The 09-10 Blog Page

Not to be confused with any other blog page – yeah for reading!!!

ย Luv,
Dr. Roy

532 thoughts on “The 09-10 Blog Page”

  1. Whoa, Sunday already? Been out sick, haven’t blogged in forever, lost my last book (restarted an old series that everybody is reading), but here’s 20 minutes. And the book is….. ARTEMIS FOWL: THE ETERNITY CODE(a.k.a. the third book)!!!!!!!!!!!

    Okay, so Artemis (see lots of other blogs) has built a cube, called the C Cube, a square super laptop made out of fairy technology. He plans to sell this cube to Jon Spiro (yes, just like the dragon), but Spiro plans to steal said cube and kill Artemis and Butler, his butler. He gets the cube, but Artemis detonates a fairy sonic (sound) bomb and almost makes it without injury. Butler gets shot in the chest, by Spiro’s bodyguard and Butler’s rival, just below the heart, and Artemis has to freeze him in a fish freezer. Holly Short gets called in to heal Butler, but since he was wearing a bulletproof vest, some fibers got put into his skin which actually made him almost bulletproof, albiet so old, he would have sat behind Jesus in kindergarten. Juliet, Butler’s sister, gets called in from bodyguard school to sub for Butler. Everybody wants to get that cube. Meanwhile, Spiro is trying to crack the encryption in the cube, but he needs the “eternity code” that Artemis has. Artemis enlists dwarf Mulch Diggums to help him. Artemis sneaks into Spiro’s building to steal the cube back. Its like a tennis match, the object goes back and forth, back and forth. Most of all I read was detail, so this blog is about 30 seconds short.:P

    Peace! Around the world! Throughout the ages!

  2. happy early monday morning:)

    let’s see – productive last week – read two books – in addition to newsweek (about the environment) and the economist (about the tire-china problem)

    book one was daniels’ running formula – running coach’s philosophy on everything from the 800 m to the marathon – the book was really good – i got it from the library and may actually go try to buy a copy sometime (when i actually get money – someday…)

    book two was bay of pigs by howard jones – a history professor i had at bama – very detailed history of the US’ involvement in cuba in 1961 – and the mistakes we made (too numerous to mention here – one way to put it was that everyone went with the best case senario instead of the worst case – which is the better way to plan militarily)

    picked back up “the runner’s body” – finished the section on how drinking when you’re thirsty is better than drinking a ton – b/c your performance doesn’t improve with constant hydration (like, it’s actually good to be a bit dehydrated according to the book) i’m probably going to continue with this book through chicago – will reread another running book before then if i finish this one – don’t really want to check out a book from the library to take on a plane

    hope your reading is great this week

    dr roy

  3. So I was reading Artemis Fowl Opal’s Deception but my friend FINALLY gave me the Artemis Fowl book, Artemis Fowl and The Eternity Code. It is awesome in the book Artemis and Butler are waiting at a resteraunt for someone they have one weapon to use if they are overwhelmed. The guy gets there and and sits by Artemis they start talking about Artemises new invention the C Cube. He made it with fairy technology. It can do everything like hack any computer and do alot of things. Then Artemmis says the guy cant have it. The guy picks it up and starts to walk away Butler is going to stop him when with a flick of his finger everyone in the restraunt pulls out a gun even a granny that is 80.Then butler activated his secret weapon it knocks everybody out except for Artemis and Butler they had earplugs. So thats what i’ve read so far and now my summary is over :'(

  4. This week I am reading the book The Host, by the author of the twilight series. In this future souls are taking over human bodies so that they may govern there plant and bodies in a more orderly and political way. Wanderer a soul who has been to eight plants and has been transfered into eight different creatures she tries to overcome this new experience of being a human. Now taking the body of an adult named Melanie, Wnderer is having trouble taking control and ends stuck with Melanie still in her brain. I will tell you more as I read more. See Ya ๐Ÿ˜‰ ;o

  5. Hola. I have to blog on Gone now.

    I have a lot to say.

    Tonight in gone all of these people are ganging up agianst Sam, Astrid, L.P., and Elidio. Astrid and L.P. almost were killed. Sam saved them, though. Also, Lana was attacked by talking cyotes. It was weird. They took her and Drake to the darkness and gave Drake this new-arm-thing. It wasn’t even human flesh. Sam learned how to use his arms light power a little better. They are now hiding out in the firehouse. They are waiting for Caine, Sam’s brother, to come down and fight, but he won’t. I think this is a pretty good book.

    Gone is good. I almost frogot to blog, oops. Got 2 Go. By ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Hi, had to let Kolby borrow The Eternity Code, so I went to the 5th book, The Lost Colony. This time, Artemis has found the demon gospel in the Book. They got lifted out of time into Limbo, but the spell is unraveling. The warlocks are all dead, except, possibly, for one young imp, No1. Silver is the ultimate dimensional anchor, so all demons wear it. Artemis happens to stuble upon a demon trapped in a time warp caused by the time spell unraveling. Artemis goes w/ him to old Spain, but Butler had his hand (with a silver bracelet) on Artemis, so he pulled him back. Im GONE, GONE, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE! GONE LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN……….

