The 09-10 Blog Page

Not to be confused with any other blog page – yeah for reading!!!

Dr. Roy

532 thoughts on “The 09-10 Blog Page”

  1. It turnes out the pearson through the fire was Quirrel, one of the teachers for Hogwarts and he had voldemort on the back of his head. Quarrel got harry to look in the mirrer to see where the Scorcers stone is and somehow it was all of the sudden in harry’s pocket but when Quirrel tried to touch harry his skin got badley burned the next thing harry knew he was in the hospital wing and Dumbledor was standing above him and then harry got to see Hermine and ron for about ten minutes.The nurse ran them out of the place and told harry to get some rest and that is all I read and now I am on the second book.

  2. I finished Runemarks and I am alomst through with The City of Bones. Now they have found out that Luke was helping warlocks and also the have one of the members of the secert brotherhood come to help clarys memory. When thay find a block on it they travel to the main brother hood so that they can try to remove the block. The next thing Clary knows is that her right arm is bleeding and she has a name in glowing hot molten gold in her head. The name said MAGNAS BANE. Thay find out he is having a party and go to investagate. So that is all for now have a good night! 😉

  3. Before Artemis went out to find his dad him and Butler had to go get stuff from there house. When they got back they Butler heard Holly she had been asigned to bring Artemis underground for questioning. She Mesmerized Butler Artemis knew she was there she knocked Artemis out and brought him underground for questioning. They used a machine to see if he had ever seen a goblin or the gun the goblins were using, both came negative and so they thought he may be able to help them find the guys who gave stuff to goblins and thats what i’ve read so far.

  4. otay lolz!!! mafeld made fun of me today so i have something to talk about ok……. i forgot what he said was it something like im crazy no im dillusional idk gah man i think i have wait watz the word for it crud i forgot it seriously OH YEAH!! short term memory loss!!! there we go ill be honest i had to ask mi mom to remember but n e wayz im gonna talk more about character from mi book that im actually reading (yes i know itz hard to belive (not really) lolz) n e wayz theres many characters in this book like Jack he would be considered the bad guy of the book cuz hes tryin to kill that poor innocent lil baby who i think somewhere near where im readin gets named Bod but bod is the innocent lil baby for now and eventually his character will develop more when he grows up in the book but mrs. owens is kind of the good person of the story so far bcuz shes agreed to protect the baby for his mother and mr owens is kida iffy bcuz he wasnt to sure about the baby at first but hes the normal character of the book but i wouldnt say hes the best and awesomest person in the book right now the stranger/caretaker is kida mysterious and jack just thinks hes the caretaker but im not too sure yet still gotta keep reading!!! lolz gotz to go maf and folk!!!!! luvz u all Bie!!!!

    PS: the Wildcats have their second game 2morrow night just wanna ask everybody to come out and support the team and the band as we take on briarwood at 7:00 pm!!! and the band will perform at the third quarter we hope that u will all come out to support the best band the state of alabama has as we play curtain to phantom of the opera leading into danza final tag then nine in the afternoon and finally we are gonna rock it off the field with the pretender by the foo fighters!!!!! come support us if u would call time for us 2morrow is 4:30 and were leavin at 5 just so u kno maf!!! Toodles!!!!!! ~jaylamonster~

  5. i just finished the fire of ares and i just got a new book. the fire of ares relates to conflict because of…obviously, the conflict towards the end is the agoge (spartan games to find out who is a true spartan) and the slaves rebel against the spartans. there is also inner conflict Lysander has to choose to let his slave friends take and kill his grandfather& cousin or to kill a slave and get killed along with his grandfather & cousin. but he has this long speech and fixes everything to go the way it was but the slaves had a little more respect

  6. Hey guys this blog is for the whole week, because I’ve been busy busy busy! I finished “Breaking Dawn” over the last week. Now I’m going to give my personel opinion about the series.
    #1 Had to be New Moon, because in all the other books it showed a almost prefect relationship, and even though her pain is worse than ours its something we can relate with.
    #2 had to be Twilight, But I think the series could of gone just fine with this book buy itself.
    #3 Had to be Breaking Dawn, because for the first time Bella plays a heroic character in the story.
    And finally #4 Had to be Eclipse, because simply it
    didn’t leave a mark in 3 years for now I won’t remember this book at all. Yet it’s still a grand book but It was the weakest of the 4.[ As students we can also relate to this book.]I thought over all the series was pretty good and if I did it all over again I would still read these books.

    BYE!!! OLIVE-A

  7. I’m reading the Great Brain Reforms still. Tom just figured out that he can swindle people by making them think that he is hypnotising them. He got 7 cans and you can pick one at a time or two but the person who gets stuck with the last can loses. So Tom purposly lost the fist few games so that the boy with the new baseball and the boy with the basketball will play and bet their items that Tom really wants so then he beats them and gets their glove and baseball. then Tom tells everyone that it will cost 1 penny per person to play basketball so when the basketball wears out he can buy a new one. But Toms plan didnt work out so well because it was soon time to start swimming because it as now summer and all the boys spent their time at the pond. so when all that got out of the way Tom and john got ready to go swimming but Frankie wanted to go so they had to asktheir mom and she didnt care but then frankie want his friend to go but he doesnt think he can go so then frankie says if johnny cant go hes not going and then he says if he doesnt go tom and john cant go. Then they go and ask johnnys dad but he doesnt car so they go to the pond. then 4th of july came and all the kids had a tug of war contest between the mormans and the gentiles but before that they have a parade so when the parade gets done tom and john sneak away to the place where they have the tug of war contest and they drive stakes in the ground but deep enough to where no one can see them so when the tug of war contest comes all the gentiles line up and dig their feet into the stakes so they wont budge but then when the mormans get tired the gentiles just backed up and pulled them into the water. And thats what I read this week.

