The 09-10 Blog Page

Not to be confused with any other blog page – yeah for reading!!!

Β Luv,
Dr. Roy

532 thoughts on “The 09-10 Blog Page”

  1. Copper Sun is a great book i am more than half way trough the book. It is funny but it is also sad. It makes you think about how you are lucky to be living here now and how you didn’t have to live here when slavery was going on. I feel bad for Amari and the other people who were sold because I know that they felt violated and they don’t have any reason to feel good about themselves.
    I have a feeling that something good is going to happen at the end of the book and I hope that that is true.
    I think the message of this book is to be happy with how you are treated now because you are being treated the way somebody a long ways back wish they could have been treated.

  2. I read Stormbreaker. Alex Rider is an average 13 year old, or so he thought, in England. It turns out his dad was a spy, and Alex decides to become one too, after careful persuasive talks from a strong dude. Herold Sayle is a computer geek like Bill Gates. He made computers called Stormbreakers. Most of what i read was detail not info, so this one was short. Im out.

  3. Well I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!! I read a little bit of the Princess book well okay I read a lot of it, because I finished! The beginig of the book was great absolutly loved at but.. The ending of the book could have been better. I mean it was okay but it wasn’t really shocking u kind of expected it to happen most books you read it ends with a bang or at least leaves you wanting more it was the complete opposite the closer I got to the end the more I wanted to stop drop and roll. My favo

  4. Okay, well, I finished Hunger Games. I have to say, it was WAY better than I thought it would be. It was really good! (My new favorite book!) πŸ™‚ I cannot stop thinking about the next book, and I maay buy it tonight! I may read it in two days, if it is as good as Hunger Games. I hope it is really big. Also: to any Hunger Games fans; There is a third book too!

    Well, I read like a lot on the way to the Alabama Football game! (Roll Tide!) So I have a lot to talk about!

    Katniss went to the Cornicopia for the feast and she almost got killed! See, Foxface, hid inside the cornicopia and just ran out with her supplies and nobody evern bothered to kill her. (Then, Katniss kicked herself for not even thinking of doing that) Then, Katniss made a run for it. After that, not a short distance behind, came Clove. (Cato’s ally) Clove attacked Katniss and started to cut her lips off, when Thresh came and attacked her! Then, he threw a rock at her and killed her. He almost killed Katniss, but she told him that she had taken care of Rue who was also from his district. He let her go and called it even. Then Thresh died the next day. Cato killed him. After that Foxface died of poisonous berries. Then, the gamemakers drained out all of the water from the streams and ponds so Peeta and Katniss, and also Cato would be driven to the lake by the cornicopia. Peeta and Katniss headed in that direction. When they got there Cato wasn’t anywhere to be seen. So they stayed near the lake. All of the sudden Cato jumped out of the woods and charged towards them. But he ran right past them and towards the cornicopia. Then, they saw what he was running from as it burst out of the woods and landed on its hind legs. Wolves. But they weren’t any ordinary wolves. They had wrist, eyes, and brains of humans. But not just any humans, the dead tributes! There was Thresh, Rue, Glimmer, ad all the rest! They charged towards the cornicopia. Then, Katniss remembered, Peeta! He couldn’t outrun them on the hurt leg. He yelled at Katniss to go on and she did. The wolves reached the cornicopia at the same time as Peeta and one of them bit a hole in his leg. Katniss yelled at Peeta to climb and he did. Then, here came Cato. He grabbed Peeta into a headlock and he couldn’t breathe. Peeta was turning blue and he made a symbol on Cato’s hand, an X! Katniss raised her bow and shot it perfectly into Cato’s hand. He screeched and dropped Peeta. But, Katniss caught him and pulled him up. Cato hurdled to the ground and was eaten alive. (Well, actually dragged into the cornicopia and eaten all night.) Then, Katniss took pitty on him and shot him right in the skull to kill him so he wouldn’t have to suffer anymore. The wolves disapeared into the ground and then they headed to the lake. All of the sudden the announcer man came over the intercom and said “We looked at the rules and well, now both of you can’t win.” Peeta refused to kill Katniss and Katniss refused to kill Peeta. (Because they both like each other) Then, they tricked the capitol and acted liked they were going to commit suiside and they let them both live.

    They won the games and then on their way home on the train they stopped for fresh air. Peeta gave Katniss some flowers and along came Haymitch. He blurted out that Katniss had done a great job at acting that she liked Peeta. But, really she does like him. Then, Peeta got really mad and stormed off. Katniss got really upset. Well, the book ended there. So I don’t have anything else to write about.

    I wrote a lot! Write agian tomorow! πŸ™‚

  5. ok well lets see!!