  7. The train stoped before they where there and noone knew why a death eater came on board but the man that was asleep woke up and saved harry once they got at hogwarts they feasted and went to bed the next day they went to a new class and was learning how to see someones future but harry got the grim which meaned he was going to die professor mgonagall came in and said how harry was in perfect condition and was not going to die any time soon this is all i have read tonight see all of you tomorrow

    9-28-09 ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ :'( ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Book: Stargirl

    The author’s purpose is to let the reader know that Leo is embarassed of going out with Stargirl because she let her basketball team down by cheering for the other team, so everyone’s mad at her. One day at school, Leo over hears a couple of people during class constantly saying “Roadrunner” Leo didn’t know what was up and why they were saying that. Then, Leo remembers the roadrunner bulletin board so he decides he’s gonna check the board 3rd period because he has study hall. We’ll when he was in Spanish(2nd period) he looks out the window at the bulletin board, and sees the words: STARGIRL LOVES LEO in big bold, red letters. Leo didn’t know whaat to do. His three choices were tell the teacher Stargirl loves him, run outside and rip the sign into pieces, or do nothing but ignore Stargirl, so that’s what he chooses to do.

  9. The summary of my book is that Leo and Stargirl are inlove with each other and they kissed. They spend every minute of their lif with each other and they have their own little routine. Every weekend, they’ll go to Archie’s house and sit on hit back porch and talk almost the whole day and they make each other laugh by telling everything they know of themselves and all the funny things that have happened in their lif. On week days after school, Stargirl will take Leo to her special place. Some days, Leo will get his old pick up and drive her around in town. They had so much fun together until Stargirl embarassed Leo in front of the whole school.

  10. The book has conflict and it’d internal because Stargirl used to be everything to Leo, but then, Leo realized that the only friend he has is Stargirl, and he could have everyone as a friend but the only reason nobody hangs out with him besides Kevin and Stargirl is because let her whole school down like i said in my previous blog. Now, Leo wants Stargirl and everyone as friends, he realized that that’s just not gonna work out cause if he has everyone as a friend, they’re gonna be talking about Stargirl and he won’t like that. If he only has Kevin and Stargirl as a friend, he’ll get talked about and won’t be liked. So, Leo is stuck in a big decision, and I’ll find that out and blog about it next.

  11. In Stargirl, Leo is trying to avoid Stargirl the best he can because he’s disappointed with because she embarassed him. He decides to go down different hallways when he’s switching classes, and hides from her after school, but she just won’t give up. She acts like there’s nothing wrong, and Leo is just acting wierd. He also runs from her when he’s at school. She hunts him down and chases him. She finally caught him one day by the collar and told him that they needed to talk. She made him follow her. She asked him what was going on and tried to be funny. He told her the truth, and she was being funny, again. He told her that she doesn’t care what people think about her, and she made it look like it was no big deal for Leo too, but it was.

  12. I am still reading the Host and Wanderer is still stuck with ,but when they go in search of Jared and Jamie( Jared I guess you could call him her boyfriend and Jamie her younger brother) they find them in an wierd way . They are about to die in the desert from dehitration when there Uncle Jeb some how finds them and rescuse them. Then when they reach the hideout she dicovers more than 3 humans are hiden here when they have an entire population growing under ground in hiding from the Seekers and Souls. All I have gotten to so far is that they have her prizoner until further notice so I will tell more tomorrow. Bye ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  13. HELLO!!!!

    I am reading The Call of The Wild by Jack London. Well Spitz and Buck just got in a big fight. It basically has been going on as long as they have known each other, but this big fight started over a rabbit. Buck broke Spitz’s front two legs so he was almost powerless and died of loss of blood and exhaustion. Then the next day the dog musher named Francious tried to put Sol-Leks in the leaders spot, but Buck pushed himself in front. This winded up in a chase around camp and eventually Buck got what he wanted and got to be the leader. This turned out to be a pretty good move. That is all I have read tonight.


    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. i’m reading the seige of macindaw, still

    the author’s purpose of this book is to entertain. there are many fights, and conflicts. Another purpose of this book would be to inform about knights, in the book there are various random things about knights throughout the story(because one of the main characters is a knight) Another purpose is to tell how to use mist as a projector, in the story, there is a guy with multiple projectors and voices in the forest, because he’s trying to scare people away from the forest. Yet another purpose of this book is to inform about battle strategies, they are planning an attack on a castle and are discussing the various requirements to form a successful attack. That’s like 6 minutes, i timed it 14 more 2 go ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. I didn’t really say much last night. But, I finished GONE! Have to add it to my reading log!

    Well, Sam won the battle with Caine. Caine went off with the cyotes into the desert. It was weird. Then, Sam got to go on the beach with Astrid- Just Astrid. So, Diana kissed Caine, which was weird and gross. So Caine was humiliated and was almost killed by Sam. Then, Diana got a nice slap in the face by Caine. (He has anger problems) She told him, to be a man for once. Only because he was holding Astrid as a sheild. So, then he slapped Diana and let go of Astrid. Sam could kill him because he had his head and could blow out his brains. But he didn’t because Caine is his brother. So, that is all today!

