The 09-10 Blog Page

Not to be confused with any other blog page – yeah for reading!!!

ย Luv,
Dr. Roy

532 thoughts on “The 09-10 Blog Page”

  1. i believe there is a lot of change within liesel. She has to switch families and friends her brother dies ver suddenly she changes houses and homes and even her parents. She goes through a deep tramatic change within this period of time. She loves her parents but yearns for her mother its all very different. Yes even with rudy her feelings for him change over time and it has a very sad ending. It would be a tramatic change emotionally for anyone whether young or old rich or poor. I just love this book.

  2. Genre Slip

    Dear Liesel,
    I know the whearabouts of ur mother. And i know you miss her very much. Tell me wear max is and i promise u u can have her back u can see her again. U have till sundown

    (sowwy this was short mafield)

  3. so it’s been a few weeks – i probably should write…

    got 1/2 through “the runner’s body” this week – a book that goes into the science of running – it’s been very interesting – like very different from most books i’ve read about running b/c of the science take – and even though i’m not a huge fan of biology, i’ve enjoyed learning about what goes into running physically and how to optmize performance

    got “yogi berra: eternal yankee” this week – the author, allan barra, used to live in bama and wrote a wonderful book on bear bryant – the yogi book is good – i’ve read 140 pages in two days – very thorough about how yogi’s been underrated through the years – like he became labeled and no one really appreciated his true worth

    finished running times and runners world over the weekend – the story on how to build a high school xc team was interesting to me – like the ideas about what they do in the summer to keep interest

    read newsweek – the feature that included jim parsons of big bang theory was good – the rest, typical news stuff that i also got a dose of in the economist (although that journal did have a good review of a bio on charles dickens)

    suppose that’s it – enjoy reading what ya’ll are reading (except for kaitlin b b/c i will probably have to read hunger games 2 – so i don’t want the book spoiled:)

    dr roy

  4. 1- well i started back reading glory so just let me start back from the begining
    well let see she is living with her foster parents and she has a poisen in her and the doctor says that she will end up dieing because there is no medicine that can cure it right now because they dont know what it is besides a poisen. so her foster parents the kellys got her interested in gardening and she loves to do that now because she said it relates to her. when you see a flower with a little brown you still have to cut it even though it still has a little life in it. she keeps telling her self that she is going to end up like the flowers and the kellys keep telling her that she isnt going to end up like that she still has life in her and she will pull through and fight for her life
    2- she went back to the doctor and they put her on some new medicine and it isnt making her feel to good. so when they get home she goes to the bathroom to take a shower and she notices that she is bleeding and she thinks that she has cut her self when she was gardening so she goes and locks the door and goes back into the bathroom once she relices that she is bleeding a lot she think that she is dieing and that this is it. so she gets in the bath tube and just sits there then mrs. kelly comes and knocks on the the and glory dosent answer. mrs kelly calls for her again and so glory answers and said that she will be out in a minute and mrs kelly says no to come open the door now.
    3-so glory puts a towel on and went and un locked the door mrs kelly ask what is wrong and glory says she is sorry that she has to sie right now and they have sone so much for her and she thanked them for everything that they have done and did for her all this time and that she wish that she didnt have to die right now but that that was what god wanted her to do so she had to die right now. then mrs kellys ask where she is bleeding from glory said from her bottom half and mrs kelly huged her and huged her and huged her and told her that she wasent dieing she had got mother natures gift and glory understood then.
    4- mrs kelly said come on we got to go to the drug store so they go and then mrs kelly says that this is something to celebrate and that hey are going to eat a the cafe and they sit in there for 2 hours just talking and explaining everything that need to and all the questions that had to be asked. they got home and it was time to go to bed glory gopes into the kitchen and mr kelly whas sitting at the kitchen table glory didnt wnat to go in there because she thought it was going to be embarassing and it was but glory thought it was sweeet that me. kelly went though some embarassing moment just to say goodnight to her. and she apprecated that so much. and then she went to bed.

    got to go


  5. Hey! It’s high schoolar Taylor. Be happy while yall can in middle school annd only have to blog. I miss everyone so much, including you Mayfield. Have fun while you still can! L8r, ~Taylor~

  6. Journals.
    Authors Purpose, The authors purpose of this article was to inform girls going into college about the dangers of college hazing,drinking, and other things in college. It was like a guide to college life. It was a rticle and had facts in it so I am assuming that it is to inform.Theme Relation.This article relates to the theme of the Lucky One by Nikolas Sparks because they are both trying to help but in the article they are trying to help other people not theirselves because logan thibault is helping himself by joining the marines. he is also helping others by joing the navy because he is keeping us safe. Article Summary. This artical is about teen hazing,under age drinking,and how to stay safe when you go off to college. It also talks about what to do in certain “sticky” situations. And how some sororities take it to far when they haze. Genre Slip. Dear Author, I think that you are right by warning teens about hazing before they go off to college. They need to know what happens so that they can be prepared. They need to do this so that they can avoid and know that its not worth it, they could die. So thank you for writing this letter to all those teens out there who are going to college.-Anonymous