    1- i read this short arctical well i say it was short but 5 pages isnt short for a magizine! anyway it was about if your doctor says you have something and then relizes that he gave you somebodys elses work.and no harm came to you should you sew hom or should you just let it go? well i say it depends if he told you you were going to die in 5 months then maybe yea but if it was just oh you have got the flu or the cold then no! there was a website you could go to and see what people said almost half of them said what i said.
    i will have to finish later i got to go to gymnastics


  6. I am reading the book called The City of Ashes and it is th sequel to the City of Bones ( which by the way can be found in the library) and so far Clary has just reopened up her relation ship with Simon and is trying not to think about Jace when things happen to quickly. Suddenly Jace doesn’t trust her, her moms in a coma, and Luke is attacked. What will happen next time in Dr. Royville? See Ya’ll πŸ˜‰

  7. Hi im reading The Graveyard Book for battle of the books. It is the fifth one Im reading so far. Right now Bod decides to never go to alive school (as im calling it) (his teachers were ghosts and at alive school he is taught by normal ALIVE human beings.

    He is also starting to haunt Mo. It is funny because she is in the science lab cleaning up and all these dead cats and snakes and mice and stuff are coming alive in their specimen containers.

    The Graveyard book is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    P.S. You will NEVER figuire out who I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. Harry is being framed and everyone thinks he is the dark wizard and the heir of slytheran he got sent to dumbledors office and right when he got in a pheonix burst into flames but dumbledor knew it was going to and told harry that pheonix burst into flames and are reborn. Harry, Hermine, and ron drink a potion to turn into people everyones goes right except hermine who turns into a cat. they find out that malthoy is not the heir of slytheran then they take hermine to the hosppitle wing. that is as far as i got so far i will blog again tomorrow. πŸ˜€ 9-14-09

  9. journals(:
    book summary.this book is about Logan Thibalut a hiker that was found by a cop named clayton who hitched a ride with 3 college girls that were nude sunbathing on a lake that clayton found them and told them to go and leave after he took pictures of them. and he is going to be a marine.authors purpose.the authors purpose of this book to entertain because this book is probaly fiction. it is entertaining.genre slip. dear logan, you need to bring me my camera back that is sheriffs pronperty and it could be couted as thief. if you return it i wont turn you in.theme comparison. this book compared to character because because logan becomes a better person when he becomes a marine.

  10. Ok so i’m still reading Found, where I left off last time Chip had just gotten the letter. Ok so they freak out Chip wants to find out more about his adoption. They sneek down to Chips Basement where his computer is and where a safe is that holds many papers including Chips Birth certificate. They dont find stuff on the computer so they get into the safe, the password was Chips birth day which is a simple password πŸ˜€ . They dont really find out anything. When Jonah gets home for dinner he asks his parents for information on his birth parents they dont really anwser so he goes up to his room then his mom came up and gave him another letter about them coming for him thats what I’ve readd so far.

  11. I’m reading The Golden Compass. It is a good book. Lyra Belacqua is the main character in the book, her fearsome uncle, Lord Asriel, comes and sends her into a terrible struggle. A struggle born of gobblers and stolen children. The book is really weird, but its still exciting. That is all I have, I’ll read more and see what happens next!

  12. Book: Stargirl (sorry, i am trying to finish…)

    The author’s purpose is to let the reader know that Leo and Stargirl like each other (DUUUHHH), and Stargirl is taking Leo to a place that she calls an “Enchanted place”. Leo ends up with Cinnamon on his shoulder and doesn’t realize it until they’re almost there. Again, Stargirl asks Leo some questions about him like: Why did he follow her home? What was he thinking? and other stuff that relates closely to that. Leo just kept waiting to see that “Enchanted place” and finally Stargirl told him that you just do nothing and you will be there.


    The conflict is external because Leo is wandering were Stargirl is taking him and how for away is it. Leo is carrying all of Stargirl’s stuff incusing her uke, her pet rat, and her jacket. The conflict is that Leo and Stargirl are always flirting and in love with each other they spend a lot of time together and care a lot for each other. Leo realizes that when he’s with her, there’s nothing he worries about. Leo and Stargirl are glad to be with each other.

  13. Okay, ditched Stormbreaker, started the Watchman, sorta Fbi mystery type story. Guy called Joe Pike has to help this girl called Larkin stay away from some bad guys because she was in a wreck with some of the bad guys and the FBI got involved. Joe and Larkin moved to a apartment, but the bad guys knew they were coming. Thats about all i got.

  14. Hi im stttttttttttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllll reading The Graveyard Book. It is good still. Get this! I am even reading it faster than i thought i would!