    So… BY! ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. hey maf yuv proly been wondering where ive been yes u are no matter what yur brain says u know yuv missed me lolz im just kidding i think but my great grandfather(moms grandfather) passed away sunday morning and so monday i cheked out cuz we had to make all the arrangements and stuff and plus i wasnt up to spirits but today which is tuesday was the burial so i just thought id let u know but ill be back 2morrow duh u wont have to miss me n e more lolz!! n e wayz um just gonna give u a review of the graveyard book cuz im seriously almost done with it im almost on chapter eight the final chapter mwahahaha!! n e wayz yeah i had alot of time to read while i was out plus the weekend which was hard then monday morning on mi way to school i fell down the steps so its been a really bad week n e wayz back to the book ok so far um bad has finally been rescued or shall i say he really escaped but silas is furious and apparently he then discovers something called the dance macabray and the people dead and alive are talking about it then when the night of the macabray comes everyone is gone no ones in the graveyard and its practically deserted so knowing bod he didnt really kno what to think he couldnt find silas the owenses or n e one so bad leaves the graveyard and heads over and gets a flower from the man and accidently pricks his thumb but its not enought to kill him duh too far from his heart to kill him. n e wayz he ends up dancing till midnight w/ the dead but no one remembers it the next day……

    okay im just gonna continue on but yes no one remembers the dance the next day actually he danced until the next day so technically it would be a lil while later or later on that morning sryy u never kno when an english teacher could get bored and find this website and start reading and snooping through our stuff but n e wayz jack is about to be back when he is talking w/ mr dandy and this other person who escapes me at the moment but they’re saying its been bout ten years and the boy hasnt been killed by jack and he need to get the job done but jack has other things hes been worrying about but the job will be finished soon according to jack oh yeah that’s right hes threatening it lolz!! okay im gonna finish up wednesday and thursday with the final conclusion of the book cuz im gonna finish hopefully 2morrow if not thursday or friday and if i dont get it then then i will force myself to finish it over the weekend so i can start the hunger games!! makayla told me it was a good yet sad book so yep cant wait!!! n e wayz see ya 2morrow later maf and folk!!

  17. im on the third book “harry potter and the prisonor of Azkaban”.today i read that harry visited hagrid after his first lesson and said that he did great but hagrid said that he did horrible. in his lesson malphoy disturbed one of the creatures hagrid had and it scratched his arm. In my opinion the lesson went fine for a first lesson. they are about to go to a class where the class is going to learn how to deal with a boggert a creature that transformes into your fear but they ended after harry because a dementor came out of the boggert but the professer saved him. thats all i read tonight. :'(


  18. Ok so when i left of Butler had gone into the kitchen, Artemis was about to get shot. He knew something was wrong he remembered that his sensai told him never leave you principle. He ran in and saw them right when Arno Blunt fired butler jumped in the way. Then Artemis heard the Police so he knew it was a fatel shot he put Butler in the freezer to supposedlly stop him from dying. The police came and left he got a team of special people with a van that bassiclly was a freezer that u could save someones life.They got to the hospital and the doctors whent inside Artemis contacted Holly. She flew in and saw what had happened she decided to help even though she was not a trained healer and she had a BIG chance of messing up so she revives him but he grew 10 years while being frozen for 3 hours so he is still K.O.
    thats what i’ve read so far 9-29-09 ๐Ÿ˜€

  19. i’m still readin the seige of macindaw but i’m almost done with it.

    this book relates to conflict because, at the part i am currently in, they are performing a seige on catle Macindaw thus the name. there are people getting thrown off the castle wall and a flashback of someone hurting a dog, it now has a giant scar, which makes this one guy mad, who is freakishly large. him and a lot of other Skandians (vikings) go into a giant rampage that scares the living __________ out of the defenders, and there is a grudge between the main bad guy, and one of the main characters. So they’re gonna want to kill each other. there is also a giant army that will take control of the castle, peacefully, and it will probably destroy most of the region. that is the whole reason for the giant seige of the castle, with a group of only four people.

    8 minutes, 5 more to go ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. So, today I start on Sure Fire. Looks, okay…
    We’ll see.
    P.S. I’m getting Hunger Games for my B-Day! I allready have Catching Fire, so I will read them over and over agian until the next book comes out. (Whic will be next September) By the way, my B-Day is next Tues.!

    So today there mom died. Not the best begining to a book. She was killed by a car when she wasn’t paying attention and walked into the road. So she left her two kids behind to fend for themselves. Then, there long lost dad shows up at their mothers service and tells them that he is their dad. So, they will have to live with him. He doesn’t really want kids though. he also tells them that he and their mom never got a divorce, so they are legally still married. The kids and dad are mad.

