The 09-10 Blog Page

Not to be confused with any other blog page – yeah for reading!!!

Dr. Roy

532 thoughts on “The 09-10 Blog Page”

  1. Book: Stargirl

    The book relates to Nothing But the Truth beacause in both books, there is a person that is not being liked. In Nothing But the Truth, Philip Malloy can’t stand his English teacher because she always gets on to him for hardley even doing anything. In Stargirl, everyone thinks Stargirl is weird, so they don’t hang out with her. Then, all of a sudden, Stargirl becomes popular.

  2. Book: Stargirl
    Ransome Note

    Dear Stargirl,
    You did really goog cheering for our basketball team! You should be head cheerleader. Sorry about you pet rat. 🙁 We should get together some time and go do some thing.Well, hope to see you this Friday night!


  3. I’m back and here to tell you what I just read! I am still reading the book Artemis Fowl by: blah blah blah yada yada yada! Anyway I just finished chapter 4, it was awesome. There is this little fairy named Holly Short and she got into some deep and I mean deep trouble. The commander of LEPrecon found out that Holly was running low on magic. LEPrecon in case you do not know is a kind of like the police, but in the magical world which is located very close to the earth’s core. Holly was not allowed to go back to her own world until her magic was to 100%. (Fairies also carry lots of gold.) Artemis was wanting some of this fairy gold to replenish the Fowl fortune because of the inciedent his father caused with the shipping lines and all that stuff. Artemis and his butler used this awesome technology to locate the hotspots where fairies preform these magic rituals to get thier mojo back. So Artemis and his butler went to this old oak tree where the bend of the water meets the old oak and when there is a full moon. So Holly flys to the tree when the butler finds and shoots her with this tranquilizer gun. She ducked when it was fired. Since, Artemis is pretty quick and all, he sneaks up behind her and distracts her… BAM! She is knocked out cold with a shot from the tranquilizer gun by the awesome marksman, the butler! So they put Holly into a duffel bag and carried her back to Fowl manor. So thats about it, see ya! P.S. I am way better at Guitar Hero than Daniel!

  4. dear Moses,
    You are a good speaker but you will still need your speaker Aaron to help you in telling the people and Pharoh about God. All you must do is tell me about how God has changed your life and preach to me about God’s glory. That should be easy for any christian so it therefore should be easy for you. Anyways you must come to me at the other side of the Lords mountain. That is all you must do to get Aaron back.

    Man who wants to change

    The facts are that God came down the mountain and spoke with Moses. It also explained that if a person who was not invited by God up onto the mountain would die once they set foot on the mountain.

    Opinions: Im not suprised that the glory of God is great that if you set foot on his mountain that you would fall dead instantly.

  5. WHAT UP?????? Almost done w/ Final Theory, read LOTS today, so this may be a long 1!

    K. so Davids looking thru the computer, Brock (ANOTHER agent) burst in w/ Santullo (wont have to remember him long), makes everybody scared as heck, finds Monique’s revolver (the ‘murder weapon’) and shoots Santullo (SEE? :))and Gupta. Brock takes every1 to the woods, supposed to meet Simon, who finds Gupta and tortures him till he finds out thats his employer. David & Monique get away, find some hillbilles, hides w/ them till another comes and takes them to Columbus, Georgia, to find Michael’s mom, a meth addict. They meet, figure out that the Theory to Everything is in a training program Michael is hooked on. They go to that station, find the equaition, but before they can download it, Gupta kills Michael’s player and wounds David’s. David fortunatly stops the download by killing Gupta’s player, then crashes the game. But, the formula is on a flash drive that they have to destroy. OKAY, EXPLAINING TIME!! The theory of every thing says if you make some sterile neutrons (?) w/ a particle accelerator, and shoot them thru space, they can enter different dimensions, then come back and, basiclly, blow the crap out of something. Gupta wants to use it to make endless energy or something, Simon want to excat some revenge. BACK TO THE STORY!!! Simon and Gupta get to a particle accelerator and Gupta targets a safe distance above North America, but Simon targets The Jefferson Memorial, so it will blow up D.C. Almost done w/ the book!!! PEACE!!! AROUND THE WORLD!!!! THRU THE AGES!!!!