    Okay down to business. I have gotten through three fourths of the book and right now Bod’s old friend Scarlet came back for a visit. She did not actually come back for a visit, Her and her mom, her parents got divorced, moved back to the little town that I don’t know the name of, but they just call it The Old Town. So she tries to go to her school and gets on the wrong bus. She ends up at Bod’s Graveyard and helps an old man do a name scratching on a grave for an old history project. So he takes her home and her mom reminds her about that Graveyard. She goes the next time with that old man and she finds Bod. They remeet and then Scarlet, That is the girls name by the way, leaves.

    That is all the way I got through tonight. See Ya tomorrow with another blog! I might be writing it though, so don’t be disapointed!

    BYE! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  15. I don’t have as much to talk about today. I am reading Sucks to be Me. (For that BOB comp.) I don’t really like it, but I have read a lot.

    (Trying to get it over with) Also, for a bonus, I will tell you about Chasing Fire which is also really good. πŸ™‚ It is the 2nd book of the Hunger Game serries.

    Okay, well, this book is about a girl who is going to make a life changing desicion. To become a vampire or not. Not really a big desicion if you ask me. Do you want to be a blood sucking person or not. Come on! πŸ™‚ Well her name is Mina and her sponsor is her Uncle Mortie and he is really weird. Both of her parents are vampires and at the begining of the story she has to act like she doesn’t know her parents are vampires for the ‘Vampire Council.’ (Okay if you can’t tell by now, this book is totally weird!) Her friend always tries to be all goth, but she isn’t. Mina always tries to get her away from it but she doesn’t. Now, though, she is starting to because she got this date with a cute guy. Well, anyway, let me blog about Catching Fire.

    (I probably shouldn’t read two books at once but it will drive me crazy if I don’t!) πŸ˜›

    Catching Fire starts off talking about Gale. (Go figure!) πŸ™‚ The people (reporters) came up with some crazy idea that Katniss and Gale are cousins! πŸ˜› So, everyone thinks that now! Gale acctually finnaly kissed Katniss! I know, awsome right? Well, here is the so not good news. President Snow came to their house and got all mad at Katniss for tricking him at the games. So he said that he would kill the following people: Gale, Gale’s family, Peeta, Peeta’s family, Katniss, and her family also. IF! She couldn’t conince everyone that she is madly in love with Peeta. Which is not the thing she likes to do. Anyway, that is as far as I have gotten.

    I will blog agian tomorow! πŸ™‚

  16. days passed and even weeks and finally hermine got out of the hospitle wing and harry found a book that myrtle gave to him and it was a diary he could never get it to say anything until one day he asked it a question and it awnsered back. Then it showed him who opened the chamber of secrets by taking it into his memories and it showed that it was hagrid and his big spider that was the monster and thomas riddle threatened to tell on him and as soon as he got expelled the attacks stoped and the chamber of secrets was closed but now it is back open. this is all i read today


  17. Ok so when I left off Chip and Jonah were in the safe. They searched through the Bills and other stuff till they found Chip’s birth certificate. The birth certificate didn;t have anything on it except for a sticky note with a phone number on it they called the number. A detective James Beardon anwsered the phone right when they heard him talk they hung up scared that they didn’t know who it was. Then Jonah. Ok after he got the second letter the next day his dad set up a meating with James. Jonah’s sister came with them. So Jonah is freaking out in his mind. So they’re going back to talk to James Beardon and thats what I’ve read so far.

  18. This is Dragunforse w/ a buk update. I’m reading Hunger Games. It started off bad but wwwwaaaayyyy better now. It starts off talking about Katniss and how she is in bed and turns around and the other side of the bed where Prim, her little sister, should be is empty & cold. It also talks about her cat Buttercup. Buttercup is beat-down old cat that is a born mouser, but is ugly as a hag in a fairytale. Then it goes on about how she hunts for the survival and that her dad died in a mining inccident. Then they start talking about the lady that announces the Hunger Games and how she is so cheerful about the perilous holiday so called. The Hunger Games happen once a year. In the Hunger Games you fight to the death for the survival of your district and yourself. Oh, by the way it is no longer the United States it’s the Capitol and the 12 Districts. The 13th District got abolished because….. well, I’ll have to go back and find out, but catch me blogin’ later.



  19. I finished the City of Ashes and I just can’t wait for the sequel The City of Glass. I decided to reread a favorite of mine the fifth of the Percy jackson series called The Last Olympian and Percy Jackson just took a dip in the River Styx and become like Achilles ( he entered his anchor or lifeline to His world on the small of his back). Now they are off to protect the city from Kronos’s Army. Bye πŸ˜‰

  20. I finished The Last Olmpian and I decide to reread another favorite New Moon from the Twilight series I am on the part where Laurenet is in the medow and these 5 woles come out and save her. Now for all of those people who havn’t read it I will finish at that. See Ya πŸ˜‰

  21. okay, so i’m still reading the first vampire diaries book, but still…

    1) okay, well when the three girls, elena, bonnie, and meredith, went to bonnie’s house after school the next day, her sister was freaking out because there was a crime scene under wickery bridge the last night, where they had been. she said that he may die and it was some kind of animal attack… she got on to them really bad and told them never to go back again…

    2) Elena decided that she was going to spread a rumor about stefan today. she was going to tell everyone that he and “jean-claude” were going out or something – she kept sending him roses and letters from “jean-claude”. that way, all the other girls would back off of him and she could have him to herself!!!