  7. Today I will blog on Sucks to be Me because I finished it on Saturday.

    Well, Mina is a vampire now. Also, her best friend was told about her being a vampie. Raven was banned from vampire leasons. Aubry decided he didn’t want to become a vmpire after meating with this weird vampire author lady. So, her est friend got a date with the boy she likes. She got a date with the boy her best friend likes. This book is weird and I don’t recomend it.

    I will not blog on Catching Fire because I do not want to ruin the ending!

  8. I am reading the book The City of Glass and so far they are about to go to war against Valinetine and they are getting new marks from Clary that ties them together. That is all I have read so far but I will tell you more later on. See Ya ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Hey Dr. Mayfield I do not understand how you can read a book about science and enjoy it as a pass-time,
    but hey it’s your reading style. I’m reading the book Dream Factory, and it just got interesting I mean
    PG-13 interesting they brought on the cuss words and there’s been drinking through-out the story, also now it’s getting rely sexual, I would tell you what happened
    but teachers and 6th graders read this blog.:)
    Anyhow, I’m finally enjoying the book. I should finish it soon, Then I’m starting a new book I got called
    God Girl.Back to this story, They met a guy who has worked there for 30 years. For an old man he sure has a potty mouth. He’s what brought the cuss words on so hard. They’re doing a scavenger Hunt for a prize and Bella and Luke finally quit on losing.
    GTG Olive-A

  10. Harry had to go home to the dudleys and treated him very badly as always harry’s aunt came over for a week harry got madder and madder every day because she was talking about him and his mom and dad ane day it got to far he used magic and she swelled up like a ballon and floated away. Harry threatened dudleys dad then left he was thinking about flying to hogwarts but then a magical bus came along and harry got on the double floored bus. That is all i read tonight see everyone tomorrow.

    9-21-09 ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. HI!!

    I have started Sure Fire over the weekend and I have gotten through most of it. Right now Rich and Jade, who are twins, are outside of KOS. An oil company who has captured their father. They are trying to break in and guess who they are after???? Their Father, who is named John Chance.

    In the beginning of the book, Jade and Rich’s mother is hit by a car. The teens then go to stay with their mother’s childhood friend, and their current neighbor, Mrs. Gilpin and her family. John Chance comes and picks them up at their mother’s funeral. He then takes them to a flat on the East side of London.

    That is how far I’m into the book and it is very good from the beginning to where i am at now.

  12. The book, Stargirl, relates to another book i have read before, Nothing But the Truth, because in Stargirl, no one is talking to Stargirl nor Leo, because Stargirl was cheering for the other team during basketball season. Leo finally finds that out from Kevin during lunch bwcause he was wandering why noboby was looking at him in the hallways or talking to him, so he asks Kevin if he knows and Kevin gives him an answer. In Nothing But the Truth, Philip Malloy does not like his english teacher because she got him detention for no reason at all. In both books, someone is not liking another person.


    Ransome Note:

    Dear Leo,
    Why in the world are you going out with Stargirl and hanging out with her 24-7???? No one likes her anymore except for you. Why is that??? You do realize that she was cheering for the other team, don’t you??? Please break up with her and stop hanging out with her. I mean it!!!!!!!!!

    Secret Person

  13. Book: Stargirl (trying to finish…:) )

    The author’s purpose is to tell how Leo went to Archie and told him about what was going on at school about him and Stargirl. Archie was telling Leo all about Stargirl that Kevin didn’t already know. When Kevin told Archie that Stargirl cheered for the other team, Archie said that he knew and that he knew she wasn’t a bragger or a “rub in the face” type of person, that she liked to cheer for both teams no matter who it is.


    There is conflict and the conflict is external because Stargirl is entering a oratorical contest. She had already won two contests and now she was on another one in Phoenix. She had already been practicing her speech and had already had everything together and ready for the big contest.

  14. I’m sorry bout last week when I said numbers I ment Joshua. I was reading Joshua not Numbers.

    The authors purpose is to help explain how Joshua lead the Isrealites into the land that God had promised them. Also to tell about God helping the Isrealites in just about anyways that they needed. It is also to help the reader learn how to handle life situations in the best way possible.