    That is as far as I have gotten tonight. Blog Tomorow! ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. i havent really been reading lately but i will get a new book tomorrow and blog about it but im still stuck with the glory field but guess what…. i got to a whole new chapter.
    dear dude who is the limo driver,
    if i was you i would try to be something different. i mean sure there is still segregation but i think that if you push yourself to do better than a limo driver then i think that you will succeed. but you do whatever you like i mean if it gets the bills payed than your good but if you want a little jingle in your pocket then you go back to school and be something.
    i think that the authors purpose for writing this chapther was to tell the reader that you can be whatever you want. it doesnt matter if you are black or white, rich or poor, if you can push yourself to do the best you can the teacher will regonize you and you might even go to a college and succeed in life.

  22. Hi.

    I am still reading the book Call of the Wild by: Jack London. So far it is a good book. Right now the sled team has just been bought by an inexperienced sled musher, another inexperienced sled musher, and his sister. I have not gotten past that point so I will go back to the beginning of the chapter before that.

    Okay, So the team gets traded to another government worker and has to start deliverring mail to people. The team gets tired and hungry, But they have to keep going or the Canadian police will come in and warn them. The mail sled is so heavy because most men went up to search for gold and all the women and children stayed home, so the children and women are writing letters to their dads and their husbands.

    Good Bye.

  23. Ok when i left off Butler was K.O. and then holly decided to give them transportation to Artemis’s house. They used her wings and camo suits to hide them. ok so Jon Spiro found out that Artemis was alive and hired two men to capture. The men were a man nicknamed Loafers and Mo Digence who is really Mulch Digums. They get to artemises house and Mulch goes in first to find a way in. He warns artemis of there plans but accidently has his mike on telling his partner who really wants to capture Artemis that he was on Artemis’s team. Loafers goes in but when he had Butler, Artemis, and Mulch cornered Juliet butler’s sister came in and knocked him out. Then Holly gets there and mind wipes Loafers because he heard of fairys. They then send him somewhere far away because he didn’t know who he was. Thats what i’ve read so far.

    9-30-09 ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ :p ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ 8)

  24. defense aginst the dark arts has become everyones favorite class except malthoy and his group. Professer has been even harder latley and like always favoring Slytheran. the quidditch games are coming up and for griffendor Oliver Wood is the captain of the team and best of all their first game is aginst Slytheran their worst enemy harry was the seeker again and he is probly the best seeker in the school. Harry, ron, and hermine are now talking about how hogsmeathe is coming soon and they cant wait to go this is all i read tonight. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜› 8) ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ :'(


  25. I am almost through with the book the host and Jared has left on a mission Jamie comes around to her as she tells him that a part of Melanie is still within her and he belives that. She has just started to get on some peoples good side while other people start hating her worse and worse. They are working in the northwest garden right now in the story. It says Melanie is busying her self with hard work to keep her mind focused and not straying to the other humans watching her from a distance. I will tell more tomorow… again. See Ya ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ :}

  26. Hey, new in Lost Colony: No1 is an imp, possibly a warlock, that wants to find more warlocks. He jumped into a crater to escape the time spell, then materialized on a stage in Silicy. Minerva is a equally smart girl with dangerous assisstants (you’ll see…). They shoot Impy full of silver to anchor him to the dimesion just like Butler’s silver bracelet and Artemis. Holly (now a bounty hunter w/ Mulch Diggums, a dwarf, their most recent bust a fish smuggler named Doodah Day) stows away on their train. Minerv goes to a French village to take the demon, which is moved to a BMW that Holly commandeers (REALLY BIG WORD meaning stole), but Minerv booby trapped it and captures Holly. She breaks loose, along with No1. History time! Billy Kong’s, one of Minerv’s assistants, brother was killed by a gang, a.k.a. “demons”. He believes Holly and No1 are both demons instead of just one. Foaly made a new helmet in chapter 2 that he issued to Holly that had a laser attached. He blew up thousands of cars w/ it, along w/ some people. Blogging done, for now…..

  27. HI! okay, Kong wants No1 for revenge, and he has Minerv. Artemis and Kong switch at a Taiwaniese spire, Taipei 101, but they get No1 back because he had no silver and he would teleport to Holly. They meet up, then head up to meet another warlock, who is in a stone statue. No1 has a power to turn things into stone, as long as its organic, which stone is. No1 fixes the warlock with is power. Kong figures the plan out, but Butler incapitates him. Arty, Holly, No1, and Qwan, the old warlock, go back to Hybras. Leon Abbot doesnt like that, and attacks them. The magical beings try to fix the spell. Thats all I’ve got, so far.

    BTW, Ionlyrule(ONLYme), aren;t you Erin Hall? Are you? ANSWER ME ALREADY!! Oh wait, they have to blog again……. BYE!

