemis’s dad… DISAPPEARED! But that’s about all have read so far! I also like to say this book is AWESOME! BYE!

  7. Hey, I’m reading “Breaking Dawn”.
    I am so into the book there’s something that i want to type about. Jacob and Renesbe. I think that it took a wonderful imagineation or sense of reality to come up with that point of view thepoint of veiwis falling in love with the person you hated. Or finding out that your mother in law is the girl You’ve been slaving to get to love you for years. To have your best friend try and kill you. I mean its fasinating I lovethis book Bella’s been on her first hunt and she have more self controlthan most vampires. Or that now she has to be careful of other people [ Which is ironic because for years they were protecting her
    But i’VE GOT TO GO!


  8. Today I read about a little girl whose father is in the millitary and she had a hard time at first. She said she had bad dreams at first and didn’t like it. She did say she was in a certain group that was able to send things over seas. She said she made a pillow and drew a picture of her dad on it. Then, her mom put her dad’s aftershave on it.

    She said she has a twin sister but she didn’t say much about her dad being overseas so she talked to her mom about her fealings. She sounded pretty sad. You would never think something could bother an eight year old little girl like that. It makes you thankful. Well, I think

    I have blogged long enough right now and I am going to go to Mr. Mayfeilds grandmother’s house so she can ake me a pillow to sleep on that has rainbows and palaces on it, because my cat ate my whole entire pillow! (This book isn’t really getting any more interresting, but I will keep reading and keep you up to date) ttyl

  9. ok well here we go
    1-i am reading this book called the stars we are.
    it is about this girls named megan and she lives with her mom because her mom and dad got a divorce.she wants to go to this dancing school but her dad dosent want her to because he says she will start acting different and turn into someone that she is not.but her mom says go for it because it will be a big step for her in her danceing. yes she is only 15 but she can get scent to this school for free. but anywayshe will get to be sceen by big time people.
    she can also get to be in some bigtime show that they have every year.
    2-so she signs all of the papers and sends them off. they are going to call her and tell her if she gets and to be seen or not. so for a couple of weeks every day her and her dance teacher now practice for 3 hours. so then she gets a call for them and and she gets to show them what she has. so she has to come up with a dance that is 3 min. long that is there require ment. so she has 2 week to come up with something to show them. all of her teachers are all supporting her but her dad so her dad and her mom get into a fight about her getting to be seen and a chance to go to the shcool.
    3-then all of the sudden her grandparents come into the story and they came down just to shee her and she want she has so far because her grandmother was a pro jazz dancer when she was her grandmother wanted to make she outfit for her. so the grandmother made it and then the school wanted to see what she was going to do for them. well when she shows the school there is this girl standing in the back from a nother school and in video taping her to see what she is doing. well it comes time for the big people to come and watch but the girl that was standing in the back got to go they watched her. well then megan goes and they stop her in the middle of it and says that someone else has already coame in a showed them that same dance. she she freaks out and they tell her that she can go home shee what happened and show them tomorrow when everyone else is going.
    4-so then she goes home tells her mom what happened and then she tells her teachers and her teachers start to figure out what happened so the next day megan her mom and some of her teachers come with her and tell the judges what happened and then the judges tell the other girl what they just told them and she lies and tells them no. so then both of them have to go haome and they have 3 days to come up with something brand new and to show them so they do. so it is the day to show the judges the new dance.they show them it and they say they will call them to let them know if they make it or not. and that is as far as i have got


  10. The Great Brain Reforms
    The book i’m reading is about a boy named Tom. Tom is really smart and he swindles people out of their money. Where I read today (25th) he was coming home from the Catholic academy. When he gets of the train he expects the mayor atnd a elcom comity to be waiting on him but he didn’t get what he wanted.He was lucky that the Mayor was not waiting with the unwelcoming comittee. the reason why he was lucky is because he is a very bad child!!

    p.s. this is sarah! zeke needs some reallly hard work to do . he thinks he is sooo smart! prove him wrong!! hahahaha just kidding!