  8. Dear everyone in my path that God has chosen for me,
    If you do not surrender to us at once and take up our religion and culture then you and your people shall be booted out of your country or off of the earth. I’m sorry that it has to be this way but our God is a very powerful and awesome one and he does not like the fact that you oppose him and his people. So get out of our way and the people of God with his help shall not demlish you.

    Man who does not want to kill everyone.

    The bible has a TON of character in it. In Exodus, Moses becomes a very powerful person while leading the Lord’s people and relaying all of his messages. He uses this power as a good thing and does not use it to his advantge. Also Aaron gains power for being a helper of Moses. But not much is really told about his personal helper Jonah. All that is really said about him is that he goes into the tent where Moses talks to the Lord everyday and does not leave when Moses does.

    Facts: God called Moses onto Mount Sanai to make the new tablets that were to hold the Ten comandmants. Also God calls Moses into his meeting tent everyday and talks to him about what and why the people must do certain things differetly. Oh yeah and Moses put up a tent that he called the Meeting Tent on the outside of their village that they have set up.
    Opinions: It is intreresting that God only calls Moses onto the mountain to make the Ten Comandmants. I would’ve thought that he would have called Aaron onto the mountain as well because he helped Moses in speaking well.

  9. I didn’t have time to blog Monday-Wednesday so I’m doin it all tonight.

    Author’s purpose for Switch is to tell a story about this kid, Ken, who befriends a hobo named Ricky. Then after a while, Ken thinks that he isn’t talking to the same hobo. Although Ricky is wearing the same clothes and remembers all of their conversations, Ken feels that he is talking to someone else. So Ken goes and talks to his girlfriend, Barbie, just kidding. 🙂 So he finds out that someone switched out the hoboes and he is trying to find out who did it. When he does, he tries to get revenge, but everything goes wrong and he gets captured and tied to a chair and locked up. So revenge has its consequences.

    The character that really stands out to me is Ken because he goes through all this trouble just to find his hobo friend. This points out that he and Ricky had a very strong relationship because in the end, Ken ends up as the one who gets caught. Ken and Leo, his step-brother, didn’t have a good relationship when the book began. I imagine that they have stronger one now that they wasted all this time looking for Ricky:), but their connection strengthened as the book went along.

    Dear Hobo Theif,
    I do not understand your reason for stealing a perfectly fine homeless guy. Unless you put him in a home, which I thank you for. Still, you didn’t have to take him from me!!! I want my hobo back!!! Meet me today at 3:37 A.M. in the back alley behind the Waffle House. If you don’t give him back, then I will continue to write strongly worded letters with similes, metaphors, and so much figurative language that you’ll cry when you read it. Yeah, that’s right. 3:37 A.M. in the back alley behind Waffle House. Okay, so I’ll see you then!!!
    Ken Corbin xoxoxoxo

    Today, I started reading Star Wars II because I’m a Star Wars fan. Yea that’s right, any of ya’ll gonna say anything about it??? So anyway, the author’s purpose is to bangsmack your muffins about this guy named Anakin who is a Jedi and fights for the Republic. He is a very powerful Jedi and he is falling in love with a diplomat named Padme. He is not supposed to fall in love while he is a Jedi so he has to keep it a secret. The clones who are being built are starting as good guys. Later, they turn against the good guys and start fighting for the bad guys. Anakin will also start fighting for the bad guys and he will be known as Darth Vader. So he is telling about how it all began a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

    See ya’,

  10. ok so im still reading the vampire diaries. i don’t think i’ve said much yet…

    1) okay well elena is going out with a guy named matt. on stefan’s firsst day, he walks out of the front office wearing sunglasses and doesn’t even look at her! like i said earlyier, she’s the pretty popular girl who has everything… she’s not used to guys just ignoring her. normally, she’s surrounded by 6 or 7 guys, but its different this time.

    2) elena really likes stefan… enough to dump matt over!!! now, of course, matt’s the star football player and all that, but elena just doesn’t care. she knows stefan is the right guy, so that’s what she’s going for.

    3) okay so matt, the star football player/ ex boyfriend, told stefan that he should play football. he asked him if he could run, and stefan was trying not to laugh. i mean, really… he’s a vampire, and they supposedly can run really fast. idk… i’ve never seen one in real life… 🙂

    4) Okay so elena was really bummed today, so she went down to the graveyard to see her parents. (they died several years ago). bonnie and the other girl instantly knew where she was… thats where she always went when she was having problems. so thhey went to see if she was there, which she was. now, bonnie’s some kind of freak who can read palms and see your future and all that crap… well, it was late at night, and she got a blank stare on her face, and talking to elana she said: there’s someone waiting for you. he wants you to go to him… of course, elena’s freaking out… i would be. so she decides to run. they ran until finally, bonnie started freaking out because she was tired. elena had a strange feeling that if they made it across the bridge, they would be safe… and she was right!

    i know that was really long…. 🙂

    we really need to do good at scottsboro this weekend!!!!