  6. he dr royyyyyyyy whats up or down or in the middle or or or or or or i got nothin. but anyway back to the book ,
    so far so good for jake. ed sat at the kitchen pushing a mini wheat around (bord zzzzzzz) at the bottom of her bowl because she was trying to let the shaft of the early sunset to fall across the table. (again boooorrrrrrd zzzzzzzzzz)
    and the point of the family meeting had been outlined due to the plan to put jake in the creative academy (cause he is not creative like me)

  7. Hi Im Back. Book: Rangers Apprentice 2 The Burning Bridge

    John Flanagans Purpose When He Was Writing This Book Was To 1: Lengthen The Series (Duh) And 2: To Explain How People Change Over Time Take Will For Example He Goes From Being A Small Child Being Rejected From Battle School To Being A Rangers Apprentice. Also When He First Becomes An Apprentice He Is Afraid But Now He Is More Than Willing To Do What Ever He Must. (Oops That Kinda Blended Over Into How This Relates To Character But Oh Well LOL) The Only Bad Thing About This Book Is The Fact That It’s The 2nd In A Series.

    Peace Out Ppl

    P.S. For Those Of You Wondering When Ill Be Back At School Which Is Probably Like None Of You Ill Be Back Monday So Yeah Biee!

  8. Hey, this is for Wendsday and Thursday.
    I’m Reading “breaking Dawn”
    I plan to hoplully Finish this book within the next week.
    Ok I think this book is amazing in the simplosity yet imaginetive way is told It takes more imagineation to come up with the reality than a whole knew world.
    It sonds crazy but its what I beleive anyone can write a fairytale with magic, but tit takes true skill to wright a fiarytale with real element of life. Once upon a time the world was clean and beautiful all over but then it was filled with sin. Are world we know it will never be the wonderful world that we publisze about making it so gface the facts quit writing books with a prefect ending
    to our day of life nothing will be prefect untill Heaven
    And what everyones writing is an understatement. There should be some happy endings but take a true look at the world


  9. 1- 3 days pass and they still havent called so she is starting to worry if she got it or not. when she tells her dad of course he saying i told you this was a bad idea. 2 more days pass and finally she gets a call saying she made it and they will send all the papers to them in the mail for them to sign. school starts and gets there and she is the only one with out all of these disginer clothes so she kinda keeps to her sefl the hole day. after shcool she goes to practice and the dance class they put her in was the highest class you can get. everyone thinks that is not far that as soon as she starts she is at the top and when they started they were at the bittom.
    2- her teacher tells her to show the class what she did for the audition. the teacher loved it but her classmates thought it was horrible.
    practice ends and her mom picks her up and ask her how it went she keeps to her selfand sayd everything went fine. when she gets home her dad calls her and she dosent even answer the phone she said she doesnt feel like dealing with him. the next day comes and she is dreading it. but when she gets there everyone is talking to her and being her friend like nothin happened yesterday.
    practice comes and everyone wants to know what she thinks about this and that. her mom pick her up and she tells her that wveryone talked to her and was nice and friendly today the totally apposit of what they were yesterday.
    3- so the next day she ask one of her friends why everyone was acting. her friend kayle says that someone video taped you at practice and saw what you did and how good you were and thats why people are acting think they are. they all want you to come up with a dance for all of them for the show coming up. thats why.
    so at practice the samthing happens everyone ask do you like this and do you like that.
    so the next few days she dosent tell anyone her apponion about anything she thinks that if they want to be good they need to work at it just as hard as i do to get there. she tells her mom why they were doing it and her mom thought that they were trying to take over her just not to listen to them.
    4- the show come and of course everyone wants her last endtake on what they have she gets the award for best dance and then everone one is mad her her again because she gets everything . the next day no one will talk to her again but she dosent let it get to her. at practice her teacher sees what is happening and tells everyone if they want to be as good and megan then they will just have to wor work work just like she did to get here that is why she is here.


  10. hey, it’s me – finished the higgins/huggins (forget) book this week on battle of the books – something about fire – i think – in the title – anyway, not impressed – looking forward to scat – i guess – to redeem the BOB books this year (outside of graveyard book – but i recommended that one and read it years ago – so no fair on that one)

    got christianity today this week and just finished an article about john calvin – a rather important figure in church history – didn’t get much into all the particulars, but i did enjoy the feature

    finished “thrive” yesterday – a book one of my sixth graders gave me (a sixth grader STILL w/o a nickname, i think:)

    anyway, the book was by an ironman triathlete – and it made me feel miserable b/c my eating habits are terrible according to the guy:) needless to say, i tried to read it quickly and move on:)

    probably will tackle scat this week – would like to get back on the county library’s loan list – plenty of more interesting books out there for me than in cms’ library (no offense:)

    happy reading!!!