  28. This is Dragunforse w/ a buk update and it’s been a long week, but I’m here to make up for it. Alrighty then let’s get to the Training Center coarse thing. So, in the traing coarse they have to impress the Gamemakers. The Gamemakers are the people in control of the Hunger Games. Anyway, They spend 4 days just training and eating and training and eating… ohh and don’t forget… SLEEPING. Well, 4 days have passed and it is time for the individual training scores that will help them to get sponsors that will lead to getting lots of things in the arena at the Hunger Games. So, everyone has gone and only Katniss is left and when she gets in there they are all more occupied with the platters instead of her, which is okay for her until she gets used to the Capitol bow and arrows then the attention is more needed and probable. Well, she gets used to and very good at using the Capitol’s bow and arrows. Then she gets a few Gamemakers attetion, but not many and this keeps going on and on, she can’t stand it anymore and sees the roasted pig come out w/ the apple in it’s mouth. So she shoots a bow and arrow through the apple in the pig’s mouth and says “Thank you very much”, bows and leaves, which is both very disrespectful and bad for her because if she doesn’t get a good score by the Gamemakers she won’t get things in the arena and if she doesn’t get things in the arena it’s very probable that she won’t win the Hunger Games.
    So, Peeta says that he did very, well, he thinks he did horrible, alright. Katniss doesn’t think she’ll get more than a 5, if that. By the way the training scores are 1 meaning absoloutly horrible to 12 meaning HERE IS YOUR WINNER!! It’s crunch time.. CRUNCH!! They have announced all but Peeta and Katniss. They show Peeta’s face and a number below it…. 7!!! Peeta got a 7…WAHHHHHHHHOOOOOOO!!!! Now Katniss’ face and a number below it….11!! Katniss got an 11, maybe it impressed the Gamemakers how relentless she was on being seen. Well, I’ll stop there today BLOG YA’ SOON…


  29. I finished The host and I am suprised at the length and detail of it all. It was an amazing story. I am not going to tell the end becuase Heather Rylant is checking the book out tomorrow and I don’t want to ruin it for her. In other news I already got another book. I have already read the series,but I decided it was a good series and wanted to reread it. The book( all 7-8 th grade girls should know) is called Twilight. I am at the part where she is at Charlie’s house unloading her stuff from Arizona. I will tell more as I read more. Have a nice weekend!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Okay, first of all. I wanted to say somethin to Ionlyrule(ONLYme). Okay, it’s about your name; I think you forgot someone when you were coming up with it. So if you could just change it to Ionlyrule(andCOLONELPROCTOR) I would be much happier. Thank you.

    So anyway, the author’s purpose for The Cannibals is to tell an awesome story about these convicts who escape to an island, and they have to try to escape from the cannibals. When I left off, they had found Mr. Mullock. Now, they have lived on this island while they are fixing their boat. Then one day, the Junglies come. They are like Native American headhunters that travel in a boat. So everybody that was already in the story has to hurry up and just try to clog holes in the boat and get everything on the boat. They launch the boat and immediately the boat starts taking in water. So everyone in it has to bail the water and try to steer the boat behind a rock where the Junglies won’t find them. They lose the Junglies, and start going toward Shanghai when they see the Junglies again. They steer toward some nearby islands that are called “cannibal islands”, and they stay there for a while. And Mr. Mullock was once with 6 other sailors when they crashed on the original island, and Mullock killed all of them and Tom is on to him. Mullock knows it and is now afraid of Tom.

    The character that really stood out to me was Midgely. Even though he’s blind, he still tries to do everything just like everyone else. It’s like he can see, but you know he can’t. He works harder than the ones who can see and that really says something about the character’s character. ๐Ÿ˜€

    This book compares to The Hobbit. The dwarves have to keep escaping and escaping and escaping. The characters in The Cannibals have to keep escaping and escaping and escaping. The dwarves have to escape from the trolls, the wolves, and the elves. The characters in The Cannibals have to escape from the ship, the Junglies, and I have a feeling that they’re going to have to escape from the cannibals since they’re on cannibal islands

    Dear Mr. Mullock,
    Hi. This is the turtle that you took the shell from. First, that kinda hurt cuz IT WAS ATTACHED!!! Second, it’s pretty cold without a shell. Especially in these cold waters. Third, and most important, I look funny! All my my turtle friends call me Norman the Shellless Turtle. Yea, they’re kinda dumb cuz Norman’s not my name and that doesn’t even rhyme. So, if you don’t mind, could you give it back? Meet me at 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea Avenue at 7:49 P.M. Leave it under the Welcome mat at house number 567. It better be there.
    Myrtle the Turtle

  31. Whats up peeps?! Ok i am reading Maya Angelou Author and Documentary Filmmaker. It is really good and you suggested that i read something either by her or about her. Anyways I am almost through with the book and i like it.
    This book deals with the class theme conflict because…
    Internal: it involves internal conflict because maya is having problems with herself. example, she becomes pregnant before she graduated from high school and she didnt tell anyone for months and months. i actually felt bad for her throughout the book.
    External: it involves external conflict because she has had problems as a child and an adult. she was raped as a child and she went to court and everything to get her step dad to go to jail for doing that and she had problems with her second husband. he wanted her to change her religion and he wanted her to not see or talk to her family so she divorced him.
    Would you? I know I would! No one is gonna make me change my religion or stop talking to my family cuz they dont like it. If u dont like it either get over it or leave cuz i dont have to put up with it. That was good wasn’t it? LOL:)
    i have this book about Maya Angelou and another one about her that i hope to read. I think they pretty much cover the same thing but Im gonna still read it. I hope to get a lesson out of these books. one lesson that i have learned is that african americans can do anything caucasians can. also that as a woman you can aclomplish many things and you dont have to be perfect or anything to do it.
    I would love to read some more book either by Maya (sorry Marguerite) or about her. Ill go to the library and see what I can find.
    Catch yall later! PEACE!!!!