  15. i have still been reading the book the glory field. its still good and entertaining, though if i dont get to read anymore than in mrs partridges room than im just going to stop reading it.
    authors purpose
    i think that the authors purpose for writing chapter in this part of the book is that just cause your skin is a different color doesnt mean that you should not not get the same amount of money as somebody else with different skin color.
    i have read another book about the same as this one at one time. its a biography about abraham lincoln. in both books it talks about slaves and there rights that they didnt have. it also talks about when they got their freedom they still didnt have the rights that they wanted but atleast the got something for all their hard work. and now if they were alive they would cry to see that all people hang out together instead of segregated.

  16. I’m going to blog this week, and maybe next, about Gone. I have just started it and the begining isn’t really eye oppening. (Sice I read the back) Let’s see. It can’t be better than Hunger Games, though.

    It started off and they were in school. Then, all of the sudden there teacher and a fifteen year old in their class disapeared. They all started laughing, then freaking out. Everyone was running around and screaming. The trio decided to go look in their houses. (Sam, Quinn, and Astrid) None of their parents were home so they said mabey it was just God. Then, a FedEx truck crashed and all of this stuff. It is strange…..
    I guess I will read on an blog tomorow.

  17. on the bus harry lied and said that he was nevelle longbottom because he didnt want the ministrey of magic to know where he is. He got off the bus at diegon ally and ran into the minister of magic and he took him to his home and let harry stay there for the next two weeks harry is going to bed in room eleven which is way better than what room he was in at the dursleys home on private drive where they treated him and Hedwig (harry’s owl) like they where priseners at a high security jail and they never gave harry any privlages. Harry just went to sleep and this is all i read tonight

    9-22-09 ๐Ÿ˜›

  18. Ok so I left off Jonah had rushed up to his room because he saw someone in it. The next day him and Chip were waiting at the bus stop they decided to call another person on the SURVIVORS list. they asked if she was adopted she didn’t answer she hung up. So when they got home Chip got a letter in the mail that had no return address or a name. It asaid to meet someone at the library at 3:00 they got on there bikes and rode there at 2:30 When they got in they had a plan chip would meet the he/she and talk with them with his Cell phone on. Katherine Jonahs sister would get it through her phone transmitt it through a walky talky. The he/she was a girl named angela she is the one that worked in the airport where the MYSTERY plane landed. She was there at 2:00 so she knew there plan. She told them about the MYSTERY airplane and thats what I’ve read so far ๐Ÿ˜€

  19. I am reading Daniel X: Watch the Skies and so far Daniel is now tracking Number 5 on The List. He has discovered that Number 5 is like an ell but instead of the power to shock people in a bathtub… he has the power to shock a whole water park and the parking places around it. I will tell you more later after you have read The Dangerous Days :of Daniel X. Peace ;)\

  20. Mayfield,
    wow! this thing has really transformed since i was in the 7th grade:) the book Harriers that you are letting me read is really really good, but the only thing i dont like about it is that the Quakers get to go to state and they prove that they need to be there by placing 3rd, BUT after the court meeting thay are stripped of their 3rd place title. I think that the OHSAA and the school district should have just let the whole thing go. But honestly i think that it is really cool that this book was written by two 18 year olds, i mean that the content is really good and the whole thing is kinda comical!

    Well i just thought id stop in here and tell you what i think about the book!! hahaha

    miss the class:((

  21. I just finished Daniel X: Watch the skies and now that I finished I thought that I should reread the First one so I will tell everyone how it goes tomorrow. Bye ;):0

  22. Hi!!!

    So, I’ve been reading Sure Fire and I finished it tonight. It is okay, but not the best. At the end John Chance and Rich beat up Viktor Vishinsky and when on of the kicks him he goes flying into the control center, which is basically torn to shreds and there are wires everywhere that are cut off, Viktor then flies into the control center and gets ELECTRUCUTED!!!!!!!!

    Before this happens Viskinsky captures Rich and Jade and forces Rich to tell him his dad’s cell phone number, it is the wrong cell phone number, so the number they told him blows up his resarch facility and destroys his fuel that he made.

    P.S. I need this to count as two journal entries. If it doesn’t then tell me and I will write another tomorrow.


  23. im doin the rest of my journals now so that i wont have to do them thursday.
    dear mr person who gots the kid who is blind,
    why do you let your kid hang out with a drunk, and the boy’s blind which is even worse. you should just take care of that boy instead of almost losing him. you should have learned that lesson and not have had to of learned the hard way and almost lost him
    i think that the conflict in this book is between this kid named eliagh and this white dude who is really racist. he and some other people are coming to give eliagh a wooping, which sounds funny when you know your parents just take a belt to to but this is a whip that brings blood. the conflict didnt really happen but if it did then it would have been bad