  11. This is Dragunforse w/ a buk update. I’m reading Treasure Island because Ark Angel is 5.0 A.R level evidentaly. Anyway, Treasure Island is about a boy (hasn’t told his name yet) who’s dad owns an inn called “Admiral Benbow”. He is like a bellhop and also a waiter at the same time. The boy’s life changes when a beat-up man who tells stories, sings “Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest—– Yo-Ho-Ho, and a bottle of rum!”, wants everyone to call him captain, and tells the boy “Keep a wheathereye open for a seafaring man with one leg & I’ll give you a fourpenny piece. That’s where I’ll stop today.

    Tune in next time,


  12. I am reading tangerine and so far it is about a boy named Paul Fisher, who moved from Texas all the way to Tangerine Florida.( that really far i would hate to move that far away from my home!)Well, when he gets there he cant play soccer ( he played in Texas) because he is visualy impared. later in the book there is a giant sink hole and he has to save a bunch of lives from drouning in mud and being sucked under ground. (moving on) So he desides to go to tangerine middle in stead of Lake Windser Middle,. He desides to og out for the soccer team an he make sit on the team ( YEAH!!! HIM!!!)He desides he really l;ikes that school so he tells his friend for lake windser Middle he should come rather than having spit day of school so he does. THAT IS IT FOR NOW FOLKS!!!!!


  13. What UP???? Still readin Final Theory, now David’s got a Zippo & Super Soaker filled w/ alcohol, a.k.a. a makeshift flamethrower, which he uses to break out of a F.B.I. building Simon is breaking into. (Important peoples in FBI building: Hawley: FBI agent; Lucielle: OLD FBI agent.) David escapes, and heads for a train, but has to fake being a drunk (which he does well because he used to be a drunk), and fake throwing up to get on, because he is a terrorist as far as the NYPD is concerned. David’s ex is held hostage for about 5 mins. but they are alright, although Karen (David’s ex) is all over Hawley’s case because he pulled a gun on David’s 7 year old son, Jonah. Thats about it. Really good book, really wierd plot. Im out like a lightbulb in Flordia during Hurricane Katrina :).

  14. i’m reading GONE. When it starts out all of the people over the age of fifteen DISAPPEAR!!! Then the bullies takeover the tiny city of Perdido Beach. Then the kids with the special “Powers” come down from Coates Academy (The rich snobby kid school) WHO DON’T NORMALLY TALK to the “normal” kids of Perdido Beach. Then they take over Perdido Beach by acting like kids with leadership potential. Really They just want POWER. There is also a kid named Lana who is visiting her Grandfather at a ranch in Arizona for a punishment for sneaking stuff out of the house for her Boyfriend who is just using her, and she knows it. That is just the beginning of the book. i have not gotten to even halfway yet.

    P.S. Does anyone have a suggestion for a nickname I could use?

  15. The authors purpose of Exodus is to show how Gods greatness helped the Isrealites escape from the Egyptians and the slavery that came with living with the Egyptians. The Isrealites lived as slaves for the Egyptians for approximately 430 years. The author was intent on speaking of the plagues that god brought the egyptians. From Locust to darkness to the Passover, God was trying to help Moses and Aaron free the Isrealites from the Egyptians. It is also to explin how the Isrealites escaped from the Egytian pursuit force, which they did with the help of God. The entire Egytpian pursuit force was drowned or crushed beneath the waves of the red sea. It is also to explain how the Isrealites defeated the Amakalites.

    Dear Moses,

    I would like to let you in on a secret but first you have taken something very important from me and I really want it back. All I want is your staff. If you will give me the staff then I will let you know the FUTURE so yeah if you will please return the satff to the rightful owner i would surely appreciate it.

    The tree with an uneven side of branches.