    3) Okay so matt’s upset about the whole jean claude thing, and elena feels really bad about it. he hasn’t talked to her since she started the rumor. well, she passed him in the hall, and just blurted out i’m sorry… but can you do me a favor? of course, that’s not a great way to apologize, but the favor is even worse… she asks him to make sure that stefan goes to the prom so that she can dance with him… :))

    4) elena, bonnie & meredith are all over at elena’s house getting ready for the prom. they’re really excited!!! i mean, it’s the prom! well, they’re getting ready, doing their har and nails, and other stuff like that, when meredith starts talking about how it’s weird that caroline isn’t there anymore. i guess it would be weird… idk

    well i g2g….. adios! (haha… i can talk spanish)

  22. Uhhhh Im Reading The Tragedy Of Hamlet, So Far It Is Very Interesting.

    Book: The Tragedy Of Hamlet; Entry: Authors Purpose

    Shakespeare’s Purpose Of This Play Is To Entertain People With A Story Saddness (Although Ive Never Met Anyone Who Is Really Interested In A Sad Book Beside Me. Of Course Then Again I Have A REALLY Screwed Up Sense Of Humor So…)

    Entry: Relation To Class Theme: Character

    Hamlet Relates To Character Because In This Play Many Of The Characters’ Attitudes Are Changing Constantly. Also The Characters Are Very Well Described And That Gives The Reader A Better Idea Of How The Story Will End.

    Thats About All I Have Today So Im Gonna Stop Talking And Go Away Now πŸ™‚


  23. ok finally found mi place in the graveyard book and suprisingly ive got a lil wayz to go i think but idk im on chapter four and workin mi way up but if makayla hadnt have taken mi bookmark out then made me lose it then i finally found it id be just a little bit farther up but ill do a quick run through of the book for monday and tuesday cuz i forgot to do mondays journals and then we had showcase of the bands yesterday and didnt get back till like 10:00 so yeah and ive gotta do 2nites so be prepared for a long journal!! okay monday oh yeah the graveyard book first of all we all should know it starts of really eventful with a murderer named jack tryin to kill this family well he ends up killing every single one of them except the baby and the baby decides it wants to crawl all the way to the graveyard and when it does its mothers ghostly spirit comes and tells these other two spirits mr and mrs owens to take care of him so they go to the i guess u would call it the ghost council kinda thing and they discuss it well josiah washington isnt to thrilled with it but just about everyone else iscool with it i think but they need to discuss it more so mrs qwens decides to take the baby up to this really old building i forgot what it used to be but they decided they would use it as the babys storage and food kind of thing and then the council finalized there decision and theyre gonna keep the baby boy and take care of him yeppers okay im gonna move on to tuesday and finish up the review so i can start on the new part that i havent told u bout yet n e wayz otay bod is short for nobody it makes so much more sense to me now but n e wayz okay hes finally learnin his alphabet and things with the help of his awesome guardian silas and he gets to go around lookin at tombstones to learn letter we have to sit in a desk all day at human school writing letters on a paper that’s killing the environment AHH!!! srry lost it their for a sec but n e wayz one day in the graveyard he meets up with this lil gurl named scarlett who is soooo sweet to him but they become awesome lil friends which is toooooo cue at their age but she ends up helping him with his alphabet and what she knows she fills him in on but i thought it was really sad when she had to leave and move to scotland i mean the part inside the tomb is really creepy i would be screaming mi head and gettin mi lil self outta there. okay im gonna go to wednesday and start from chapter three to four and things like that uh huh yeah its good stuff okay

    okay so lets see okay silas is leaving because he has to start gathering some type of new information or something like that but bad isnt too happy about it hes been kinda lonely in the graveyard since scarlett left and silas is the only one who really only spent a lot of time with him and now someone named miss lupescu is takin care of him and quite frankly she aint very nice she fed him like this salad and forced him to eat it and this beetroot stew soup kinda thing and it sounded really gross but then he was gonna start first he didnt know what she was talking about then she told him that she was gonna teach him new things for silas while he was gone for a lil while seriously she is rude she just straight up tells him hes ignorant i mean who would hurt a childs feelings like i mean duhhhh!!! but dont wrry in the end bod comes to like her but she starts to teach him all these languages but she teaches him how to say help me in all these languages like morse code which is S-O-S three short dots three long ones three short ones again and french which is Au secours and a couple of others that i dont feel like typing but it all works out in the end bcuz bod actually starts to like her when silas finally returns and she decides that she will come back next high summer and see him and teach him so yep thats basically it for monday tuesday and wednesday and ill do thursday 2morrow and let mafeld know of the schedule for band all i know so far is that its a home game vs. sylacauga starts at 7:00 we march in at 6:30 and play the national anthem at 6:45 so yep ill let u know of call time and stuff later but yep thats it later maf ands folk!!!