  24. harry tries to get the minister of magic to sign this form for hogwarts just saying that he can go to a place at hogwarts but he wont and he spends the next days doing hogwarts homework and eating ice cream. days passed and he looked in a shop at a new broom called the firebolt but doesnt want to use all of his money so he doesn’t buy it. he finally found ron and hermine and ron showed harry his new wand a 14 inch with a unicorn hair. this is all i am going to blog tonight i will blog again tomorrow… 8D

  25. I jut read Dr. Roy’s comment about me and hunger games. I allready kind of ruined it though but I didn’t ruin Catching Fire! Ha ha! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I am going to blog about Gone today- getting better

    Today all of the little kids are all freaked out and asking Sam what they should do. He just says that he is scared too, but it will all trun out okay. He told one kid that he should go eat a cookie at the daycare. He also had to go into a burning building and the little girl he tried to save died. The little girl actually tried to kill him. She could shoot fire out of her hands. It is getting a lot better than I thought it would be. Well, blog tomorow. Got 2 Go! ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. So first of all I was at the fair all night and afternoon Tuesday and couldn’t do a journel so sorry ๐Ÿ™ so i will try to do double. Ok so I left off Angela was telling them about the MYSTERY plane. She started talking abou how the plane appeared out off nowhere and how it dissapeared when everybody got off of it. Chip and Katherine were makeing smartalik responses while Jonah just wanted her to go on. They asked if someone else saw it dissapear but everybody that saw it go bye-bye didn’t want to confess it. So then she starts talking about how she thought it dissapeared she thought the plan moved faster then Light so therefore it was basicly a time machine. Then these men start fighting at the door to the conference room there in. One guy tackled the other guy to stop him from getting to Jonah and Chip. The guy that tackled the other guy was the MYSTERY JANITOR that was at James Beardon’s office the janitor tells them to run so they hop out of the Window. Then when they were peddaling away on there bikes Jonah turns around to go help Angela who didn’t go with them. He rushes in to the conference room no one was there and it was perfectly clean. He looked out the window Angela magicaly vanished like the plane they get home and the list of witnesses and survivors are erased from chips computer. So then Jonah figures out the people can go back in time read any letter and can monitor any electric systemm so thats what i’ve read so far

  27. Dobby is the elf on Harry’s bed. A house elf. Harry reliezed that he was the thing staring at him through the hedge that morning. Dobby had come to tell Harry that he shouldn’t go back to Hogwarts this year. Harry found out that Dobby was stopping his letters. Harry was really mad at Dobby. Harry thought that his friends didn’t care to write to him. Dobby tries to force Harry to stay at his aunt and uncles, but Harry said no. So Dobby ran down stairs and dropped a cake on the living room floor. Then Dobby vanished. Harry’s uncle puts bars on Harry’s window. That night the Weaslys come and break Harry out. Harry was in the flying car before Harry’s uncle can get to him. Did I tell you that Harry’s aunt and uncle hate him. Well they do!!! That’s all I have. write tomorrow, bye.

  28. Ransome Note:

    Dear Stargirl,
    I hope you do good on your speech contest and I wish to you that you will win and won’t get afraid at any point, that your speech will be the best. I know that you are hoping the basketball team will win too. I wish to you the best wishes to your life.



    Stargirl, the book, relates to Around the World in 80 Days, because in 80 Days, Phileas Fogg has his little routine that he does everyday. In Stargirl, it is very similar because Stargirl will tell her pet rat, Cinnamon, to kiss Leo and then she’ll ask Leo to hold Cinnamon, and he does. That happens constantly in the book several times.

  29. This is Dragunforse w/ a buk update. I’m reading Hunger Games. Sorry, I haven’t been on for a while it’s because, well, I have no excuse. Anyways, I was just talking about Peeta got pickedto got to the Hunger Games with Katniss, right? Well, they are heading to the train station to go to the Hunger Games and they get about 15 mins. to talk to their families. Katniss and Prim say “Katniss, will try to win?”
    “I try with all my life Prim.” Then Katniss speaks to her mother. “Mom control yourself, stay awake enough this time to help Prim through this. You have to. If you don’t Prim well end up in the homeless shelter. You must get through this, for Prim, dad, and Me.” Geting louder w/ every word.
    “I’ll try Katniss….”
    “NO!!! Don’t try to do it you have to it’s your responcibility as a mother to be strong and help Prim and I!!!” Shouting now.
    “Okay Katniss you have my word.”
    I have to go to school now.



  30. okay so i’m reading the vampire diaries, and it’s really good. so…..

    1)Okay, so they’re at the prom, and elena is standing over with matt and her group when she sees stefan. she walks over to him, and just when she is about to ask him to dance, caroline, her ex-best-friend, comes and jumps inbetween them and takes him over to dance. i’m just gonna be honest… i would be really mad!

    2) Well, elena goes back over to matt and gets mad at him sayying that he should’ve told her and all that. idk if you remember, but matt was the one that was supposed to make sure that stefan would be there so that she could dance with him. he knew and she is really mad!