  16. Yea, so ya know how I said I would read Exodus? Well I thought about it and I decided to do one week’s blogs on Genesis, one on Exodus, and so on. So I’m doin class theme for Genesis. One of the characters that really stands out to me is Noah. He was told to build an ark because there would be a flood that would destroy mankind. People laughed at him, and mocked him, and made fun of him for building an ark in the desert because so-me “God” told him to. He could have quit and went along with how stupid he looked building an ark in the desert, but he didn’t. He kept building because he knew that God would deliver him from that and that the people who made fun of him would perish because they didn’t believe Noah. He was also told that he should load two of every aminal 🙂 onto the ark so that there could be animals where they would live next. He could have denied God on that because I’m sure those animals stunk and bit them and a heavy load, but he didn’t because he trusted God. What I don’t get is why he had to bring mosquitoes, or flies, or fleas, or gnats, or any other animal that does us no good. All mosquitoes do is eat your blood and irritate you. I’m sure Noah and his family had A LOT of bites when they got off of that ark. Colonel Proctor…out. 🙂

  17. Well I Finished Among The Enemy And Im About To Start On Where The Red Fern Grows (Courtesy Of Dr Mafeld) So I Guess I Might As Well Do My Last Enemy Blog So Here Goes.

    Dear Matthias,
    I Have Kidnapped Your Friends. Did You Know That One Of Them Got Shot?! Anyway If You Want Them To Be Released Unharmed You Must Admit The Fact That You Are A Third Child To The Population Police. Also, You Must Go Back To The Shed With All Of The Fake ID’s And Burn It To The Ground So That There Is No Chance That The Population Police Will Ever Find It. If You Do This By 0600 Hours On 8/26/09 Your Friends Will Be Released. Any Later Though And I Will Be Forced To Do Something Bad To Them. Yes That, The Most Evil Thing Anyone Could Ever Think Of. I Will Make Them Listen To Yodelling.


    I Will Talk To You People Later. Peace!

  18. Sorry I am late on blogging had fottball practice and loads of homework and make-up homework from Kingsley and Partrige. I am reread a book calld The Lightning Thief and it is where a son of Posideon(sea god and he dosen’t even know he’s ahalf-god) goes in search of Zues’s( Lord of the Sky) symbol of his power… the lightning bolt. I am not talking about those crude shapes of light WE call lightning, this is THE lightning bolt. The one he used to sheer the top of Mount of Mount Etna and hurled Kronos( Zues’s father and Titan Lord) from his throne. The bolt has enough power to make hydrogen bombs look like firecrackers. So I’ll clue ya’ll in tomorrow.:)

  19. I am currently reading the book Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. Jess just found out that his new neighbor is a girl named Leslie. Jess thinks that Leslie is pretty! He also finds out that she likes to run just like himself. One day when they got of the bus Jess and Leslie decide to go back in the woods to play around. When they get into the woods they find a rope and swing on it across a little stream. They then find an old tree house and climb up in it. They start to pretend that they see giant monsters and other animals. They then decide to come up with a name for this magical land. Jess and Leslie came up with Terabithia! They decided that the next day they would come back and fix up the tree house a little bit. Well that is all I have for now… bye!!!

  20. This part that i’m reading in the book is one of the happiest things that happened in the book so far! They finally sell 2 tickets and get $270 dollars. the guy who was selling the tickets bought them for his daughter. Then they sell 2 more tickets for another $270 dollars. They are going to be rich once they sell the other two tickets. But, then he’s had this crush on this girl and armpit asks the girl to the concert, so he has to explain to his friend that he has to have the other tickets. I was surprised that X-ray let him have the $135 dollar tickets. Armpit has this next door neighbor that’s 10 years old and she has a dissability where when she was born she bled in her brain and it makes it hard for her to walk and she studders alot, I actually feel sorry for his next door neighbor. I also feel sorry for armpit because not even a minute later tatiana the girl that armpit is going on the date with says that she can’t go because she has to spend time with her parents. Which i think is a lie! So he asks his next door neighbor to go with him which i think is very nice!
    Peace out homedogs!:]