  32. okey dokey haha!! im back and all on the blogger pagey thingy and proud to be a blonde haha that was just all random i didnt even have a reason for saying that but okay i think i left off tuesday talking about jack and where hes plotting to kill bod and that hes gotta the job done now or never. so ok next chapter yeah it was called Nobody Owens School Days so when i first read the title i thought that in the chapter he was proly gonna start going to possibly real school it just all depended either that or he would be finally successful at ghost school. well it started off with a boy named thackery who ended up punching bod just because bod was in a way being polite then again he had no right to take that book from thackery without asking but still thackery shouldve swung and hit bod but after all that drama happened he ran into mr tom and mrs. euphemia who told him that silas was looking for him and what happened next was pretty awkward cuz silas told him who he really was and about jack and everything really and then bod told silas he wanted to got to school silas said no at first but eventually came around to it.

    okay moving on when bod started his school days as a normal human there was a lot of talk going on like if he was religious and etc.. like that but n e wayz his presence to everyone including the teachers was ghostly like they said and they barely notice him some of the time yet hes kinda like a star pupil to most of the teachers but hes just always quiet yet he still pays attention. the teachers all said he could mostly be found in the library reaading books just as often as children eat in one day ( proly like a saturday considering we dont get to eat but like 3 or 4 meals a day during a regular school week) lolz!! okay gots to go for the night cuz daddy needs the computer so yeppers i guess ill ttyl!!

    Mafeld Read This::::: okay um i know u proly arent coming 2morrow since its an away game but im givin u the schedule n e wayz…. okay friday call time is 4:40 there is no pep rally (uhhhh) and we’re leaving at 5 so yeppers and we also have a competition at LMI saturday so yeah call time is at 2:30 i think and we’re leavin at 3:30 and proly wont be back till 11 at the least we will perform after the dinner break proly round 7 or so and the awards ceremony is at 8:30 so yeah britts gonna be on the field when the awards are taking place cuz shes a senior lolz!! she said its flying by too fast for her but shes having a blast lolz but thats all for 2nite later maf and folk!!!

  33. still reading the seige of Macindaw.

    i’m almost done with it now. there is also inner conflict in the book. a lot of the inner conflict is in the protagonist’s head. they are performing a seige on castle Macindaw and he must think quickly to find out whether he should stay and fight the battle with the attackers, or go try to save his friend. There is also inner conflict with one guy’s past with someone else who is a defender of castle Macindaw. he had a flashback of when a guy brutally cut a dog because it didn’t obey him. the protagonist adopted the dog and the dog befriended a huge mutant-like guy that is the size of a giant but actually really friendly. i think that’s inner conflict, since it happened in the past and therefore, it is in his mind that he had a flashback.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜€ :p

  34. Heyy again.. I’m reading 13 Novel this week and past week.. every week this gets boring I’m sorry to burst your bubble but this isn’t fun anymore so lets get serious today.. Well lets get to greater maters like boycotting blogging & journals! I’m all for it so Dr. Mafield your gonna be in a bad mood tomorrow b/c I’m gonna take everyones journals and tell everyone that you shut down the blog page so they do journals and I can take them and other work that people owe you see how that works mister! Goshh I just ruined Ohh well i guess I’ll carry out my plan another time unexpectedly *Serious face* ๐Ÿ™‚ but anyways I’m gonna do a ransome note or whatever it is to like be mean to people WOW Mafield incouraging violence any??
    So here I go I’m just Gonna wing it:

    Dear Big Shot Jock,
    I’m gonna beat you up at the quary for hittin me with ice cream. I’ve played nice for to long! Also you’ve been flirting with my soon to be Lady and if you would just BACK OFF maybe i would have a chance with her! PLease note that you have no clue who I am if you don’t pay me 1,00,000 dollars by Tuesday I will hurt you so bad that even New York has never seen such a scary act of violence. Thats all I have to say.. And remember $1,000,000 By TUESDAY!! Do I need to write on your forehead??

    Yours Truly,
    Soon To BE Millioniar ๐Ÿ™‚

    I FINALLY STOPPED AT 20 MINS WELL REALLY ABOUT 30 ๐Ÿ™‚ only b/c its hard to think of mean stuff to say to a person i haven’t even met

  35. Hey everone,
    I’m still reading the book of Joshua in the bible. ๐Ÿ˜€

    OK so the author of Joshua made the purpose to explain how Joshua led the Isrealites to the promised land and to say how Joshua grew as a man of god. It is also to show how the Lord himself was helping the Isrealites get to the proised land. It is also to help get the point across that if you listen and keep yourself going then you can accomplish just about anything.