    3) She decides to get back at him, she’s going to go dance with tyler. so, she goes over to him and his group and they’re all drunk, but she doesn’t care. she just decides that she won’t dring, but she can stilll hang out with them. of course, that’s not a really good idea, but she decided that if she wanted to stay popular, she couldn’t be rejected.

    4) Bonnie and meredith tried to tell elena that it wasn’t a good idea, but she wouldn’t listen to them. she didn’t care. it was her reputation and she was going to do what she had to to keep it up. so they still don’t agree with her and elena gets really mad and decides to just ditch them. of course, this is when it all turns around…

    well… i guess i g2g… adios!

  31. I finished Daniel X and I remember a lot now. See Daniel was taken to Earth because he was from a planet called Alpar Nork and it had almost the same plant likness and people of Earth except that some of the people born on Alpar Nork had an ability to control the matter around them( or as some people call it the universal force). Danny’s parents both had this ability he had twice plus more of their ability. So they were sent to protect Earth from Outer Ones( bad aliens) from destroying or making a mass genocide of the human race. Yeah no pressure. So that is were I am going to end it and if you want to read it you can check it out at the CMS library. See Ya ๐Ÿ˜‰ :0

  32. The author’s purpose for The Cannibals is to tell a riveting (that’s a big word) ๐Ÿ™‚ story about these convicts that are my age that escape from a ship that’s goin to Australia to make them slaves. When they escape (which is kinda on accident), they are with all of the sailors that fell of the ship into the longboat, and those sailors want to kill them. They row to a “deserted” island in the middle of nowhere and as they are about to hit land, a big wave comes and destroys their boat; so they are stranded there. They look for water and find a guy who looks as if he has been on this island for years and they start talking to him. They find out that the guy is PHSYCO! He calls himself Captain Mullock, he wears a helmet made of seaweed, and he has a pet bat that he talks to. That’s as far as I got.

    The character that I noticed a lot was Tom, a murderer who is also the son of the ship’s captain, he is really brave and outgoing. Even though everyone on the ship hates him, except for Midgely(he’s blind), he still looks forward to things and doesn’t go off on anybody. His bravery really shows when he is talking to his father about escaping. His father says that it can’t be done, but Tom still tries his plan to save his life.

    This book relates to The Hobbit. In The Hobbit, the dwarves and Bilbo have to try to escape from places because they are being held as convicts. Tom and Midgely are in the same exact situation, and in both cases, everybody makes it out. The Cannibals is more about a survival test and The Hobbit is more about a trek across a lot of land. In The Hobbit, Bilbo has to make it back to where he came from. I don’t think Tom and the convicts are going to make it back; just a guess, considering the name of the book. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Dear Benjamin Penny(one of the sailors),
    It didn’t feel very good when you gorged my eyes out, and plus, I can’t see. So if you kept them for some nasty little hobby that you do, please give them back. You probably didn’t keep them, but if you did, I’d like to have them back please. Thanks.


  33. wazzup! I have changed books so next time be prepared for a new nickname.

    I m reading The Call of The Wild by Jack London. I have read the Great Illustrated Classics version before and now I am reading some other version. It still has alot of pictures though.

    Right now I am at the part where they have just set up camp at the foot of a big gold mining town at the foot of a big lake. Buck has already learned how to survive the “Huskie” life. This book is a bit harder to understand because it uses higher level words.

    Anyway I’ve got to go get my shower.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. ok im a lil behind this week mostly cuz i had to take care of mi lil bro monday clean house all night tuesday then i went to the fair wednesday which was awesome if yur wondering and then i finally have 2nite cuz i had to do mi fantasy football pix n e wayz!! ok gotta get started so im almost finished with the graveyard book and its pretty awesome chapter four was cool cuz met the witch for the first time and she gave him one simple request and he managed to turn it into a huge problem and almost got jack back into the story which hes bound to come back sooner or later i mean duh!!!! n e wayz bod started collecting spare change so he could get liza a headstone and her story is a sad one bcuz when she was alive and the town accused her of being as witch they decided to strap her into a chair tie a line to the chair and drown her in the lake they said that if she was a witch then she would live well she didnt but when they picked her out of the water she put a curse on them that a monstrous event would occur and they would all die horrible deaths and bout a few weeks or so later every man in the town died because of plague. kinda funny in a way but sad in another. but they burned her corpse until it was solid black and when the men got the plague the color she was when she was burned was the color they turned when they had plague and died of it.

    okay continuing on so when bod went to the store placey thingy whoa wait lets back this thingy up okay first he went back into that grave hillside thingy he went in the 2nd to last time he was with scarlett but he hasnt been since but when he goes he decides he needs something expensive that someone would pay big money for so he can buy lizas headstone but the sleer doesnt want him to take him well too bad cuz he took it n e wayz and the thing im talkin bout is the brooch so then he goes to the store and talks to this guy by the name of abanazer bolger well he thinks that bod stole it which we all know he didnt but he doesnt want to tell where he got it well abanazer decides to lock him in his office until he decides to fess up bout where he found it well eventually liza comesto the rescue and helps bod get outta there but bod is in serious trouble when he gets back but silas cant punish him so further punishment will be up to his parents.

    genre slip time since i havent done one in a while…….