    dr roy

  11. Okay Mr.Mayfield,i may not be able to run tomaro if I dont get better,i have been sick all weekend.Theme.I think that the theme of this book is death.They open with the death of Harry’s parents. There is Voldemort’s obsession with conquering death and his quest for immortality at any price, the goal of anyone with magic. I so understand why Voldemort wants to conquer death.If he kills harry potter he has conquered death.Genre Slip.POV Gregorvitch:I can’t belive that harry is actually going to let Voldmort kill me. I know that he is watching this,and he is just sitting there,while i hang while voldemort tortures me.With no remorse as he runs away in fear of voldemort after he had already escaped voldemort 4 times.
    Book Summary.This chapter was about Gregorvitch,Harry was watching Voldemort kill and torture him,because Gregorvitch had made a special wand and it had been stolen and Voldemort thought that Grogorvitch had lies about it.


  12. Okay well third times the charm! Out of 3 blogs maybe this one will post!! Well first week with braces and while waiting for braces I finished Chinken Soup!! I was crying in the
    Orthodontist office it was so funny thee lady at the front office was like Sweety are you okay and I’m like yes mam just a really sad story and she read it and was like omg can I read this book when your done.. But the story I cried the most over was the one about this little girl moved and had to leave her first piney behind and after being depressed forever her dad got her a new horse at the trade show well not new but more like a nasty old horse but to her he was perfect and she trade with him for barrel racing she
    Never expected much from him but just the glory from riding him was enough more then winning for her.. Butthe big day came as she raced around the first turn then speed the second turn she wasn’t really wanting to win but re horse darted around the third barrel and through the gate.. When they were annoucing the winners she wasn’t expecting to hear her name but for the blue ribbon they were called ip they had the besttime better then any other through breed.. It was really good story!! It related to me because I used to have a quarter horse nothin special but he was better them Any other horse we looked at! And I loved him more then I could ever love anyother horse!!

  13. Harry’s first day was bad he got in trouble by Professer Snape and lost two points for griffendor and when he was about to start broom flying lessons Nevlle broke both of his wrists and the teacher took him to the nurse and said dont move while I am gone. Malthoy harry’s enemy took Nevlle’s forrgeting globe that he got from his grandmother and threw it up in the air and harry went up on his broom and got it before it hit something and shattered. The teacher saw harry on his broom and harry is i think about to get in trouble. this is what I read.

  14. Okay well, I have to type a lot! I love the book Hunger Games! I have read a lot so far and this is what I have thought about the book.

    It stated out with a girl that hunted and she had to go to the capitol that was ruled by all of these people that have colored hair and pasty skin.

    They make the kids kill each other and win a tournament for free food for a whole year. Katniss, a girl who was choosen for the games for section 12 and a boy named Peeta. Peeta told everyone that he loved Katniss in their interviews for sponsors to humiliate Katniss.

    Well, it is really good. If you do BOB you need to read it first. Well got 2 go!

  15. Like i said last time they are waiting in the room when Kaira Deloan, the singer at the concert walks in! She talks to them and asks if they want to go backstage. Of course they say yes they go backstage and watch the whole show from backstage! LUCKY. After the show she asks them if they want to go back stage and have some ice cream. They walk back and eat some ice cream. I think Armpit likes Kaira Deloan and , think Kaira Deloan likes him too. They say bi and she asks armpit for his phone number. A couple days later she calls and asks if he wants to go eat breakfast with her. Peace out :]!

  16. Hi Im Back. So I Was Reading The Second Rangers Apprentice But I Uh Kinda Lost It. I Do That A Lot. But Before I Lost It I Got To Chapter Five So Heres The Summary Of The Book So Far. OK Will And Halt Have Gotten Together With One Of The Battle Masters Apprentices Name Horace And Have Set Out In Pusuit Of The Wargals Trying To Find Lord Mogarath So They Can Kill Him And Restore Peace To The Kindom Of Araluen.

    Entry: Genre Slip: Ransom Note

    Dear Horace,
    I Have Kidnapped Will And Halt And If You Ever Want To See Them You Must Continue On Your Quest To Find Lord Morgarath. Along The Way You Will Find Clues Hinting At Their Where Abouts. But Be Cautious Because The Clues Are Booby Trapped. Hahahaha. If You Find All Of The Clues And Survive The Booby Traps And Wargals Then You Will Have A Choice Of Either Saving Yourself Or Them. Muahahahahaha! Their Fate Is In Your Hands. So What Will It Be?? Save Your Friends And Sacrifice Yourself Or Leave Your Friends To Face Their Horrible Fates And Try To Go On Living With Your Self Knowing That You Were Too Selfish To Save Your Own Friends.