    #2 Character in the bible is amazing. So much that even nonchristians should read use it as a n example of character. Joshua’s character never really has a huge difference, but he did improve his godly ways.:) Also he becomes more of a leader for the isrealites and allows them to make such huge progress towards making it to the promised land.

    #3The facts are: Joshua is consulted by God to help him lead the Lord’s people towards the promised land in which every christian would love to reach.
    Opinions: It is really good that Joshua is a good listiner and a naturally born leader to help him lead the Isrealites towards the land that was promised by the Lord.

    #4 Dear people of Isreal,

    Listen to the Lord and all shall be well. If you respect him and listnen and obey the commands that he gives then great riches shall be given to you and your family. You shall have the land that was promised to your fathers. Overall your life will be as happy as can be for you.


  36. Hey!!!!

    I am still reading The Call of the Wild. Right now, Chapters 5-7, are about what the team does when they get sold to the dog mushers who I mentioned in my last blog. Well, they drop some of the extra weight. The people or “mushers” are also basically starving the dog team. About eight of the fourteen are left. So, then they run into John Thorton’s camp by mistake. Buck falls in the reins and does not get up. Thorton gets a knife and cuts Buck loose. Buck stays with Thorton, and the rest of the team tries to cross the river, but a hole comes into the ice and the whole team, except Buck because he stayed with Thorton, falls through the ice.

    Thorton and Buck go to Dawson City and Thorton bets that Buck could pull a sled with a thousand pounds on it for a hundred yards, or feet, I can’t remember.

    That is all I have read so far.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. Ok so Im currently readin Exodus

    I found some really cool facts about it like Why they wrote Where it takes place and who its about


    Exodus was written to tell us about how desendants of Israel(Jacob) were able to leave Egypt, what happened on their trip to the Promise Land, and how they got oraganized as a nation


    Exodus takes place in the โ€Wildernessโ€- the desert land and what now is Jordan and Israel.


    Exodus tells the stories of Moses, Aaron, Pharaoh, and Jethro.

    So next is a time line that i think is backwards or something

    1805-Joseph Dies
    1526-Moses Born
    1446-Israel leaves Egypt
    1445-Ten Commandments
    1406-Israel enters Canaan

  38. Sure Fire

    Today they moved in with their dad. He is always running around and making phone calls. He always gets up really early and hangs up whenever they get up. He has a study where he has all of these papers and books about oil companies. He doesn’t have any food that they can eat. They have to buy their own food and get everything for themsleves. He is never at home. They share a bedroom and everything with him. So, he is pretty lousy.

    Well, got 2 go. Blog tomorow! ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. sorry i clicked the button w/ out sayin Byez
    and wrappin up my story

    so from my how when and where you can conclude how tough it would be for a whole city or neighborhood to move in a certain amount of time I mean people would all be lookin for boxes and it would be tough cause it would all be hectic

    so thats all

  40. well i finally got another book but i didnt get to read any of it so ill just blogg about the glory field which i am still reading. and the book that i checked out was the avenger and live like you were dying and they looked like good books but i didnt get to read them
    this chapter relates to another book that i have read but i cant remember the name but i do remember that both of talked about going to college and becoming a rich person instead of not going to college and working for rich people. i really like rich people because you’re only rich if you have jesus in your heart and without him your nothing. so you can be rich with money and rich with jesus.
    the conflict in this chapter is internal. the black guy is a limo driver and he knows that he can be better than that. he pushes him self to do better but no matter how hard he tries he cant do what he wants cause of the discrimination or segregation i dont know. i just realized that its not internal conflict its external conflict because its him vs the people who like all that segregated or discriminated crap. ๐Ÿ™‚
    and those were my final two bloggs. boo-yah

  41. when I left off they had sentt loafers to a place far away so he couldn’t harm anyone else then they made a plan Mulch would call spiro and act like he had captured Artemis. Then Jon Spiro told him to bring Artemis to there headquarters in Chicago. They all flew in the jet except for. Once they got there everyone put on invisible suits so no one could see them. Arno Blunt checked the bus and saw only Juliet who was acting like a flight attendant. They drove to the Spiro needle in a helicopter and ghto out at the top. It had amazing security they had cameras everywhere in one room so you couldn’t be seen. Then they decided to bury Mulch because he knew what they were doing then they went through to vault doors and saw the c cube Artemis said he couldn’t open it he had to think for days. So artemis is at Spiro’s needle thats what i’ve read so far
    10-1-09 ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ :p ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  42. im reading harry potter hermine’s cat chased scabers around the room untill he ran under a chest ron and hermine got into a fight because hermines cat attacked rons rat. They got in professer mgonegles class and she came around to take the signed forms from the students that had them and harry tried to convince her to sign his form because his uncle and aunt would not sign it but she would not. thats where i left off i will see everyone monday. ๐Ÿ˜€