  21. i have almost finished the last book of the series of unfortunate events the end. its a very good book and i really like it.

    i think that the authors purpose of this book is to tell the reader not to be stupid and not to like be adopted by people named count olaf. also to not listen to people who think that every thing that his people find is junk. i wouldnt listen to somebody who drinks things that make him have diarea.

    the conflict in this book is between count olaf and the baudalaires. he is chasing them every where and is givin them heck for all these books. he has disguised himself and tried to kidnap them more than once. slso in this book they dont explain what everything was in the last books like vfd and what happend to the snickets i dont like it.

    dear count olaf,
    i have kidnapped the baudalaires and plan to sell them to you, for a price. i want 50 million dolars and i also want a pink hourse that knows how to talk and walk. also i want i new computer for me cause this one that i have right now. if i get that all in one i will give them to you and you can have the fortune im makin mine right now.

    this book relate two twelve books that i have read. the books that i have read are all bye the same person. lemony snicket. they all are written by the same person and that is the only way that i think that they all relate… oh oh oh i know another. they all have the same characters. boooooooooooo-yahhhhhhhhh

  22. I am currently reading the great brain reforms . today Tom and swyen get home frome the academy and go home and eat and then their dad tells them to go do their chores but Tom doesnt want to do them so he tries to swindle his brother. He tried to give him fifteen cents for allowance with john doing all of them but tom gets to keep 5 cents. then later Tom is talking to frankie who is their young foster brother and tom tells him about what he did to john and frankie gets mad at tom for doing that to John so tom has to give frankie the five cents. so thats what I read in my book today.

  23. I’m still reading Artemis fowl where I left of artemis captured a fairy. but before I get into that i want to talk about Holly’s captain named Root and Artemis’s giant butler that he calls butler. Holly’s captain named Root he is usualy mad with a purple face that why he was named Root. butler is a giant man that has MANY weapons he could beat up twelve men with his fist he is highly trained as a body guard to. Sorry for not talking about them earlier. [^u^] Okey so back to Artemis, he had just captured Holly the fairy. She is now locked in a room. A new rule with fairys is while in your how they have to go by your rules. He is now waiting for the fairys to try rescue her. Root and a sqaud are coming for her when they get there they have shields so no human can see then from there normal vision. They were regrouped by the main door when Butler came out with special glasses so he could see them. he shootsmost of them with darts to knock them out.then beats the rest up besides one that is scared of butler. butler tells him to go get a negotiater and unarmed medics. What will happen next?

  24. Harry started getting notes from no one he could think of. His fake parents started moving everywhere trying to make the messages stop coming but they never could, untill Harry’s birthday when they were sleeping in a fishing hut and harry heard something coming from outside then somebody or something started knocking on the door so uncle Vurnan (Dudleys dad) came to the door running with a gun but before he got to it the door got knocked down and a very tall man walked in and bent the gun in uncle vernan’s hands like it was rubber and started making sausage and tea in a pot in the fireplace then handed harry a note.

    the note said that harry was invited to Hogwarts the only problem was that harry did not know what Hogwarts is so, the giant (Hagrid) told harry how he is a Wizard and his parents were extreamely powerful wizards. That all today I will blog tomorrow

  25. I finished The Lightning Theif and and it ned out realygood Pec edd up cofronting ades d learned tat Ares, th god war, set everything up and was also answerin to a higher power.It even turned out Luke, a thought to be friend, was working for Kronos. I am now reading The Sea of Monsters. Its the second book of the Percy Jackson series. I just started the book and they are in search of the Golden Fleece. I’ll check in with you guys later. 🙂

  26. I have been reading the book Bridge to Terabithia.It was almost Christmas and Jess was thinking of getting Leslie a present. Jess saw a sighn that said that they had puppies for free! He told Leslie to meet him at the tree house on Christmas Eve afternoon.When it was time to meet Leslie, Jess got a ribbon, tied it around the dog’s neck, and took off towards the tree house.When he saw her he let the puppy down and it ran up to her!She dropped to her knees and picked the puppy up.Jess told her that it was a male, its name was PrinceTerrien, and that he was the guardian of Terabithia.She put the puppy down, stood up, and started walking the other way to the tree house.Later that day Leslie gave Jess some art suplies.They were both excited and grateful for their gifts. That is all I have for now… bye!!!