    DJ ‘Saw Blade’ Rouso

    So Ill Talk To You People Later

  17. Book: Stargirl

    The author’s purpose is to tell the reader what happened when the Hot Seat interviewed Stargirl Caraway. Anyway, during the Hot Seat, Stargirl got asked all of these questions and on one of them, she just froze. Then, a couple minutes later, everything turned to normal, and Stargirl acted like nothing wvwn happened. Kevin asked two more questions and she didn’t answer the first one, but she actually did answer the second.

  18. Hey this is my last blog I have just finished Artemis Fowl. (^u^) (^u^) (^u^)

    The last part is about the trade. Root thinks he can trade Holly for the gold then kill Artemis and every other living thing in the house with a BIO BOMB. they deliver the gold on a trolley.artemis decides to put Holly on the trolley after he collects the gold since he wanted to thank Holly for helping save them from the troll he gave her half the ransome. Once Holly is clear they decide to use the BIO BOMB. Artemis tricks Butler to get them safe from the BIO BOMB. After that the timestop wore off and there was one more rule with fairys they couldn’t come back. So Artemis won what will happen in the next book.

  19. Hey it’s Dragunforse w/ a buk update. I’m still reading Treasure Island and the captain just died right? So, Jim and his mom decied to open the chest. so they’re looking through trying to find the money the captain owes them. They find clothes, a few silver pieces, a compass, a watch, and very little valuable things when all sudden they hear the tap-tap-tap-tapping of a of a blilnd man’s cane. If you remeber the blind man got close to killing Jim a day ago. So they be perfectly quiet and perfectly still until the tapping stoped. So they kepp looking until they find a little bag of gold pieces and decide to retreat to their horses. As they are retreating they hear whispers behind them and the mom says “Go on Jim, go on with outme I feel as if I’m going to faint”. Sure enough she fainted and Jim had to leave her behind.

    That was Dragunforse w/ a buk update,


  20. Im starting a new schedule for u mafeld on odd weeks im blogging and on even weeks im writing. this is week 3 of journals so therefore i blog if yur lil pee wee brains dont know wat odd or even is lolz!! n e wayz i finally finished reading sucks to be me so only today is vampire day mafeld i swear vampires are cool to learn about and with this book its really funny. n e wayz turns out aubrey was a rip off after all i mean he almost bursted into tears when he figured out that his favorite author in the entire world wasnt a vampire and thought they were silly whoop tee do i wouldve turned n e wayz thatz just her opinion not mine i havve mi own book of opinions not really but that would be awesome actually if u visit jordan town then u can purchase the book for a thousand dollars and in mi town thatz pretty cheap hey gotta get mi money to pay for mi new electronics so pay up…… ok n e wayz nathan was so stupid i mean how could he not understand that miina liked him but apparently he was lookin more at serena than n e thing and when serena was told minas parents were vampires she totally flipped i mean it was cool in a way but idk. when george was turned was cool up till the end when his parents just expected for him to take them back after wat they did but they still couldve fought for him like minas parents did. n e wayz it was awesome how mina got to go to prom with george and ended up with him it was kind of a happy ending especially when mina turned but i cant wait for the next book to see what it has instore for us!!!!! later maf and folk!!!

  21. I am currently reading Runemarks. It is a book about ancient gods like Thor and Odin. Well so far I am rerading a bout a “witch” named Maddy that has a runemark on her hand and her mentor named One Eye becuase he also has a runemark on his eye except that his is the mark of the Journeyman but bacwards which is very bad luck and as for Maddy her mark is Unknown. Maddy has been learning from One Eye for seven years now and she has just discovered that she can use mind bolts when she threw her anger and frustration at her disliked enemy Adam who was hiding behind a boulder at the time. When she threw her voice at him the boulder in front of himm split cleanly in two. It suprised Adam so much he peed his pants! Haha! Anyways when he went to tell the town’s people of Malbry what had happened , while he might add as many demeon as he could think of to the story to make him the protagonist. Now that, after Adam was gone, they opened the statue of The Horse on the Hill and Maddy went on an adventure in search of THe Wisperer.

  22. Alright Im still in exodus but Im making good progress while tryin to understand every message the bible is trying to put across. The author’s purpose for the parts of exodus that I have read are to explain some of the rules and holidays God wants us to have. Like for the sabbath God gaves rules for what is to happen on that parituclar week. Also it is to explain why the reasons are. Its also to explain why Moses was called up onto Mount Sinia to stya with god for forty days and forty nights and also to explain why Aaron,Nadab, Abihu, and the seventy elders were not allowed onto the mountain.