  24. I read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Its awesome! Harry pretended to do magic and he has to work in the back yard. He sees two big eyes were staring at him in the hedge. Then they vanished! The Mason’s are coming to eat dinner with them. Harry is forced to stay in his room pretinding he isn’t there. When he gets to his room, he isn’t the only one there! Write tomorrow, Bye!

  25. Well today I will make it short and sweet, but as always, will add something about Catching Fire, H.G. Serries.

    Sucks to be me-

    Today not much happened in the book. MIna is really mad cause she can’t tell her best friend that she is going to these vampire classes and has to make up stuiped excuses. She is has invited George to go on their “dates” with mina, her friend and Nathan. She thinks that Aubrey is weird and is taking up for another girl that likes him (and she is goth) :O Also, he is a really lame date that only talks to her parents. She doesn’t really like him anymore.

    Well, now I will blog on Catching Fire.

    OMG. Peeta proposed to Katniss today and she said yes. (Because it was for real, but they planned it) Peeta really does love her for real now. But, Gale got mad and ran into the townsquare to trade what he had hunt and got whipped for going into the woods to hunt. (Because they got a new Peacekeeper- NOT A NICE GUY!) he then had to be taken care of, but in the proccess Katniss accidently got whipped in the face. (Ooops, said the bad man!) Well, now she is healed and it is about to be her wedding day and…..

    She is getting to go back to the arena for the HUnger Games, agian. Because it is the 75th celebration for the hunger Games and they are sending the tributes back. Considering that Peeta and her are still engadged. Well, I haven’t figured if Haymitch or Peeta is going with her.

    Getting exciting,right? Blog tomorow! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›

  26. no one has gotten petrified in a long time and the mandrakes (things to revive petrified people) are almost ready. in one of harry’s classes he saw a trail of spiders leading into the forbidden forest and asked ron to follow him tonight and follow but ron didn’t want to go into the forest because of all of the stories about what lives in the forest. harry told him how there is also good things that lives in the forest like unicorns and centaurs. they are about to sneak out and this is all i read tonight. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


  27. Ok so i left of that Jonah was going to talk with James Beardon. He thought of letting Chip come with them but was scared to Explain everything that happened to him and Chip. So while Jonah is in the waiting area a mystery Janitor says who wants a free mountain Dew and gives it to Jonah. He drinks the whole thing by the time James let them in. They talked with him but he did not give away you see he worked with the F.B.I and he wasn’t allowed to give away information and nobody else was either. Jonah feels sick and runs to the Bathroom and pukes. A different janitor is in the doorway when he is done puking. The janitor tells him to look at the file on James desk and memorize it. He gets back and says whats that while looking out the window. When everyone turns around He had told his sister to memorize the file. so when they get to there house his sister revealed that she took pictures. So thats what i’ve read so far. πŸ˜€

  28. This is Dragunforse w/ a buk update. I’m reading Hunger Games and it is the best buk ever. I could read it all day and never put it down. I can’t figure out why District 13 got abolished, but anyone who wants to answer it for me is welcome. Anyways, they’re talking about how many slips they put in the jar, that they pull from to get in the Hunger Games which is really bad. Gale, Katniss’s hunting partner, has 42 slips, which doesn’t seem like much when there are thousands, but his chances are better to get picked than people who only have 6, 3, and 1. Katniss has 20 slips, wait I fogot all about telling you about the tesserae and Prim. Tesserae is something you can get if you put more slips into the jar. Oh, and Prim, Katniss’s little sister everyone loves because she is so cute and kindhearted. Anyway, in District 12 because they are among the poorest Districts they have many children that have tessarae, Prim doesn’t though she only has 1 because Katniss wouldn’t let her have any more than that. So, it’s 2:00 in the afternoon and every one is lined up to get picked. So every one is hoping that they don’t get picked by the pink haired lady in the pink sweater. And the girl for the Hunger Games is Prim Everdeen. YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! I’m tired I think I’ll go to bed now.



  29. What up? New in Watchman: Cole, a detective/investigator/fuzz, has got some material on Meesh, a criminal most likely behind the hits. Pike moves Larkin to another house, but the first morning they’re there, hitmen attack Pike’s old house. Bud Flynn still calls Pike at least twice a day, trying to figure out where they are, but Pike won’t tell because there is a leak in the FBI’s system. Meanwhile, things are heating up between Larkin and Pike. Will Pike remember his first duty as cop? Stay tuned…….