  27. This is Dragunforse w/ a buk update and i have to hurry because my brother is timing me. I’m still reading Treasure Island which is about a boy who becomes mates with a pirate and i think the author’s purpose is entertain you because I doubt this accualy happended ’cause I mean what are the odds. I’m starting to like it more because it just keeps getting more interesting, which is weird because it was originaly published in 1883. I mean it just won’t stop getting better the pirate had a stroke after a little cross-sword action with an other pirate. Now they’re making a plan to make sure the chest is safe (the captain’s chest). Anyway, that’s about where I am right now so that’s an other buk update.




  28. I got to get caught up i havent been able to blog for football practice.
    Monday- I’m reading an autobiography called Sting Moment of Truth. Its by sting the wrestler. The authors purpose of this book is to never give up. Sting wanted to be a pro wrestler and he never gave up till he was. I also think he used this book as a witnessing tool to lead people to Christ. He tells about how he became a christian. he tells people in this book how to come to Christ too.
    Tuesday- this book compares to character because Steve (sting) shows good character in this book. He ,for one, witnesses to people who read his book. Also he shows good character by just being a really nice and respectful guy (except when he is in the ring:) But he is a great role model and example for young and older people.
    Wednesday-this book compares to another autobiography by Hank Aaron called A Brave at Heart. Both guys in this book show really good character in there books they are really nice and respectful men on or of the field or in and out of the ring (exception for sting but you know what i mean. Both books have characters that are really good role models and people anybody can look up to.

  29. I have had trubble with my computer and I have to start all over I hate this big computer of junk!

    Today I read about a girls whose parents are both in the military. She is twelve and said when she first had to live with her aunt and cried a lot.

    She said she went to a summer camp for kids who had parents in the military. She said she had gotten to go on a rip line! (That sounded cool!) She also was allowed to swim, rock climb, and talk to other girls she bunked with about whatever andd not think about their parents. She said it was really fun.

    She said they were able to taste millitary food and every body said that the M&Ms were great along with the Mochoa Coffee drink. She didn’t get to taste that food but she is okay now about what she goes through.

    She also said that her mom always said that kids would come up to her and ask for shampoo, chapstivk, food, and clothes. She had to ignore them though because some kids have bombs attached to them and she has to keep everyone safe.

    I still don’t think this the book for me and I am going to turn it in to the library. HINT HINT: The House on the Gulf: It is a really good book and I would highly recomend it. (It is bellow grade leval though, so you can’t blog about it.) Well, have 2 go get ready for bed.

  30. oops forgot thursday better do it now or wont have time to.
    Thursday- Dear Sting,
    I bet i can pin you down in 5 seconds flat meet me at the corner of I and own you streetz. i wlli be ready and you better be ready for a beating cuz its comin to you. meet me at 10:00p.m. and you better be ready.
    I Own You,

  31. Lets See Im Reading Or Was Reading Where The Red Fern Grows But My Mom Took It. So Im Gonna Read A Diff Book. Im Going To Read The 2nd Book In The Rangers Apprentice Series : The Burning Bridge. Im Only On Chapter One So Im Not Gonna Be Able To Say Much But So Far Halt Has Gone To A House In The Woods And Gilan (Another Ranger) Arrives At The Same Time and They Are Talking About How They Are To Defeat Morgarath.

    This Book Relates To Character Because It Further Tells The Story Of How Will, A Small Boy, Becomes Stronger And More Courageous. Also It Tells How Some People Change From Being Nice And Caring To Being Evil And Greedy (ie Morgarath).

    Well Thats Pretty Much I Have For Today So Ill Make A Longer Entry Sorry This One Was So Long But I Just Read The First Chapter While I Was Making This So. Yeah But Biee!