    That is all for today!!!

    PS everyone come to the football game tomorrow so they can see me start at running back and GO WILDCATS!!!!

  23. Like I said Armpit goes to breakfast to eat with Kaira Deloan. He talks to her and tells him to ask for stephanie Smith. when he gets there he asks for Stephanie Smith. He finds her and they go down to a resteraunt and they order like $100 dollar breakfasts. But then she dithches her bodyguard and runs off with Armpit. Then they start talking all mushy how she likes him, then when they are about to kiss her bodyguard finds him and takes him away. What a jerk! When he goes back home he tells Ginny what happened at the hotel. Then X-Ray comes and Armpit gets so mad because he knows that X-ray copied the tickets and then sold them. So, hes the one that sold the counterfeit tickets! I would be so mad! Then his mom comes in and tells him that there is a person on the phone.Peace out:]

  24. i have been readin the book stargirl.

    the author’s purpose for writing this book was to explain to the reader that not all people take being picked on like stargirl. that is in the beginning. so the authors purpose was really to tell the reader not to pick on people just cause it doesnt bother them on the outside, but on the inside.

    dear stargirl,
    i have you ukele. i want a bagillion dollars in my parents basement tonite. i also want another genre slip rather than this gay ransom note. its the same thing every week and i have to do it over and over again. my gosh mayfield come up with better material

  25. HEY!!!!!!!!!!! Finished Final Theory, GREAT BOOK ALERT! BTW, forgot to blog yesterday, so this is 10 min. K, so Simon is going to blow up D.C. for accidentally killing his family w/ a missle. David and Monique are going to stop him, but they need to get away from Brock, who is holding David, his family, & Monique hostage. David pushes him into a vat of mineral oil while he was on fire, so he drowned and burned. Then Monique gets shot. So David has to stop the beam line from firing alone. EXPLAINING TIME! Liquid helium, the stuff you fill ballons with, is needed to keep the magnets in the beam line from overheating. BACK TO THE STORY! David decides to destroy a liquid helium pipe, but Simon gets to him first. David finds a way to stop the beam, and lives happliy ever after w/ Monique, who survives the gunshot wound. PERFECT STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Mr. Mayfield yur right I had treasure Island two weeks and was like, “Why can’t I finish you, you stupid book!!!”. So, bye-bye that buk. Anyway, This is Dragunforse w/ a buk update. I’m currently reading Story Time by Edward Bloor, who also wrote Tangerine and Crusader, anyone who didn’t know that. Back to the summary, In Storytime the constant characters so far are Kate, George, June, and Molly. To the story now (hopefully) at the very beginning it is talking about Kate flying. Then later on that page it tells you George has built a contraption that if you have a ballast you can fly 10 or 15 feet off the ground. The reason why he built the flying contraption is because 2 reasons. Number 1 he’s a total genius. Number 2 Kate wants to get the part of Peter Pan in Peter Pan, so she is going to use the flying contraption in the Peter Pan play if she learns how to control herself on it. Anyway, George and Kate both get invited to this school for really smart people. That was Dragunforse w/ a buk update.

    Yur Blogur,


  27. Still Reading Rangers Apprentice Book Number Two.

    Entry: Relation To Class Theme: Character

    This Book Relates The Character Because In The Beginning Will And Horace Kinda Hate Each Other But They Learn To Like Each Other Despite Their Diffrences. Also, In This Book Halt Is Selfish At The Beginning But As You Read He Becomes More Thought ful Of Other People’s Needs. Also When Will Started On This Journey He Was Timid But Now He Is More Courageous. One Example Of This Is The Journey Its Self At First He Tryed Not To Go But He Went Anyway And Faced A Few Foes Along The Way And Became More Courageous.

    Well Thats All Ive Got Now But Uh Yeah

  28. Well, Mr. Mayfeild, I’m not really in favor of people killing each other in books :). It is just the kind of book that keeps you reading like an action/thriller movie!

    Today Katniss was almost caught by the others! It was really scary, I thaught they would. really they killed the girl who has doze off while she was making a fire, and they made SURE she was dead. Also, a fire was made where Katniss finally found water, the tree all burst into flames when the game makers made the special trap. Katniss was burnt on her calf and her hands were burnt too. She kept going and was almost caught again. Well, I have blogged for ,ore than five minutes, and I have to get ready for bed. I have a social studies and math test tommorow 🙁 Got 2 Go, update you on the book 2mmorrow.