  30. i am still reading the glory field because i am only reading it in partridges room and she wont let us take them home to read so ill have to make do with what i have
    dear eligiah,
    boy if them people were going to come to whip me at night and the person who was supposed to do told your grandparents and not you i would have run after that boy so fast and beat his butt so hard that grand kids would feel if he wasnt dead after i did it. but you can go to canada and leave that smokin hot girl friend behind cause she may have promised she wouldnt see nobody til you came back but you them girls, they steal your heart in a heart beat.
    i think that the authors purpose for writing this book was to explain to the reader that all men are the same, no matter what color, race, religion, or anything. to tell the reader”what if you were in that posision that they were in.” you wouldnt like it now would you.
    this book compares to another book that ive read called the book of civil war. in both books they talk about slavery and how the african americans had a hard time after they were free from the being slaves.

  31. Hi I have the answer to Dragonforse’s question. The reason District 13 got abolished as you might have found out already is that the Capitol did it to basically say that we’re better than everyone and if you don’t listen to us than we’re just going to dominate and get rid of all of you.

  32. The Bottle IMP

    genre slip(letters back and forth)

    Dear keawe,

    Im takin your island and there is only 1 thing you can do about it! if you wanna know what it is then reply to this letter by the 16th of march other wise just sit back and wait til i come and take over your island!

    from:Frankster homesteads

    Dear Frankster(can i call you frank?),

    what is it that i need to to do to keep my island? I will do any thing

    Your homie**Keawe

    Dear Keawe,
    You need to brin me 5 million in cash by march the 31st and yes you call frank


    dear Frank

    ok i will get the money to you but where should i meet you?

    Your hommie** Keawe

    Dear Keawe

    meet me at 8:30 at the restraunt downtown w/ the red deterior car(its mine) tommorrow


    Dear Frank

    Thanks for lettin me keep my island it means alot to me!
    Your homie** keawe

    k so thats my blog and tyler i get what ya mean by the whole sufferin thing it made me laugh haha!

  33. Now for my journal entry.

    Okay I finally finished The Graveyard Book tonight. It took me about a week to read it. I really liked it and it was written for, I think kids on sort of an in between fifth and sixth grade level. I have to read it to try out for Battle of the Books so I had to read it. But anyways, It was very easy to read. As in I read it fluently. I liked The Graveyard book very much and now I am going to read Sure Fire by Jack Higgins.


  34. forgot 1 thing this book has alot of things in it i dont get like how they spell harbour is that even how you spell it???

  35. they just got the cloak and sneaked passed the teachers and portrates. harry and ron went to hagrids house and got his dog to go into the forest when they got really deep by following the spiders and harry saw something in the bushes when it came out harry realized it was Mr. Weasley’s magical car. these spiders came out of the bushes and grabes harry, fang (dog), and ron and took then to their leader which was a big spider that was acused of being the monster of hogwarts they got away thanks to the car that saved them and went back in the woods to live and that is what i read tonight see you monday everyone.


  36. Well I finished New Moon and i have to say I missed a lot in the story in depth rather that in detail. I just recived a new book from my sister’s bookfair, but unfortunatly I hade previously read it last summer. Now I will still read the book for her so I am rereading the book The Reality Bug from the Pendragon series. I haven’t started on it again so I will tell you next week how it went. Bye πŸ˜‰

  37. Okay. Here we go. My internet might go off all of a sudden, so if your blog page says I didn’t blog til 8:00, it’s wrong and needs to be put to the death sentence.

    Agaian, the author’s purpose is to just copy the original author and take some of the glory of it by saying he made up some of the original Star Wars, BUT HE DIDN’T!!! He’s a liar!Then he’s gonna say George Lucas copied him. This author probably wasn’t even 20 years old when Star Wars came out. Loser.

    Another character that has to make a big decision is Padme. She is a Senator, and she is a part of whether the Republic should build up an army or not. She is starting to say no so the war won’t get worse, yet if they don’t defend themselves, they are all going to die a slow and miserable death.

    darth vader: (breath) It’s really hot in here (breath).

    padme: you’re stupid darth vader.

    darth vader: am not (breath)

    padme: yes you are. so anyway, do you thnk we should start an army?

    darth vader: no

    padme: why not?

    darth vader:so we can kick y’all’s galactic butts!!!

    padme: you wouldn’t do that to me!!!

    darth vader: would too.

    padme: would not! (logs off)

    I can’t remember what else to blog on, so I’m gonna do the author’s purpose for Sniper. The author’s purpose is to tella story about a man who lives on an animal preserve. He takes care of big cats. Something goes wrong and all the cats go crazy so the guy has to kill them. I wish I had gotten to read more, but I read pretty slow. Like 3 words per 5 seconds, something like that. πŸ™‚

  38. #1 The authors purose for the book of numbers is to tell you of just a few of the great things God has completed as well as his people’s leaders have done with the Lord’s help. It tells of Joshua and just a few of the wonderful things he did for God to show his glory and righteousness. It is also to explain why God told his people to do certain things even though sometimes the people didn’t think would work but they had enough faith in the power of the Lord that they still completed them.