  32. Hey yall still reading Final Theory. David remembers a string physicyst (i think thats spelled right), Monique, in Princeton, in Einstien’s house. Place was trashed by F.B.I., Monique gets mad, not glad, and they find Amil Gupta’s workspace. They go there, find Gupta and his autistic grandson, Michael. They flee, find Simon, start 007 – style shootout, & get away. Then they find out about a log cabin Gupta and Kleinman visited many times and start searching the computer. Thats all folks!!!


    Dear Moses,
    Hey, it’s God. Remember when you wrote the first copy of the 10 commandments? Then you went down the mountain to find that your people were worshipping a golden calf, remember that? Now you have to write them again! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha…actually, I want you to get all of the broken pieces and glue them back together. What’s that? What’s glue? Well find out on the Internet and make some. What’s that? No Internet? Oh well. I guess you’ll just have to mix a bunch of stuff together and see if it works. Hahahaha. lol. rotfl. rotflbo and so on and so forth. That’s what you get for messin with G-money (Jacobsen joke)!!!

  34. hey dr roy what up
    well any way i have been reading survive the applewhights
    by stephanie s tolan
    but so far i have read that a sertaint girl hates the most is (one of the applewhites) smoking and cursing (so does that mean she hates heather) but jake does a lot of that then he got a cigar and blow it in her face and she squinted against the cigar smoke
    oh and he started cursin since he was 2 years old because his parents (baaaaaaaaaad parents) curse a lot and when they curse infront of people they dont react to it

  35. Ok death run is a good book. right now their dad snuck out at night and went to play poker. This guy tells a guy at the bar that he’s holding a briefcase for him. When he gets the breifcase, he takes a little silver box out with a button on the side. I think its a bomb! Then the power goes out. I’ll read more to see what happens next.

  36. Book: Stargirl

    The author’s purpose is to tell you how Leo and Kevin’s high school basketball team started winning games. Well, when Stargirl became a basketball cheerleader, she started cheering for her team AND the other team. Wow, that is weird. The cheers she made up were like:

    Dribble, Dribble!
    Sis Boom Bibble!
    We don’t bite!
    We don’t nibble!
    We just say—
    “Howww-dee, friends!”
    “We’re the Electrons!”
    “Who — are— YYYYYYOU?”

    Then, all of a sudden they started winning.

    The book relates to conflict because after one basketball game, when they were beating the crap out of this one team, Stargirl felt bad for the other team and decided to go talk to the bus driver for the other team. The conflict was that she had always cheered when her team was beating the snot out of the other team. Then, one game she felt bad for the other team because they were getting beat really bad. After the game Leo saw her over ther with the bus driver talking and they had a disagreement because Stargirl thought she should go talk to the bus driver and be nice to her instead of bragging. Well, Leo was like, “It’s no big deal to go talk to the bus driver, because we beat them”.

  37. I am still reading Artemis Fowl. After butler sent the fairy to get medics and a negotiater the message didn’t get there. Root didn’t want to give up easy he decided to get a convict dwarf to tunnel down under the house and brake in to find out how Artemis has all his information on fairys. dwarfs eat the dirt to tunnel and send it out the other side. they have problems after they dig thay have to get out all of the extra air from by passing gas. He gets to the book and butlers sneaking up on him then he lets it out and it blows back butler a couple yards and knocks him out. before he left he saw Holly she got her powers back but cant leave because of a fairy rule. When the dwarf,Mulch startes digging back he fakes his death so he doesn’t have to go back to jail. What will Root try next?