    Dear Jack,
    i think i have found what you’re looking for. Please do forgive me if i am wrong for i have summoned yuo for the right purpose and the right purpose only. I need you to come as quickly as possible i could not summon you only because our problem took the black edged card that you gave me so i have to only do it this way i hope you will arrive soon and have a safe trip so you wont kill me if indeed i am wrong but thats up to you until then have a safe trip and keep your work and attitude positive!
    Abanazer Bolger

    as you can tell i did this genre because when bod finally escaped abanazer and his so called helper who tried to steal the brooch from him bod took the card with jacks name on it and the instructions on how to summon him so abanazer knows it could possibly be him that jack wants and tried to kill but never succeeded.

    okay im gonna type bout character development and the main character bod goes threw a lot of changes for example so far hes experienced his first crush with scarlett but when she leaves hes kinda lonely and upset on the inside about it but she kinda developed him into a more softer and emotional bad just cuz he had a crush his first living gurl. miss lupescu definately when threw change but she may have actually had that in her all along when she proved that she actually cared for bod by rescueing him but of course any body would try to help n e one as long as its really important life or death situation kinda but yep i guess thats it for 2nite…….

    okay time for football updates for mafeld only READ THIS MAFELD!!! ok so we have a pep rally 2morrow at the high school which i think u already know about ok well i think were havin a tailgate party startin at 6 call time is at 5:30 as usual we march in at 6:30 anthem & etc… at 6:45 game kickoff at 7:00 then we have a competition at gasden(check mi spelling) call times at 12:30 and we leave the school at 1 go on and perform on the field at 5 i think then we have ceremony for awards round 9:30 till 10 and we leave at 10:30. just thought id let ya know bout everything this week but thats it for this week n e wayz later maf and folk!!!!

  35. #1
    Dear Joshua,
    I am proud of the way you have been leading the Lord’s people to the land that was promised to them by the great Lord. But there is exceptions. When you do lead them make sure you use a very strong, authorative voice and make sure even those like me can hear. Now if you don’t listne to these things then you’ll never be at the highest of your leadership skills, and as you well know that all the people look up to great leaders.

    Isrealites Elder

    The facts are somewhat plentiful but opinions are greatly and widely spread. The facts are that: Once Moses died his aide, Joshua, took over in the process of passing God’s word to his people. He lead them even closer to the promised land then Moses did and fought many battles along the way.
    Opinions: Joshua is a great leader, he gets all of the Isrealites to listnen to him and beleive the words that he passes down to them from the Lord.

    #3 Now change is one of the many things used throughout the bible to help the many authors get there points across. Joshua matures quickly when he takes over from Moses and becmes a great leader of the isrealite people. Many other leaders have to step it up a notch above the average male of the time and lead them all on their long and periluos expidition to gain the land that God had promised Moses and all the other Isrealites.

    Thats it for tonight ya’ll so you all take care and have a good night.

    Signed Football fan #11(used to be #22 just noticed it so sorry ๐Ÿ˜› )

  36. Well, it is late. But I guess I have a habbit for blogging late.

    Today they went to this hotel and looked fro Astrid’s brother. He has autism. They discovered a strange barrier. They also found a seagull that had tallons! They did get a golf cart, though. So now they don’t have to walk or run everywhere. (I bet Dr. Roy could) ๐Ÿ™‚ So, they are now going to the nuclear power plant to see if Astrid’s little brother is there. (Cause’ he wasn’t at the hotel) So, these bullies came and beat someone up. They are really mean and tried to kill them. Then, the head bully, Orc, said that he named the town FAYZ. Fallout Ally Youth Zone. He said that he’s the cheif and they should back off. So, that is as far as I have read. Got 2 Go.