  11. Okay with a lot of good luck this blog will post!! This week as not just been book fun but also football game!! Even though we lost pretty bad 12-0 we still played a good game I think.. I don’t know I wasn’t watching:) but I made a life choice today (drumroll please) IM GOING TO DO THE MARATHON THING!!!! Sorry it’s been a very long day!! But I’m happy to announce that I have a baby! Ewww no not a real one I’m only 12 folks but in “advanced” science we are making a monster baby!!!! Mines going to be ugly!!(thats pretty I monster language) Most the guys in my class are like mines going to be hot and I’m like you do realize 1. It’s a random picked baby and 2. It’s your child for gods sake!!! But enough of wowing 7th grade drama let’s talk about books (FUN) (sarcasm) let’s see I guess Monday I went to this place where there was lots of thingys with pages and words and smart people talk and it’s really quit it was like a mini field trip to a boring place!! But when I went in I found this weird thing with no pictures or anything but it said princess so I got it and they let me take it home for a whole two weeks!!!!!!! They said if I lose it I have to pay them but they should pay more for makin smart look so cool!! The mysterious thingy is very funny and comes from like the mind of a teenage girl and kind of gives you an idea on how even though life maybe really tuff and unfair at times u just have to push through and try to have and keep and opened mind about everything thats is far as I have gotten well I’ve gotten pratt far but thats what I have gotten from all of it so far.. Can’t wait for next week

    Toodles, love the bomb digidy Marcayy Lu:)

  12. today i have read that when jake walked by luara applewhite with her capre pants and flower power shirt
    and jake with his silver spiked jacket and his zombi vampiers ( they rock out loud) shirt on and with a scowl on his face (like heather but meaner ,thats a lot) but luara just smiled
    and a large dark very polished reminded jake of a short fat shiny hippopotamus
    and jake rubbed his nose from sneezzing then lusi sniffledand pointed to a bowl full of something that looked like crushed dead gray weeds

  13. Okay, well, I haven’t been blogging a lot because I have te seasonal flu, not the swine flu. It really stinks! All I can say is that, I hope you don’t get it! 🙂

    Well, I have read a little of hunger games since I have been out. So this is making up for WED.

    Today Katniss and a bunch of the careers have been stung by Tracker Jacker’s. There are these wasps that can kill you after one sting if you are weak. This on girl died, and since the venom makes you completley go nuts, Katniss took the girl’s bows and fled. Then, she fell asleep for two whole days! She thaught her sking was crawling with ants, things were chasing her, and stuff like that. It is getting pretty good, I will read on! BY! 🙂

  14. Okay, well, this is making up for THURS. 🙂

    I read today about Rue, a twelve year old weak little girl becoming an ally with Katniss. They are trying to destroy the careers food supply. I don’t like how they are allies, because, one person has to win, not two. That means one of them has to be killed. I like Rue in the story though, because she is younger than everyone else. Katniss said that Rue reminds her of her little sister Prim, who is back at home with her mom. Well, I will read on, by! 🙂

  15. *Mr.Mayfield,i heard about the race(:
    Authors Purpose:The authors purpose is to let us all know not to give up on you friends. No matter how bad you want to,because in this chapter Ron completely gave up hope on Harry just because they hadn’t found a horcrux yet. Hermione on the other hand may have stayed with Harry,but she gave up hope on him. If Ron doesn’t come back then Hermione will probaly leave too.Theme:I Think that the theme of this chapter is friendship. Because Harry,Ron,and Hermione’s relationship is jeprodized because on Ron and Harrys fight,Hermione is in love with Ron,and harry just ruined everything for them.Genre Slip:Dear Ron,please come back.Me and harry miss you alot. please we cant do this without you,harry misses you i miss you,we can work everything out,please?Book Summary:Right now ron and harry just got into a fight and ron just left. They found out news that ginny got in trouble with snape. that dumbeldore made a copy of the sword.

  16. well i am still reading the stars we are.
    1- i left off whereeveryone hated her then liked her so yea. but anyway after all of that that next weekend her family all got to gether to kinda say good job for getting in the school. her grandparents was there her aunts and uncles everybody but her dad. she told her mom she thought it was kinda bad for not telling him so her mom told her if she wanted her to come then she could call him and let him know that they was having a get to gether. she called him and he said he was fixing his truck she said ok if u get done to come. after she got off t he phone her mom asked if he was going to come or not. she told her what he said. she said i guess he want every change even when you did something awesome he still want care.
    2-the party went on and everyone was having a good time when the door bell rang her mom went to answer it. it was megans dad. megans mom sarah told him not to even bring up anything about how he didnt want her to make it to not put her down for getting to do something with her life at this young of an he and her mom went to the backyard and everybody just kinda stared at him because everyone knew that he didnt want megan to make it so nobody really wanted him to be there but they was kinda ok with it because megan wanted him to be there and support her.
    3-megan talked to him and everyone was watching to make sure he didnt say anything about how he didnt want her to make it. it was her day to glote about want she had done. so the party went one and everyone had a good time and they all left that night her mom asked her if she had a good time she said yea

  17. I am reading Harry potter and the Chamber of secrets (the second one) Harry went home to the dursleys and one night in the middle of the night ron came to break harry out of the dursleys house. It was a success> herry went to the store with ron and his familly and got lost when he used a new way of traveling and that way was by a powder that could transport you anywhere luckley hagrid found him and brought him back to the Weasleys. (rons familly) he goes to hogwarts in a magical flying car that belonged to rons dad because they could not get through the train that lead to hogwarts and hit a tree that is alive and it breaks rons wand.I will blog again tommorow see ya.