  43. I finished the book Twilight and I liked it even better now that I know all the details of the future and what it is going to be like. I thought it was judt down right bad in detail of how he found old ballet tapes and used them for the fake voice of bella’s mom. I will tell more of the book I have yet to acurie tomorow. Bye ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. I know that it is early ,but today is game day and I will have wanted to do it now so I will. I will just go off Twilight again. Wen Bella was trying to get away from Charlie, protect him from James and Victoria, she said the same thing that her mother had said to him when she left him. Now let me tell you I could actually see the shock and pain that flew across his face I mean Ouch! Then after that she and Edward complete there plan by sending her to his house and changeing clothes with Esme so that while James is trying to get a lock on her scent it will be confused. So that is all for today. Peace ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ :p ๐Ÿ™‚

  45. Hola Mafeld!!! So, how have things been in CMS-land? Life in high school is good, but Mr. Baker kinda scares me. I mean he can be like uber sarcastic and keep a totally straight face. How freakin wierd is that?!?!? Will you be at our homecoming game? I really hope to see you there, and so do all of your 9th grade nerds.=) We need some of your awesome muffins to get us through the rest of the school year. We all miss you and hope to see your bang-smackingly awesome face really soon.

    With Lots of 9th grade love,
    P.S. I’m on the last book to read 4 BOB, and I just realized that this is the longest blog I’ve ever done and I’m not even in your class anymore. Say hello to the former 6th graders 4 me!!!!! =P

  46. Well even though we aren’t suppose or have to blog I am anyways because I am reading the BEST book that almost made me cry! The book is called Tell Me what you see Its about a girl whos father dies and he died an hour befpre her her dad and her mom leave for a vacation and he ran outside to see his brother who was standing on the other side of the road and it was raining REALLY hard and he ran out into the street and a truck hit him so her and her mom saw her dad get killed! thats gotta be hard and riight before a family trip to Holland! But 2 years after her dad died she met a friend her Freshman year at high school and she asked her if she wanted to go with her to see her dads grave because it was the day of the two year mark of the day her dad died.. so anyways it was Christmas night it had been 6 years and the two girls were best friends the girl whos dad died sneeked out while it was snowing super hard and she could barelty see but she had to get to her house so they could sneek into the cemetery and visst her father.. they had jumped the fence and spent 2 hours trying to find her dads grave site but they weren’t having any luck because they couldnt see anything and the girl who lost her dad tripped and fell in to a like big whole where they store the bodys and she was walking around trying to find away out and one tunnel she went down she found a tiny casket that was the size of a guitar case and there was plants growing out of the cracked wood.. thats the farthest i’ve gotten I’ll post again maybe tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚ don’t miss me to much ๐Ÿ™‚

  47. also i read this arctical that was wierd it was about stuff that you arent able to do under 1 minute. one of the thing they said was that you couldnt eat 1 slice of white thin sliced bread. well i had to try it. it is harder than it seems because the bread starts to expand in your mouth. another one they said was that you cant eat 7 salteen crackers in under a minute. i also had to try this one to. this one i couldnt do! you cant put them all in your mouth all at once because your mouth isnt that big and it is just hard to eat 7 of them with out being ablw to drink something while eating them. i thought this was a cool arctical and i thought i would tell you!!

    soโ€ฆ iโ€™m reading the vampire diaries.

    1- this girl elana has lived in a house for all her life, and all of a sudden when she moves back, she feels like she doesnโ€™t belong there anymore. she dosen really fit inโ€ฆ she was described as one of those girls with long silky blonde hair that all the guys wanted and all the girls wanted to be like when they get that age to me that is how i understood it.

    2- so, she walks out the door with her aunt trying to tell her something and she shuts the door so she doesnโ€™t have to listen to it anymore. when she walks outside, though, thereโ€™s no one on the streets or anything, and she has a feeling that something is watching her. then, she looks up in a huge tree in their front yard and thereโ€™s a big, fat crow sitting there watching her. all of a sudden, she bends down, picks up a rock, and throws it at the bird. the bird gets away but all of his feathers are gone.

    3- so now thereโ€™s a guy named stefan. he is the first vampire iโ€™ve heard of in the book. he was out hunting in the woods, regretting only getting a rabbit because he was starved. he was worrying, though, about what would happen if he didnโ€™t eat enough and couldnโ€™t control his hunger somewhere in was worring him alot!

    4- stefan laid down the remains of his rabbit and hears a fox calling to him wanting to know if he could have the remains, and of course, he lets his โ€œbrother hunterโ€ have the rest. but, out of nowhere, that same crow shows up and starts to eat it. then he remembers that he had promised only to use his powers if it was absolutely necessary. he ends up deciding to read its mind if he encounters it again.

    got to go

  48. The Wildcat v. Tigers game got canceled and all of the football players want to hit someone ,but I have a feeling when next seson comes around we’ll hit’em hard. I am reading the book The Rivers of Zaada from the Pendragon series and so far Alder, Loor’s alcolte, and Loor are at a camp training Bobby Pendragon to fight becuase recently Saint Dane had turned into a Ghee warior and beat Bobby untill he nearly was dead . Luckily for Bobby the roal Prince Pelle a Zinj was there and saved Booby from dieing and sent him to the” hospital”. That is all so far in the Pendragon series so see ya! Peace ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™

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