  29. I am still reading Artemis Fowl. This book is going so slow for me, then again I never read on the weekend:( Anyway, Holly Short the little fairy just got shot by the butler with a hypodermic dart. Holly broke the rules by turning off her invisibilty sheild. Since a human saw her, she got in trouble. The commander of LEPrecon, Commander Root. Saw what she did because she had a video cam in her helmet. Artemis takes her back to this place, it does not say in the book where. When Commander Root made it to the surface, he started searching for Holly using this locator wristband that she was supposed to be wearing. Artemis was to smart and he took the wristband of Holly. Artemis and the butler went to a whaling ship in Japan and put the wristband in the ship and left with Holly. When the commander made it to the surface he tracked down the locator to the ship. The ship was made out of lead, so instead of knowing exactly wher she was he had to explore the ship. When he found the locator it was sitting in top of a bomb. He didn’t know what is was until Artemis told him. Artemis also had cameras and microphones everywhere. Artemis reavealed himself to the commander and started counting down. Commander Root did not understand until he saw light flash and of cousre, a timer counting down. He ran as fast as he could and flew off the ship with a pair of wings. That is about all I read. See ya! GO SHELBY COUNTY WILDCATS!

  30. I am still on Harry potter Harry didn’t get in trouble instead he autimaticley got to be the seeker for one of the four quitage teams Griffendor. The game starts and the first time they saw the snitch witch is a little ball with wings that is worth 150 points both the seekers lost it because Slytheran fouled harry by hitting his broom. second time is the charm because harry swallowed the snitch and then coughed it back up into his hand. Final score Griffendor 170, Slytheran 60.that is all I read for today I will blog tomorrow.

  31. im back mafeld did u miss me okay im gonna continue mi false writing like i do on wikipedia according to mafeld uhhhhh meanie bobeanie! lolz n e wayz im startin on the graveyard book for battle of the books and omg who would ever want to kill an innocent baby i mean its just plain wrong but this guy jack is like a serial killer dude and hes tryin to kill family not sure why yet but after he kills the mother and father of the family and the lil gurl i think it was then heads for the baby while hes heading up the stairs hes cleaning the blood from his knife with his white hankercheif then when he gets upstairs he goes up to the crib and pulls up the knife high enogh so he can hit the chest of the baby he realizes the baby isnt in the crib that it was a golden teddy bear turns out the baby figured out how to crawl out of his crib by standing onhis teddy bear and pulling himself over the bars but he falls but doesnt cry then he slips down the stairs and walks outside to the cemetary where mrs. owens starts playin with him even though mrs. owens is a ghost along with mr. owens the baby doesnt know what to think then his moms ghostly ghost shadow comes up and gets mrs. owens to take care of him as much as they possibly can and to not let jack kill him so thatz where i am and yeah all this is false mafeld like wikipedia by the way sayin im wrong and elliot sayin he can put brittney in a head lock shes thinkin bout goin into the army for a year i seriously doubt he can open a pickle jar let alone put britt in a head lock people can be full of it sometimes lolz jk yall kno i luv yall hehe!!! BIE for Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!! ~jaylamonster~

  32. Hi everyone, I am still reading Runemarks and now that Maddy is sent on an adventure she discovers Loki and helps retrive the Wisperer fromm a fiery net above a hot, molten rock cavern. Once she retrives it she dicovers it is an Oracle. The Oracle tells her then the next great Prophocy. Now Maddy has gone to the Sleepers to free them as said in the proph. Once there she awakens Skadi, The Huntress. That is all I have read so far soo… OH! JUst so everyone knows tonight football game ended 12-0. We lost, but we’ll get them next time. See ya! 🙂

  33. I definetly won’t be running sat. sadly):
    but i am gonna try to be back by tuesday running.
    I have the flu,if tempest hasn’t already told you.

  34. This Dragunforse w/ a buk update. I’m reading Story Tme. Kate & George just got accepted to Whittaker Magnet School, right? Kate doesn’t want to go so she keeps begging to go to Lincoln Middle school so she can for the lead in Peter Pan and all her friends are there. June won’t hear it though. So Kate asks June to take her to see the school because June never takes her anywhere and she can prove that the school is an awesome school to go to. June finally gives in and when they get there they look up to the eighth floor window and it’s glowing red and there are little red dots on it. then they see a woman who sees them, stares at them then disappears. On the way home Kate tries to get the picture out of her head, but she can’t seem to do it. I’ll stop there today.