  18. I finally finished Small Steps. So right after they get to work he remembers that he is going to go see his girlfriend Kaira Deloan. Plus he has his economics final on Friday. So on Friday when he is supposed to leave he skips economics and when he is walking back home Felix and Moses pull up beside him and tell him to give them the letter now. But his plan was to make her write a letter less embarrassing when hes out there in San Francisco. So Moses and Armpit end up fist fighting. When they get done Armpit wins and says he will give it to them on Monday. He walks away and when he gets back to the house he sees a whit limo parked outside and realizes that it was here to pick him up so he tells the driver to hold on. He felt weird because he was bloody and sweaty. He went in got some clothes on and packed and left. He flew to San Francisco And went to his 2 room suite! When he got there he called for her and they met down stairs. After that they ditched there body guard and went to Chinatown. While they were there they bought a souvineir for Ginny. Then they went to Little Italy, sat down and drank coffee. Then he told her about the letter how he needed to sell it to get his friend from going to jail. It came out wrong and she dumped her coffee on him and left. When he went back he had a voice mail from her. Then her manager went up to her room and started to beat her with a baseball bat! Then her bodyguard comes in and her manger stabs him in the stomach! When Armpit goes up there he sees the bodyguard on the floor. He goes for her manager and the bodyguard trips the manager and Armpit punches him until he is unconscienous. After that Kaira went to the hospital ,Armpit went back home and told Ginny. Detective Newberg showed up and told him that she is forgeting about the counterfeit tickets and that she found out that he was X-rays friend. So Kaira is singing again and Armpi is going to graduate and go to college, but they are not dating again. Peace out I’ll tell you about another book later:]

  19. Ok so I’m still reading Artemis Fowl. When I left off Artemis was talking to the fairys he made a deal that he would help them if they helped him find his they went off to find Artemis Fowls dad. right when they got to the Arctic they were attacked by goblins but i need to say somthing real quick, Koboi Labs was an evil place but the fairys didn’t know that the LEP or where holly worked got weapon upgrades but they didn’t know they were bugged at the touch of a button they could just stop working. so Koboi shut down the weapons when the goblins Attacked so Holly and the others couldn’t fight back. the goblins fired non Lep weapons then sent an avalanch at them they made it out on a radioactive train. Then they found out that the other like 5000 goblins were attacking under ground where the fairys lived the police or LEP couldn’t fight back without weapons. They got under ground and broke into Koboi Labs. with Artemises help Foaly “he’s is very smart” got a real message to Koboi that her partner would kill her when they captured the underground cities. Then Koboi got so mad she killed her partner and accidently knocked herself out. then when the LEP got there weapons working they beat the goblins. then they tricked the people with his father and got his father back. thats the end of book Two.

  20. Hey, Its Me Again. Ughness, Uh Im JUST Starting The 3rd Rangers Apprentice. So Far Crowley And Halt Are Getting Off To A Bad Start. They Have Actually Been Friends For Years But Now They Are Fighting Over Nothing Really.

    Ransom Note:

    Dear Crowley,
    I Have Kidnapped Your Friend Halt, If You Want To Get Him Back You Must Do Exactly As I Say. There Is An Abandoned Warehouse In The Mountains About Five Miles From Where You Are Right Now. When You Arrive You Will See A Glass Case Containing A Key Wich Unlocks The Room Holding Halt. Although When You Pull Out The Key It Will Activate A Pulley And Winch System And Sword A Sword Will Fall From Above, Dodge The Sword And Unlock The Door And You Will Have Exactly 00:30 Seconds To Get Out Of The Ware House Before It Explodes And Kills You Both. Good Luck


    Thats About It For Today So Ill Talk To You People Later. Bieee

    Oh And PS I Got Kicked Out Of Beta Club.

  21. This is Drgunforse w/ a buk update. I’m reading Story time and they’re at the meeting right? So, they’re talking to Dr. Whittaker-Austin when he points to his wife and she gets a book Corniellia wrote called TBC: Test-Based Curriculam and said “This is a book I wrote, which you will hear more about in the interview.” Then Dr. Whittaker-Austin gives them a tour around the building including the classrooms they will have and everything else. Then he goes back into the room from which he started and said “Any questions?” Then George says “Is this building haunted?” I’ll stop there. That was an other buk update.



  22. Today Rue died and was killed by the boy from district 1. It was really sad, because Rue was the youngest tribute and only twelve. Katniss, thankfully killed the boy from district one when she discovered Rue. Now Katniss is all alone and is going deaf in one ear from a explosion. (She exploded up all of the careers food) Well, I have blogged long enough!