  38. Ok like I said last time armpit takes his next door neighbor Ginny to the Kaira Deloan concert. Just to remind you she has a disease called celam palsy, where when she was born she started to bleed in her brain. So, when they get to the concert the stadium is PACKED!! They find there seat and sit down. While they are waiting for the concert to start, all of a sudden a cop runs up and asks to see his ticket. he starts ti look for the ticket then it takes armpit to long to find the ticket so the cop thinks he doesn’t have any. The cop calls for more cops because Armpit refuses to go with him. Then the cop throws the Armpit on the ground and handcuffs him, and Ginny suddenly goes into a seizure because of her disabillity. The cops actually think that Armpit Put Ginny on drugs! Thats so stupid! Armpit keeps yelling to let him up because he needs to help her, and knows how. The mayor of Austin was actually at the concert and tells the cops to let Armpit go. Armpit helps Ginny and takes her to the doctor. It turns out that the tickets were counterfit tickets sold by a scalpest!! I’ll tell you more tommorow! Peace out :]

  39. I am reading Harry potter the first one. Harry went with Hagrid to get his supplies for hogwarts but before he does that he has to go hagrid to the bank to get harry’s secret riches that he didn’t even know about. He goes and gets some money for his supplies and gets an owel, a 11 inch wand, a hat,and a uniform. Finally he goes to get on the train but he cant find the train but finally he sees another wizard familly and askes them how to get to the train and Mrs. Weasley tells harry how.

    Harry did as he was told and ran strait at a brick wall and went right through it and all of the sudden there was a big train with loads of wizards on it. Harry got on it and sat with one of the weasleys named ron and harry buys tons of food like every flavor jelly beans and chocolate frogs and ron and harry talk and dig in to everything harry evan ate a grayish colored jelly bean that turned out to be a pepper. They arrive at hogwarts and follow hagrid to these boats that held 4 people and once everybody was in hagrid sais forward and the boats started moving. They came to hogwarts and got out and hagrid knocked on the door threwe times and the door swung open and they went inside and ate as much as they liked then they put on the hat that told you what of the fuor groups you are in Griffendor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, or Slitheran harry and ron got griffandor so they were very happy. After that they went to the griffendor dorm and everyone fell asleap. that all I read.

    P.S I’m better than nathin or daniel at guitar hero.

  40. Well, I quit reading OFF TO WAR. I really didn’t like it. I couldn’t get in to it. So, now I am reading: Gathering Blue.

    Gathering Blue is pretty good so far. I really like it. It is about a girl whose mother died. The girl is cripple and can not get a job when she gets older. She had to sit in a feild called The Feild of Leaving. It is where people come and sit with people who are dead until there spirits are gone. It is weird. Because nobody does that now in graveyards. They then leave and let the monsters of the night eat them. The children in that story are called Tykes and they all have one syllable names. You have to hit pueberty before you can get a two syllable name. It is an odd book. Well, I have blogged long enough. Got 2 Go.

  41. i’m still reading the great brainreforms toda Tom and John go and play baseball. When Tom and John got to the place where all the people played baseball Tom showed off all his new baseball equiptment. Wat Tom didnt know was that just about all the boys had gotten new stuff too and it kinda made his stuff look bad. Frankie Toms little brother wanted to play to and Tomtold him he was too little to play and that hurt his feelings pretty bad.then later John told Tom that the priest at the academy shoor didnt make him a christian because tom was making up his mind that he was going to swindle danny out of his new glove and baseball and tom got mad at at him for telling him he wasnt a christian so tom was going to tell his parents and so john gave tom his basketball and backstop sohe wouldn’t tell their parents.

  42. Okay, I read some more of Exodus today, but not the whole thing. Oh, and the genre slip was about Exodus. I just put Genesis on accident. Exodus was about the people in Israel becoming slaves because when Joseph and all his sons died, a new king who didn’t know Joseph came to Egypt. He realized that the people of Israel were strong and if there was a war, Israel would fight against them so he put slave masters over the Israeli people.