    That was Dragunforse w/ a buk update,


  35. The person that is on the phone is a detective, Detective Newberg, she was calling to talk about the counterfeit tickets. she was wondering if she could meet up with him and talk about the tickets. The next day she comes to his house and he trys hard not to tell her that X-ray is the one that made the tickets. So he has to make up a lie that he saw the person who sold the tickets to him was iran and was really hairy. I would have not bought that lie. After that she lists the names ahe found that she thinks are the people: Moses, Felix, Armpit, and X-ray. By that time he is freaking out trying not to say who did it. I’ll tell you what happens next. Peace out!:]

  36. otay 2nite lets see mafeld didnt make fun of me 2day so in cant think of n e thing funny to write curse u mafeld!!!!! n e wayz i lost mi cool their for a sec but n e wayz im readin the graveyard book and so far jack is lookin for the baby and he comes and talks to the man who he thinks is the caretaker but is a stranger according to the book n e wayz the owens people have chosen to take care of the baby boy so i guess thatz good and jack is still tryin to kill him y itz not like hes gonna go to the cops and say a man came into mi house and killed mi family hes a baby y would u want to kill a baby???? n e wayz he finally leaves after a while and thatz bout where ive gotten so im now goin to criticize mafeld and lil sixth graders no im just kiddin i would not joke about the lil sixth graders no i would tell them a badtime story so they would go nighty night to sleep and not have to read mi blog or take their precious time gettin outta mafelds room when i have to go in their 8th period uhhhhhhh….. otay….. Bie maf and folk! ~jaylamonster~

  37. Wel I am allmost through with Runemarks and I checked out another book today called City of Bones. It is about a fifteen-year old Clary Fray headsout to her club, the Pandemonium club, in New York. When on the way she witnesses a murder and when the people, who are startled she can see them, explain to her they are a secert tribe of warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons. The tribe call themselves Shadowhunters. Then after that Clarys mom disappers and she herself is almost killed. The question is what will happen next? So that is my blog for tonight so I guess I’ll see everybody tomorrow.

  38. Okey so yesterday I didnt have a book so I couldn’t blog but i will try to blog Double tonight.

    Okey so i finished the first Artemis Fowl but it is a series so the next book is Artemis Fowl Arctic Incident, it is a good book so far here is what happened, Artemis’s dad had been missing for two years and the Russian Mafia hit the fowls ship the russians find one survivor but it hasn’t said who that is. So back to Artemis his mother worries about him and decides to get him to go to the school conselor. While there butler calls him to tell him yhe news about the ship he thinks that he may find his father so he rushes out off to an adventure.

    Okey so lets go to Holly she has been sent to the BORING survaillence. Shes sat there forever nothing usually happens. her pod mate decides to go out and do a thermal scan.he scans but sees nothing. he trys one more time normaly life forms went glow red on the scanner but they saw a normal gray blob on the scanner move. Then BOOM Holly’s partner gets shot in the wings. Holly rushes in to help she pulls him to cover and heals him. she rushes after the shooters. the shooters were goblins with suits that hide them in thermal scaners. she hits one the other jumps into a place where lava flares up and burned to death, he was an idiot(^u^) . thats what i’ve read so far i hope this is Okey for Double.

  39. I’m still reading Gone. I’m at the part where they are about to have the fight between Sam and Caine. I have just gotten two pages into it. Right now Sam has just found out that Caine and the others went out the back of the school. Astrid has also just been found in the church steeple. Lana is still missing, but all of the Coates Academy kids are not missing. This is a good book and it has just reached its climax. I thought that some other parts were the climax but now I know that I was wrong.

    I’ll see ya tomorrow with another Book update! 🙂 🙂 :):(:(:(:):):):I:I:I:I:D:D:D:D:D:D:I:)

  40. Harry Just found out how to get by the three headed dog fluffy that gaurds the Sorcers stone and he plays his flute he got from hagrid to make the dog go to sleep so Him, Ron, and hermine could get by it and when they get by it a plant wraps then up and hermine catches the plant on fire to save them. then they have to find one flying key out of thousands to open it they finally get it and open the door then harry drinks this potion from a bottle to go through the black fire and get to the other sidr that is all I read so far and I am almost done with the first book.

  41. Well Im Back. And Im Hurting Like So Bad. But I Shall Proceed Despite The Fact.LOLZ So Im Still Reading The Same Book And At This Point Its Starting To Get A Little Boring But Oh Well. Uh I Guess Ima Start On The Entry Its Self Now lolz.

    Book:Rangers Apprentice Book Two:The Burning Bridge.