    P.S. ROLL TIDE! We one last weekend! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  23. i havent really been readin that much. but i have started read this book that i already have. it’s called the dragons eye. i blogged about it last year but i thought i was a good book so id read it again. plus the people at the library dont like to let me borrow books anymore cause i lost like six last year. well any ways here’s 1/3 of the bloggs.

    i thank that the authors purpose for writing this book about dragons and findin a golden madalion of a dragons eye was to entertain. i know you here me say entertain alot but look, this guy is writing about dragons, really. sure it’s cool and stuff but this guy probably lives with his mom and dad’s basement, drinks cool laid all day and writes books about dragons. so entertainment because…… oh i just found another authors purpose. his other purpose was to not talk to strangers and not to eavesdrop on others peoples conversations and you wont end up at a huge house doing nothing but work on finding a dragons eye.
    the end
    bama: 1-0
    roll tide

  24. im gonna multi task today by kinda doin like a review thing of round and flat characters with the book sucks to be me and then where i am so far on the graveyard book and do character change or development thingy or watever it is u know wat im sayin mafeld lolz!!! n e wayz lets get started shall we cuz i cant think of n e thing funny to say right now so yeah…….
    okay in sucks to be me the main character mina is considered a round character bcuz in the beginning shes like totally sayin no to being a vampire bcuz she doesnt want to be like her parents like considered a blood sucking leech or something like that but in the story when shes attending all the vampire sessions and goin on these crazy adventures or watever w/ uncle mortie she starts thinkin and considerin it more and realizes its more serious than she thought it was and in the end shes more responsible and she turns into a vampire!!! raven would be a flat character in sucks to be me bcuz in the beginning shes like the bully of the book other than bethany who is also a flat character but i wouldnt consider her a bully more like a jealous prep but ravens protective of aubrey bcuz she likes him and thinks she can work her goth magic on people to get them to stay away but all throughout the book shes just the bully and doesnt change but im gonna take mafelds pov and think a lil differently cuz he had a point in class but if u were to turn the story around and look at it from her pov then we’d probly know more bout y she was the way she was so thatz an example of flat and round characters for 2day!!! ok next topic um oh yeah the graveyard book okay theres not much character development yet bcuz its still early in the story but ill make predictions but n e wayz jack is kind of the bad horrible character of the story he is ( who would ever want to kill a baby i mean thatz just cruel ) but luckily he didnt kill the baby but n e wayz i think that by the end jack will have changed a lil but not much bcuz when bod grows up i think jack will still be lookin for him and since hes livin in the graveyard right now im not to sure but i think jack will stay flat throughout most of the book and bod will be round bcuz hes goin to go thru so much thru out the book w/ jack tryin to kill him if he still does but yep i guess thatz it for 2nite later maf and folk!!!!

  25. Hey, Y’all. I just started a new book called Dream Factory already I’m not liking it to much. But I’m only in the 2nd chapter. I hope it gets better. So far that I can tell it’s about a bunch of people working at Disney Land. It hasn’t told much of a story yet so i can’t tell you a reason for the authors writing it or predict whats happening next. And I read a pretty good bit. If there
    is one thing I can tell you its that the author should work on her intro to the book, because it dose not wrap around my head. And she should show how when she changed the point of view that, that’s what she had done. I got very confused for a few minutes I got to Go.

  26. Sorry Mayfield for blogging so late just got out of 2 complete football games and had to get a shower. Anywho, I just started on my last Battle of the Books novel and it is about fifteen-year old twins who just suffered the lose of there mother in a car crash then, out of the blue, there father turnes up at he funeral to help them. Now when after following there father, John, to a “meeting” he was supposed to have they find themselves in a scrap yard, alone, and to witness the kidnapping of there father. Now some woman namedMagda and “explains” that there father is an industrial spy. When going to a meeting set-up by another person named Ardman at the Clarendorf Hotel they are surround by police officers at an Internet Cafe Magda gets them out. Unfotunatly they see her lead the officers in the back of the garden and see her take out a gun and kill them. Well then, on that happy note I’m going to go to bed. See ya. 😉

  27. Hey, finished Hunger Games, it started cause the Capitol (big city) blew up District 13, so they said “Give us a boy and girl 12 thru 16 to fight to the death cause we said so”, and Catnip’s sister, Prim, gets called but Catnip takes her place (Mulan style 🙂 j/k) along w/ Peeta Mellark, who Catnip starts dating in the arena, who are trained by Haymitch and Ellie, then sent to the arena, where, when Catnip, Peeta, and a guy named Cato are the last 3, they take the other tributes and mutate them to attack Catnip, Peeta, and Cato. Cato dies, Catnip and Peeta almost kill themselves, but they both win instead of killing each other. Weird, but effective. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. i finished the dragons eye. aint that a first. me actually readin and finishing a book, but i did it. so now im goin to blogg about a book that i ve been readin in mrs. partridges room, its called the glory field. there’s alot of people and it starts at one point and then another chapter comes and its like 20 years later so….
    dear eliagh,
    why wont you just ask that girl goldie out and go fishin together or somen. but i dont think that you should you probably cousins and that would be kind of gross so back off of her. or if you want your cousin then i guess that that is ok with me i mean, im not one to judge (cough cough). well do watever you like cause wat i just said dont mean anything.

    this book relates to another book that i have read and that book is……………………………….. the history of the civil war. they both relate because in both of them it talks about the struggles of endin slavery and the hardships afterwards. also they both talk about the civil war. because in the story these two slaves run into some confederate soldiers and are able to travel back north to be free.