    Also, will Auburn win this weekend? We shall see! (Mabey they won’t!) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  37. This is a down dragunforse update. We lost our first game today. My team is Cameron, Kolby, J.P., Alex Driskell, Tucker Holly, Mack Slaughter, Roger ( you probably don’t know him), Addison Couch, and I. Anyways, I have a lot to tell you. They just finished the conversation and she is on the train riding and it is more luxorius than she could ever imagined.It has electricity on all the time- District 12 doesn’t- there is hot water and gormet eating. Haymitch (their mentor) is always drunk. Let’s just say Haymitch and Effie don’t get along. They always fight at the table. I am on Effie’s side because Haymitch is always drunk and cranky. Later after supper he even vomits, then loses complete conciusness and falls into the vomit he just vomited. EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! Then Peeta and Katniss have to pick him up and take him to the shower, but Peeta tells Katniss she can go and he’ll wash him and she does. Anyway, When they arrive at the Capitol they eat breakfast, when Katniss sees a red-headed girl she knows from somwhere, but she can’t think of where it is on the spot. The thing is she can’t speak to her because she is an Avox. An Avox is someone who has comited a crime that is punishable by years of service and more. Then she notices not only can she not speak to her but vice versa because she has no tounge!! So she spends the night trying to remember who the Avox girl is, when she remembers that she saw her in the woods trying to escape from the Capitol when the girl shouted “HELP ME!!” Then the boy beside her got speared head to bottom and got sucked into the hovercraft above it, then she got sucked into the hovercraft. Well that’s about it for me tonyte.



  38. Harry Potter is really cool. I’ve got to the part where Harry, Ron, Fred, and George get home after rescueing Harry. When they park the car. Mrs. Weasly came stomping across the yard. She started yelling at Ron, Fred, and George. She was pleased to see Harry though. Harry found out that Ron’s dad is fansinated with muggles (People who don’t do magic.) They all sit down at the table and eat breakfast. Then Ron, Fred, and George go to the garden to degnome. That’s it bye!

  39. im still on the third harr potter they have just had dinner and harry is listining in on Mr. and Mrs.Weasley’s conversation and harry found out that the person who escaped from the best jail was out to get him. the next daythey got into the cars to go to the platform for the train to hogwarts and they make it through ok. Ron, Harry, amd hermine sat with a teacher that was asleep and harry bought a few cakes for ron, hermine and him and thats all i read tonight like always i will blog tomorrow.

    9-24-09 ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™

  40. Ok so i stopped reading Found because i found the not next but one after next Artemis Fowl book Artemis Fowl the Opal Deception. In the biggining Opal Koboi is in the hospital because when she went Locco and attacked Cudgeon she went into a coma. She turned out to have learned how to do a FAKE coma which she was doing. She had inside people, the janitor’s. The janitors and Opal Koboi had made a plan the janitors had acid filled balloons above the energy boxes of the hospital. They set them off and went got Koboi and put a clone in her place. So koboi stayed under the janitor cart untill, they got to where the janitors were staying Koboi came out and started making more of a plan. Thats what I’ve read so far. ๐Ÿ˜€

    09-24-09 ๐Ÿ˜€ :p ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ 8D

  41. This is AuburnFan here to give yall an update on my book. okay im reading Bud Not Buddy. i really really really enjot this book. i could read this book over and over again. anyways the main thing that makes me so mad even though im way past it is that Buds new parents are making him leave because his new brother is picking fights but they dont walk in until they see Bud beating up their son. Hes not able to tell them what happened because they dont wanna listen to him that is the most annoying thing in the entire world, if i was in that situation i have no idea what i would do

  42. Hola!! Hust got home from the fair it was the bOMB DIGIDY (sorry i had to say it) The book i have been reading this week is “13 a Novel” I hate and love this book all at the same time. I hate the book because it makes me feel o sad and depressed. The dude talks about real life things and gives such great detail with his emotions and whats happining in the scene. My most hated but loved part was both when he found out his parents were breaking up and then when he was leaving with his mom to go live with his aunt in Pennsylvania. When his oarent tell him the they are getting a divorce he tells the readers every though emotion and ideas that were going through his mind at the moment. Then when he was leaving to go live his aunt it made me cry because right as he was leaving he had to say by to his BFF’s an di knew how tough that is then as they were pulling out to leave his father didn’t eeven come to say bye until he took a double take and saw his dad running down the road to say bye but instead of telling his mom to stop he told he to drive on.
    Enough with the sad stuff now to the happy parts wait there wasn’t really any just were he finally makes a friend who is really his only neighbor for like lots of miles. Also about his incounter with the schools “Big Shot Jock” (wait is it okay to say that?) Ohh well! :)) but about his one and only friend they met by her and him “bumping” in to each other randomly while he was riding his bike trying to be a “big Shot BMXer” so i really think him aunt set him up because he was showing off at the moment when they meet he explained her as a geeky book worm well in my own words of course though :)) Now about his incounter with the “Big Shot Jock” (you can quote me) him and hios geeky friend were at the only hang out in the entire city the ice cream shop!! How awesome right?! But anyways the “Big SHot” threw ice cream at his back and hit him in the head and strangely that caused them to become friends just because “Big Shot” thought it was cool that he was from New York! How lamo righ?? (not sure if thats how you spell it but if it ain’t you can get over it!!) Anyways yea thats how the story as gone so far asnd a promise i have never seen one peson drag out one subjec tfor sooo freaking long no wounder its called 13 a novel because he was 15 when he finished writing about the bULLY KID DUDE!!