    Exodus was also about God sending Moses to speak to the Egyptian king. Ya know, “Let my people go!!!”; I like that song. 🙂

    My favorite part of Exodus is the 10 plagues and the first passover. It’s kinda like a symbol for “if you be stubborn and don’t be just, then locusts are gonna come eat your crops and your first-born is gonna die, and water is gonna turn to blood”. Don’t you remember that old wives’ tale? My mom says that to me ALLLLLLLL the time. 🙂

    c u 2moro Mafeld

  43. I am still reading tangerine it is really good so far. What i have recently read Paul’s friend joey’s whole street is filled with poison because of an infestation of bugs and thier houses are coverd in tarps and pioson sign. I feel sorry for him because he got mayde fun of by his team mates on the soccer team and now he has to not be able to be in his house for two days!(WOW!) i would hate to not be able to be in my home for two days and to top it get made fun all in one and i also feel sorry becxaus ehis 15 year old brother mike just recently died it would be hard for me so i know it is for him. well that is it for now type back monday!!!!!


  44. Hey,I am currently reading The Ashleys.It is about how the Ashleys rule Gamble’s Prepartory school for girls.They are beautiful,rich,fashion forward,and all named Ashley.Lauren Page has gone to the same school with them for her whole life.
    lauren is not a loser anymore.She changed from being a chumpy dressed loser to a cute dreesed girl.So the coming up the Ashleys better watch out! There is a new girl in school! So that’s all that I have for now,see ya later!!

  45. i’ve been reading bum,bum,bum THE FIRE OF ARES!!!! it relates to conflict because this guy is like a slave and now he’s in spartan training. All of the kids are beating the bad word outta him because he’s different. One kid throws him down a well, someone mugs him, he gets beat up a lot, and gets laughed at a lot and bullied cuz he can’t do a lotta the stuff. all the spartans-in training, threw javelins at him one almost hit him in the foot. People just HATE him. oh, and his mom is very sick and she’d die if they were a slave forever. he has to keep going through it to save his mom (inner conflict) wondering if he should just go back to being pushed around (which he’s doing already) or to tough it out

  46. I finished the Sea of Monsters today and it turned out that the Golden Fleece did its job a little to well . In the end it ended up freein Thalia, the daughter of Zues. I am now reading the third book of the Percy Jackson series. It is called the Titan’s Curse. So far I ‘ve got to the part where they just defeated the Namion Lion. So I’ll see ya’ll later and I’ll tell everyone how the book turned out on Monday.

  47. It’s Dragunforse w/ yur buk update. Still reading Treasure Island and got even cooler!!! Ok so, they were just making plans for protecting the chest right? After that thecaptain has a stroke because of an achohol overdose. Then the boy’s father DIES! I was like WHAT!!! HE CAN’T DO THAT!! THE FATHER WAS A MAIN CHARACTER!!! Then I thought “Guess not”. Anyway, later the boy, Jim, walks out and it’s misty, muggy, and foggy. Then he sees this man, a blind man who says “Come here sunny( after Jim said “hello?”)can u show me where you are and some shelter I may stay in?” Then when Jim gets to him BOOM! The man grapples him with an iron grip and says “Take me to the captain Billy or i’ll break ur arm.” very sternly. So Jim does every thing told by the blind man, including holding the captain’s wrist while the blind man gives the captain the black spot! Duh-Duh-DDDUUUHH Then the captaingets up and just dies, just got struck dead after the stroke he had. Guess one of those minor sideffects. Anyway I’ll stop there tonight.

    That was an other buk update w/,


  48. so this week im reading in john chapter 8

    Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.

    What did he go to a mountain made of olives?
    No He went to a mountain called Mount of Olives

    so a woman comits adultry and the men that caught hermade her stand in frount of jesus and they asked “teacher,we have caught this woman in the act of adultry. In his teacjings moses ordered us to stone this women to death what do you say and jesus bent down and wrote in the sand the person who is sinless should be the first to throw a stone at her
    then he said it outloud then he bent down and wrote more but didnt say this outloud
    one by one each of the men left starting with the oldest he asked the woman where they all went and if any had condemned her
    she replied no one, sir
    he said i dont condemn you either now go from now on dont sin

    also zac no one cares about the series of unfortunate events except you jk i just dont like them

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