  29. I just started reading a new book called Max the Mighty and if you have read Freak the Mighty this is the sequal to it. Right when i started reading it he started to talk about how big and dumb Max is. Then he hears a scream and tries not to stop himself doing anything, but he ends up running over and seeing whats going on. When he gets there he sees that a bully is picking on this little girl with red hair, green eyes, and freckles. He tells the bully to stop, and then he sees that the bully has her backpack. So he tells him to give it back, but he doesn’t. Then the bully opens the backpack and throws alot of books out of the little girls backpack and tears them up. Then the bully takes a miner helmet out of the backpack, then she goes crazy! When Max sees this he walks over to the bully and takes the helmet away and tells him to go. He does because the bully is scared of him. She gets the helmet from Max and then he finds that her name is Worm. Then she runs off. He goes back to his house and goes to his room which he calls the down under. Then his granparents who take care of him tell him it is time to eat. Oh, I forgot to tell you Max is sortve slow or dumb. Later:]

  30. This is Dragunforse and I’m going to shake it up a bit. I decided to read some articles tonight so I’ll catch you up on my kind of stuff. By the way you may not like it if you don’t like wrestling. Anyway, the Batista announcement is not very likely to be a reitirement announcement. They said they couldn’t be sure on what it was, but his last injury, with torn biecep muscles, he had sustained for many days. Jeff Hardy was said to leave and that is true according to them. He left the WWE for enough time to get his show off the ground, but he may make a few personal appearences. I’m sort of doubting that is the case, but I’m just giving you their info. which is probably better than mine. As you may have noticed Mickie James was not on Raw. It is being said by her friend that she has sustained a shoulder injury. In my words I think the friend is covering up for something more. Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, and other WWE superstars are lookimg at different jobs at this moment because their contracts have expired today and are looking at TNA. Umaga, by the way, is probably leaving because his drug addictions and denile to rehab centers. I know that was different from what I uausally do, but I wanted to do something different and my style tonight. That was Dragunforse shakin’ things up.



  31. Well I just got through with the last Battle of the Books novel called Sure Fire and it was awsome it had excitment, mystery, and lots of violence… my kind of book. Now Jade has just saw Magda kill the police men and they bolt for someplace and go to meet Ardman at the Hotel. It turns out Ardman was an old friend of their Dad’s and had come to help them. Later on they find themselves going to a person adress given to them by Ardman before the shot-out occured. Now at the adress a man named Stabb( I think the pun was intended) was disguesed and tried to kill them luckly they lived bad news was that they got captured and, they are on their way to an oil manufacture that holds their dad. Now Jade escapes, but Rich is still on board and they are now both stuck on an old military base(who knew?). Now I am not going to spoil the rest like I did with the book Gone to Mr. Mafield so I am ending it here! 😉

  32. hi im still reading the Graveyard book and im at the part where Bod just esapes from the gouls on his temporary teachers back. She is a werewolf but she calls herself a “hound of god”. The “Graveyard” also has a witch who got drownded and her body got burned and now she is dead in the graveyard and she doesn’t even have a headstone to mark her place. So Bod gets a headstone for her. Well I’ve blogged long enogh, See ya!

    P.S. Dragunforse are you not trying out for B.O.B?
    BYE!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  33. Well, I read like twenty pages of my book I didn’t even have too, but I’ve gotten to a really good part of my book!

    Today Katniss found Peeta, the boy boy tribute from her district. Now, she doesn’t have to kill him because they have brand new rule that lets the tributes be able to both live and both win. Now, there are only six tributes in all. Peeta is really sick and may die because, he was stabbed by Cato, one of the boy tributes when he saved Katniss. Now Katniss is taking care of him. She has to give him feever pills and feed him. He won’t eat a lot though. Katniss is scared of this older boy that is really big named Thresh. She wants to make sure she won’t come in conntact with him. Well, i haved blogged long enough!

    P.S. We WON not ONE last weekend! ROLL TIDE! 😉

  34. written on the wall in blood it said”Beware the chamber of secrets has been opened” and beside that was a cat named Mrs. norris that had been Petrified (Frozen). Harry, Ron, and hermine were blamed because they were beside it when everyone was just coming through the doors. the first quiddich game started and malthoy is the new seeker for Slytherin amd his familly is rich and bought the whole team the best brooms theyre is a bludger (a ball that knockes people off their brooms) would only go after harry in the end harry brakes his arm but wins the game for Griffendor and that is all i read i will blog tomorrow.

  35. Book: Stargirl

    The author’s purpose is to tell how Stargirl reacted when she found out that Leo liked her too. In the story, Stargirl just kept asking random questions to Leo about her pet rat. One of the questions were: Don’t you think Cinnamon is just sooo cute? The she asked one like: Aren’t his ears, just the cutest??? After that, she asked Leo if he wanted to let Cinnamon come home with him and spend the night, that all you had to do was feed him two grapes and that he wouldn’t pee or poop on the floor.

    One conflict is the story is external because all most everyone in the whole school knows that Leo and Stargirl are in love with each other. They flirt with each other a lot and Stargirl usually tells Cinnamon, her pet rat, to shake hands with Leo. One reason that Leo likes Stargirl Caraway, is because hardly anyone hung out with Stargirl at first and everyone alwaysed laughed about her behind her back. Well, after Hot Seat interviewed and talked to Stargirl, everyone, especially Leo, found out who Stargirl really is and right then and there, is when Leo found out and started liking her.