    #2 Dear Joshua,
    Listen to what the lord will tell you and no matter what beleive that you will succeed and no matter what you shall succeed. Have trust in your men and your lord and you SHALL succeed. Now if you fail to do these things I cannot promise you that you shall succeed but you shall not perish.

    Man who knows what he’s talking about.

    #3 Change is somthing that anyone who has part of their religion in the bible should know that change has a lot to do with the messages that the bible and God tries to put into our thick skulls. Joshua changes greatly from his time as being Moses’ servant when He was leading the Isrealites towards the lands that the Lord had promised them. He has matured to become a great leader and is very good at relaying Gods word.

    #4 The bible is really like nothing I’ve ever read but if I had to compare it to a book it would be to Marine Sniper(I know what you all are thinking: There is no way that a book about killing people can be compared to the Bible. Well I’m going to attempt it πŸ™‚ )
    The books are a like because the main and most of the supporting characters change. Both sets of characters are changing because either someone tells them to do it or because they must to succeed in their overall objective. They also involve people killing other people to claim the overall objective. In the Bible they must take over the many countires and people to gain the lands that the Lord promised them; in Marine Sniper he must kill the enemy to find and kill the enemy General so that his army could succeed in taking over the communist country.
    They are different because the people in the Bible were told by God to take over the many contries and peoples while Marine Sniper is just told by higher command. Also the Marine Sniper does all of his killing in cold-blood and for no real good reason while yes the Isrealites did kill in cold blood but they had an overall good reason to do so.

  39. Ok so i’m still reading Found, When I left off they had gotten home from James Beardon’s office. They had taken pictures of the file the next day they went to Chip’s house and got on his computer with him. They loaded the pictures on the computer and made them big. They looked at the list and the one page was labeled Witnesses. The second page was labeled Survivors and the last two names were, Da da da dun Chip and Jonah. They started freaking out then Jonah said just shut it of so he started to leave then Katherine said that she thought she knew some that happened. When Jonah had run out to barf then Katherine turned at the desk a man appeared out of nowhere and put the file on the desk then disapeared. and then when Jonah was going home his room you could see into part of it he saw someone in there looking at his desk. He rushed in aand found his parents in the kitchen. He ran to his room nowhere was there and thats what i’ve read so far. πŸ˜€

  40. This is Dragunforse w/ a buk update and I’m on pg. 89 after 2 days, which is good for me considering I’m a very slow reader almost all of the time. So, tension is rising because out of thousands Prim, who only had 1 slip, was picked, right? Well, here is a bigger shock. Katniss Everdeen volunteers to go to the Hunger Games!!! That is like begging for a very painful & slow death penalty!!! So, Katniss goes up to the stands and goes instead of her sister, who is holding on to her arm screaming, “NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!” Then Gale comes and pries Prim off Katniss’s arm. After all this intensity your like “Well, it can’t get any better now”, but wait there’s more. Read now and you’ll also get another tension moment w/ Dragunforse. Then they pick the boy….. Gale!!! Just kidding, it is this boy who everyone calls Peeta. Just to be punny his father is a baker. Get it Peeta bread… haha. Anyways, It was a tension moment because he is the boy who gave her bread when she didn’t know how to hunt for food well, her mother was in depression, her father just died, and she was caring for the family on her own!! He was the one who gave her hope when she had none. Well, I’m tired again, it’s been a long week so, here’s good nyte from….


  41. im still reading the graveyard book its awesome as usual when bod finally gets rescued by miss lupescu he finally returns back to his safe graveyard home unfortunately he sprained his ankle(OWWW) but he’ll be ok now im in chapter four almost to chapter five was reading it all day as long as i could and so far bod is very appreciative of silas coming back but he must continue on with his learning w/ silas so yep. they end up exploring the graveyard soon after bod returns and is well enough to walk around on his foot. silas soon talks to bod about the history or kinda history of the graveyard and how certain people believe that certain areas of land were sacred before and after yur dead the chapter is called the witchs tomb so im guessin bod is about to encounter a which and it aint gonna be pretty but thats just mi guesstimation lolz!!! but thats all for 2nite! ok ive got all the info for band 2morrow maf so im gonna put MAFELD READ THIS!!!!!! in capitalized letters so u will read it ok here it goes.
    MAFELD READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    nosy lil seventh or sixth graders i swear they r proly readin this right now but n e wayz ok call time 2morrow is 5:45 for the band and the tailgate party starts at 6:00 for the bands then we r marchin in at 6:30 and playin the anthem at 6:45 then kick off at 7:00 as usual so yeppers theres the schedule i wish i could be in 8th period with the rest of the class but we gots the pepper rally haha!! miss u maf lolz!! later!