    Entry: Relation To Another Book

    This Book Relates To The First Book In This Series In A Few Ways. One Way Is That Both Have The Same Characters. Also, The First Leads Into The Journey In This Book So I Guess You Could Say They Relate In Some Way There. Another Way Is That They Are Both Set In The Same Time Period. Uh The Books Are Different In Many Ways Also. One Way Is That, The Characters’ Characters Have Changed If That Makes Any Sense. Also They Have A New “Mission”, To Find And Destroy Lord Morgarath. Also They Face Many More Dangers In This Book Like Wargals And Such.

    Srry This Was So Short But I Just Dont Feel Well. 🙁 So Ill Talk To Yall Later.

  42. Hey, starting Hunger Games, seems cool, kinda post apocalpse (think thats right :)). So, this girl Katniss, aka Catnip, is like the father in old west, when people hunted and traded for food. The Capitol is a BIG city, surrounded by 12 districts. Catnip is in District 12. The Capitol forces one boy and one girl from each district to compete in the Hunger Games, a fight to the death. Catnip’s sister, Prim, is selected, but Catnip takes her place. Thats about as far as i got. Off to go jump books w/ my new GX Skates, im out!

  43. Book:Stargirl

    One conflict that I just read was internal because Leo is trying not to have to talk to or get noticed by Stargirl because he might get a little embarassed. The reason that Leo’s running from Stargirl is because she gave Valentines Day cards to the people in her lunch class. Well, Leo got one and he don’t want anyone to know that. I know that that is true, because in the book, Leo asks Kevin if he got one, and Kevin says no. Then, Kevin asks Leo why did he ask that, and Leo said that he was just wondering.

    The book relates to another book I have read, Around the World in Eighty Days because in Stargirl, Leo is still trying not to get seen by Stargirl and he is walking away from her every time he spots her. Well, at lunch the next day, he realizes that Stargirl is walking to Leo’s table. She stands their right behind him and stares at him until he turns around.Then, all of a sudden,Stargirl says,” You’re Welcome”. He knew that she wasn’t going to leave until he told her “Thank You” so he went out and said it and realized that it wasn’t so bad…

  44. Sorry, forgot to finish and accidently click submit.

    In Around the World in Eighty Days, is very similar. Phileas Fogg is running from the people that was going to kill the woman for a sacfifice, and Phileas Fogg kiddnapped her to save her life. In both books, there is someone chasing the other person. That’s how they relate.

  45. This is Dragunforse w/ a buk update. I’m reading Story Time and it is very nice, for now. They just saw the creepy lady and stuff, right? Well, it’s time to go to orientation. They find the daughter of Cornellias Whittaker II. So she gets up and speaks, then when her so called “genius” son gets up and talks about how his great grandfather gave the library to King’s County and how smart his greatgrandfather, grandfather, and father are. Then he sits back down as instructed to by his mom. Then his mom starts bragging about how Whittaker Magnet School is #1 in the U.S.A in standardized test scores. After the meeting the granddaughter of the library owner a.k.a Cornielllia Whittaker, who says they need to make an appointment with her husband Dr. Corniellas Whittaker-Austin. I’ll stop there today.

    Blog u next tyme,


  46. alright last week i think that i wrote about the authors purpose and the genre slip for stargirl so i still have to the conflict and the comparison.

    i think that the conflict in this story is between stargirl and the entire student body. everyone wants stargirl to be normal and to fit in and to act like all of them. stargirl dis agrees and wants to be her own person like that nerdy kid in crash, oh and now i have somen to write about in comparison. booyah, im smart and didnt even know it

    i think that i can compare this story to the story crash. stargirl and the nerdy kid in crash are kind of a like. the nerdy kid doesnt care wat other people think of him just like stargirl. they are there own persons and they follow the tute of there own horn. dang that sounded gay way kind of crap am i writin, but my mom like that phrase so i guess ill say it.

  47. Hey ho, interweb readers. I finished redwall (took friggin forever.) There is alot of examples of character in this story because it appears that matthias has alot of character cuz he is the good guy, but cluny doesn’t b’cuz he’s ebil. another example is that martin the warrior was reborn into matthias and so now they are the same character. in addition to this little tidbit, im gonna also compare this book to “THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH” (DUH DUH……{wait for it}…….DUUUHHH!!!). they compare because the main character befriends a wild beast-like creature; in redwall it’s matthias and warbeak the sparrow, in gilgamesh it’s gilgamesh and katmandoo(or whatever that guy’s name is). also, they compare because in redwall there is a tyrant sparrow king called king bull sparra and in gilgamesh there is gilgamesh.

    well that about wraps up my reading thingy. sooooo…. bye….

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