    The book relates to another book I’ve read before, Touchdown Alexander, because in Stargirl, like I said, no one new who Stargirl really was until Hot Seat interviewed her. A similar thing happened in Touchdown Alexander too. Shaun Alexander said that him and his family tried to attend church every Sunday and that Shaun became a Christian in his childhood too, I think. Anyway, Shaun said that when he was finishing up his Senior year of college, one of his relatives, I think, told him that he needed to make good decisions and choices in life, or something similar to that. After that, I think a friend of his was a good Christian and had told him that he should try to find him a bible verse that meant something similar that had happened in his life. Well, Shaun found Psalms 37:4 which says: DELIGHT YOURSELF IN THE LORD AND HE WILL GIVE YOU THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEART. Ever since that moment he found that bible verse, he started wanting to learn more about that bible and HIS word. Those two books are similar becaues in both books, somebody is wanting to know more about something and someone else.

  36. Whoa, nobody else blogged? Anyway, im back!! Started a book by Edward Bloor, author of Tangerine, called Story Time. Most of what i read was all detail, so…. Anyhow, a girl named Kate has a geinus uncle who is, oddly, the same age as Kate. They get accepted to a smart skool (one i’d never take english in, apparently :)) w/ a weird octopus district…… DETAILS TOMORROW! (I think, gettin my days confused :)) Bye!

  37. Okey so first I didn’t have a book yesterday so I need to blog double tonight. 🙂 Okey so I was reading Artemis Fowl but sadly the library didn’t have it:( so I am reading Found it the prologue is a girl working at an airplane place she had a really mean boss. She was working that night she looked out the window and saw an airplane land in the wrong spot, now she wasn’t the smartest person in the world so she told her boss. Her boss started checking the computer no one was suposed to land there then she checked if any planes landed in the wrong spot. So she checked that and it said everything landed in the right spot so this was creeping them out. Her boss called a higher ranking worker and yelled at him that there is an airplane landed that isn’t suposed to be there. The boss told her to go open the doors she opened them and stood still beside it like she was suposed to do. No one came so she went against protacall and went down there. There was no pilot. Before she looked down the ile she heard a whining sound, she turned and looked for people standing up instead every seat was holding a baby.
    Okey so now to the story it is about a boy named Jonah he is adopted but that doesn’t bother him. A new kid named Chip moved in to be his neighbor and they became friends. One day Jonah went and got the mail one of the envolopes was for him it said,”you are one of the missing”he thought it was a prank but soon after chip got one Chip didn’t know it but he was adopted to he starts going crazy. And thats all i’ve read I hope it’s enough for double

  38. Hey yall I thought I had like 2 or 3 more days left to finish up my blogs just to find out I had 1.
    Sad story I know. Anyhow I’m reading
    “Dream Factory”. There’s nothing wonderful or horrible thats happened yet, [though i’ve nocked out atleast 4 chapters.] The girl Ella said something I would like to share.Ella says and I quote:
    “The thing about believing is that it’s dangerous. The world can turn upside down in an instant, and
    just when you think you’re on top of everything,your
    under it. Believing in something,or someone is hard.
    Sometimes when you let yourself fall too far, suddenly it’s gone.” I love what she says here, because It’s a true Fear. Something we all go through. It’s true but if we truly want to live than we have to take chances, and Believing is a chance worth taking. Got to go.

  39. otay im like really sick right now but i always make time for u mafeld even if im on mi death bed lolz!! n e wayz um still reading on the graveyard book really gettin into it actually but n e wayz mrs. owens and them get to keep the baby which is awesome and the stranger dude whose name escapes me is gonna be his guardian get his food and stuff like that but josiah isnt too happy bout him staying in the graveyard apparently bcuz of too much destruction or something like that but everyone else is ok with it but not too sure yet there gonna see how it goes so yepppers haha!!!

    JaylaMonsters Genre Slip

    Dear Mysterious Stranger Guy I Met In The Graveyard,
    thank u for yur help the other night i really do appreciate it but i do think i heard a baby the other night so im comin to investigate one night in the upcoming couple of weeks and if i see or hear a lil infant i will hunt u down and find u for lying to me but do expect me soon so u may open the gate at mi presence thanx for all yur help but i do wish to do this on mi own hope yue days r very merry and i do not have to come and find u!!
    Yurs truly,
    ~~~~~~~ Jack~~~~~~~
    i wrote this letter about jack wanting to find the baby and mi question is 1: why would he want to kill the baby i mean he got away but its not like hes gonna remember who killed his family and turn him into the authorities i think jack has a lil bit more of a brain than that but n e wayz thatz it for now!!!!

    MAFELD READ THIS!!!!! ok every week im gonna give u an alert on when call time and football info and all that good stuff is so call time for the band is gonna be 5:15 bcuz we’re havin a tailgate party w/ georgiana and their band just to get to know each other b the game or something like that but yeah and so we march in at 6:30 i think and play the national anthem and alma mater at 6:45 then the game starts at 7:00 as always and finally we march at half time so dont miss it dude!! lolz later maf and people that r nosy and read this part even though it was only for mafeld!!! BIE!!!