  42. Well here I go, I won’t type as much tonight. (But I might.) πŸ˜‰

    Well I only read a little in Sucks to be Me. It is still bad!

    Well today Mina is getting really worried because her best friend said that she would be a vampire if she could. Then, there is goth girl named Raven. She likes Aubrey and also gets all up in MIna’s face. Mina doesn’t really worry about her though. She is weird!

    I am now going to blog on Catchng Fire.

    Well, Peeta is going to the games with Katniss. (Who would know?) They didn’t even get to say by to there families. She cried because of Prim, Her Mom, and Gale. (Can’t forget Gale) She doesn’t think she is coming back from these games this time. Peeta is her main source. (She promised she would keep him alive.)

    As you can see I haven’t blogged as much.
    I will blog tomorow! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›

  43. I just read Rules it is about a girl named is Catherin and her little brother has to go to the clinic and when he goes she goes and she met this 15 year old and his name is jason he is in a wheelchair an dhas to use a communication book an dso he goes to speech tharapy. Well they have a new neighbor moving in and the girl is her age.moving on Kristi (her new neighbor)Askes her to go to the dance and ask jason well kristi didnt know jaon was in a wheelchair and that he uses a communication book but catherin kept it a secret well kristi finds out when she sees them at the dance because she told him about the dance and he wanted to go but she knew that people were going to think and say about him and didnt want him to get hurt but not going and not going hurt his feelings because he thought she was embarrassed by him being the way he is. so she went home and called him and asked him to meet her there and he did and kristi saw them and met jason. and so she danced with him and when it is over she goes home an dgoes to bed!


  44. Heyy.. How’s it going?? This has been a GREAT past couple days!! Its been book speed dating week!! The bestest times of the year!! The closest a lot of us GTeirs (Whatever “Dr. Mafield” calls us) will get to dating.. JK we all know we are the most popular and RULE the school:) Well anyways I found my soul mate today!! Mountmorency!! I read the book before in 5th grade not a great book for a 5th grader.. it was a very graphic book my memorie is very faded from back then but I remeber the Goryness some things the author could have kept to themsleves.. When i saw the book laying on the desk when i moved i was like i’ve herd of it before then when i started reading it i realized i have read a book just like this before then reread the title and read it a couple times then FLASHBACK!! I was like OMG!!! Smiles!! Loved the book then and loved the first two pages of it now!! But sadly I kind of forgot to write down terms of the book that i found i think i wrote down like 1 and a half:) but u gotta love me!! Ask everyone!! Well TTYL see ya yesterday in French πŸ™‚ Smart blonde Peace out!! πŸ™‚

  45. So, this guy King is a real estate agent turned bad. He is trying to kill Larkin. Meesh, we think, fled to Cuba. The cops visit Cole, trying to get a connection to Pike. Pike calls Flynn to arrange Bud dropping off a car for Pike. Pike meets Bud earlier at his house and Flynn shows him some stills of the thugs at Larkins house. I gotta go.

  46. Hey Yall’ I’ve had a very busy weak for a compatition, to a solo at church, and I’m going to have to catch up on this weeks blogs today. I’m reading Dream Factory.
    I ‘m not sure what I think of it quite, basically I have mixed feelings. I’ve decided to continue on with the book because of the character Ella [ Cinderalla ] She’s a bit different from the rest of the group, she says brilliant mind moving things. I think if this girl was real that I would love to be her friend. Luke seems to be the prefecy boyfriend, his mind isn’t stuck on how hot you look, or not. I love this book Ella lost her brother resently, and her parents are moving redevelping, but truly there running away. She lost her brother and now she’s losing her parents too. She knows it and it puts her in a great deal of pain. Luke dosn’t want the high aying job that evreyone is saying he should take But he dosen’t want it and they’re peltting him with his own succes. I got to go.


  47. I beleive the authors purpose to the Book Thief is to show a different perspectrive of the life of a german during WW2 instead of a jew. To show how they could have fallen in love with this man the call the fuhrer but is actually a sick sphycopath (yes i know i spelled that wrong). How they could have let their children join the fuhrer whatever it is(seriously im having a brain fog today or whatever). its also very entetaining into the struggles a young girl has during this period of time. And how her life has changed drastically.

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