    Toodles I think i over did it again ๐Ÿ™‚ whoopsie,
    Marcy Lu ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sorry fo rall the typos just try to guestimate

  43. Hey I’m catching up for this week I think I finally have all my activities down. Last week about drove me crazy.
    Anyway I’m reading Dream Factory, an adverege every day girl-glossal. I usualy don’t have much an intrest for those kind but the mind of ella is so complex,
    yet simple I just got to keep hearing whats going on in her head, yet the reason why it can’t be better is because they keep changing the books point of veiw with Luke. And still as I said it is a love story. Here’s something they talked about in the story that I thought was a pretty interesting conversation. they talked about Walt Disney characters and how most of them never were pants. I mean if you left the house without something on, boys, what would it be? a shirt! Poor Pantless characters.P.S. Dr. Mayfield this is the prefect topic of discussion for debate. And usually the princes are wearing tights, Now if you go to a store wearing tights and a shirt, boys, your going to get beat up.

  44. Sorry I wasen’t done. I accedentally pressed the send key. Anyway for girls it’s the opposite. they better keep there shirt on. But thats not the point. Bella finally told Luke what had happened to her. and He understood, though she took cassie’s place at a party because Cassie forgot. And not Cassie is being a cuss to bella
    [ I’m not allowed to cuss And I don’t want to, but still.]
    FoulFellow the, old guy, is finally being noticed by the other Walt Disney Characters. And He’s not as bad as I thought he was, He showed Luke another way to travel,
    Underground Walt Disney. But I got to go.

    Olive a!!!

    P.S. Dr. Mayfield don’t forget the topic of debate for class!!!!!

  45. 1-well lets see i am also reading another book i just started because i am going slow with glory but it is good to. but anyway the new book is forget me not so far it has been good but i also in some parts cant stand it. like they talk about how people should react to real life crises they talk about it because his brother in the book is mental and they try to teach him what to do if something happens. but some of the stuff they say i just dont agree with and of course i dont sgree with a lot of it. lets see they try to teach him what to do if a black man comes up to you and you sre by your self? they say to just act like he was just some regular guy but i am sorry if anybody comes up to me i am going to be a little on the nervous side.
    2-but i also love this book because they go and hepl with the mental and let him see other people that are on his level and they love and treat him just like they treat there other kids. because to them they want to be treated the same. they dont want people to feel sorry for them. this book has also made me tear up a little becasue for one thing just talking about menatl kids makes me want to do something for them but i know i cnat change how they are. but the hole family is so sweet and kind to everyone they will brake there neck just to help you with what you need. i got to go i will blog some more later.


  46. I am reading the Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. This book is amazing! I love it. But anyways. So far I am at the part where thibault is talking. But he is talking about his two bestfriends from the marines who died and he almost died with them-he is in the marines. But the interesting thing about this book is that it goes from Keith Clatyon to thibault to beth. I think that the authors purpose is to inform about the war and what actually is going on, because this book is one of the books that he had to do the most research on because it talks about the war so much. this realtes to character because thibault characcter has obviously changed becuase of the marines, and then almost dieing while his 2 best friends did die. Dear Thibault, I probaly won’t make it out here and I just wanted to let you know that I will never forget you. And for you to stay safe.Your are every clumsy i mean we had to save you 2 times no telling what you do out there in the real world. well just stay safe and know that I love you.


  47. This week im reading in my Bible again But its a diff.version last time i read a kids bible guide but this one is called Kids Life Application(then the little tm mark)Bible

    Soi thought it would be cool to see what diff. Versions looked like so i got this one.
    In this one it shows pictures of the things god Created like the on the thid day it shows a picture of moutains and the ocean.

    now im going to do a genre slip about it and you may ask ow can you do that? you will just see

    Dear Adam,

    I am your loving care taker all i ask of you is for you not to eat off of the tree in the middle of the garden

    from god

    Dear god

    why can i not eat off that tree?

    Adam and Eve ๐Ÿ™‚

    Dear ADAM

    Dont Question your King or you will be punished and what ever you do dont listen to that peskey snake in the garden got it!


    Dear god

    i didnt get your letter in time and listened to the snake cause he said you just wanted the power of the tree to your self I am so sorry please forgive me



    Your punishment for you and your wife is that when she goes through labor she will have Pains and you will have bad luck with your garden and will have to eat from thistles.


    god i am sorry and i understand


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