  40. Im readin The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories by Robert Louis Stevenson. So in the first chapter it is about a door
    the story begins with mr enfield comin home from somewhere around 3 in the black winter mornin and he sees 2 people 1 was a little man and a girl around 8 or 10 years old and they colide with each other and the man leaves her their cryin and thats just it and so i dont get why its called story of the door

    k well i gtg

  41. Today Katniss just took care of Peeta. Then, the guy who announces stuff, asked all of the tributes to come to a feast at the conrnicopia. They will all get supplies if they do attend. I think that she should, but come with her bow and arrow just in case she would need to use it on a career or on Thresh. They will get a whole backpack with all of these things they need. Like she would get medicine for Peeta’s leg. (Who now has blood poisoning, FYA) Well, I will blog agian tommorow! TTYL 🙂

  42. I am rereading the book Eclipse of the Twilight seies and I haven’t started yet but from what I remember it has a lot of action and Drama in it so I will tell everyone Monday how it went so see everyone tomorrow.

    P.S. 2 Days to my B-Day! Whoo!

  43. Okay, it’s that great day of the week that is known as blogging day!!! Yay!!! Anyway, I’m still reading Star Wars. Now that I’ve read more of it, the author’s purpose is to basically copy what George Lucas wrote. Salvatore, the author of this book, is just retelling the story. He isn’t copying the whole thing but I’m pretty sure he would need Lucas’s permission to rewrite this. If he didn’t get permission, then I could be reading an outlaw’s book! I would probably be arrested for illegal reading, and since you gave me the book, you would be arrested for illegal book trafficking. We’re outlaws too!!! ha…ha…ha ha. yea, I’m a little nervous…just kidding. Had you there didn’t I??? No? Oh well.

    The character in this book that had to make a big decision is Anakin’s mom. She had to decide to let him go live his dream, or keep him with her to live as a slave. If she lets him go, then she will probably never see him again, but he’ll live his dream of being a Jedi. She probably couldn’t stand the thought of her son living as a slave the rest of his life knowing that he had a chance to be a Jedi and his mom ruined it. He would hate her. In the book, she is living with the results of letting him go. She misses him A LOT, but she’s happy because she knows she made the right choice and that her son is extremely happy. I’m pretty sure that Anakin comes flying in knowing that his mom is in danger because of where she lives and he kills everyone who lives there who is abusing his mom. This is the ultimate reward for what decision she made 10 years ago. She gets to see Anakin right before she dies.

    Dear Jedi,
    Hi, this is Anakin’s mother and I am sending you this letter to inform you of the serious loss I am dealing with. I want my Anakin back or I will come down there or up there or wherever and lay a serious beatdown on all of y’all like a mother knows how to do when she is gettin her child. I want him back in the minimum of 10 lightyears or else, and I’m pretty sure you know what the what else is. So when you’re reading this letter, don’t even think to yourself, ” Oooooh, I’m so scared.” You may have lightsabers and “the force” or whatever you call it, but I have a mother’s reflexes which beats both of your weapons when it comes to love, and love overpowers all.

    Anakin’s mother

    Yay! I’m done. Hope it filled you with laughter for the weeks to come. 🙂

  44. i’ve been reading The Seige of Macindaw i haven’t really got to any of the conflict in the book yet, so i’ll just write about the other books in the series. they relate to conflict because of all the people getting shot with arrows, people getting cut with swords, axes, etc. and wars. it also has inner conflict. will is debating in his mind about whether a person that everyone thinks is a sorcerer is really a sorcerer but he’s not and he’s actually a good guy healer that saves a lot of lives and has little monster things.

  45. The authors purpose of Exodus is to tell people about god and all his glory as well as to inform people of how the Lord wants us to celebrate holidays in his honor and the great things he has done.It is also to help people refer to the ways that god told his people to handle certain issues and everyday things.

    #2 The character is a plentiful in the chapter of Exodus. Moses and Aaron are both very colorful characters. Moses is a great leader and is very good at relaying the information that god would like all of his people to know. Aaron also is a very good leader and is a grear speaker who helped Moses warn the Pharoh about the plagues that the Lord was about to send if the Pharoh didn’t let God’s people go.

    #3 Dear people of God,
    Do all of the things that God asks of you and do them the way that he asks. If you listen then God will look proudly apon you and allow you and your family to have good things happen to you. If you do not follow these things then God will frown upon you and your family and nothing will happen in great favor for you.

    A truly religious man.

  46. Ron and hermine started on a spell that makes you look like anyone you can get some DNA from. Harry went to myrtles bathroom looking for ron and hermine and they were in there working on the pollyjuice potion. the next day ron made a distraction so hermine could get some stuff for the spell and their plan worked great. Hogwarts is starting to make a dueling club Malthoy said a spell and a snake shot out of the end of his wand and harry started talking to it. This is all I read tonight 🙂

  47. Wuzzup peeps?! Anyways i’m reading Bud Not Buddy. it is a really good book. I can relate this book to life because i know someone who was moved into foster home from foster home and it was very difficult for them and im pretty sure i would feel the same way. And if you get moved into a foster home of course most of the time a parent will believe their own kid but not the new kid they have. i think that that is messed up because you should love one child just as much as you love the other one. thats just my opinion on it!

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