The 09-10 Blog Page

Not to be confused with any other blog page – yeah for reading!!!

ย Luv,
Dr. Roy

532 thoughts on “The 09-10 Blog Page”

  1. Ok we’ve been not doing journels for a week so if i type all i’ve read it will take two hours so long story short In Artemis Fowl he defeated Spiro with the help of Holly and Mulch. The next Artemis fowl is Artemis Fowl the Lost Colony. In the begging Artemis goes all over places to catch a Demon they were over runned by humans and excaped through time. Artemis Fowl has a way of tracking them so he meets a Demon. Then Foaly finds out that Artemis outsmarted him and found where the Demons will pop up, so he sends Holly to find Artemis. Then she finds him waiting for another Demon. In a chapter after that it talks about a Demon who is a Imp (A baby Demon) He cant complete the transformation into a real Demon. He thinks he is a warlock that has magic and he did magic in his imp class. So now he’s going to travel to Earth and find another Warlock to show him there ways. And thats what i’ve read so far

    10-13-09 ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ :p ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8) :'(

  2. i’m reading legacy of blood, sequel to birth of a warrior, sequel to the fire of ares. there isn’t really much outer conflict in this book yet, but there still is a lot of inner conflict. Lysander has lost his dad, mom, and grandfather (not to mention that his cousin now hates him) and that’s all the family he has/had and he feels really confused about what he should do with the rest of his life (other than being a spartan) and decides to go see the great oracle of delphi, this is in ancient greece by the way, and they believed in zeus, apollo, etc. and when he finally gets through the extremely long line and into the sacred temple of delphi, he hardly even knows what to ask the oracle. he also wonders if he will get an answer that he can comprehend, because the oracle uses confusing words/phrases.

  3. This is Dragunforse w/ a buk update. So Katniss just got an 11 and the next day goes by and they are in the arena waiting for the gong to sound. She looks a the cornicupta and then looks at the bow and arrows inside it. She looks at Peeta who shakes his head and distracts her from getting the bow and arrows, her main weapon use. So she runs over to one of the backpacks she grabs it at the same time as another person does, Then, BBLLAAHHH, he coughs blood all over her because the girl from distrct 1 threw a kife in his back. So she is running away as she feels a little….. FWEEP because a knife went through her backpack, but did not damage her, so on the way to her hiding place she said to herself, “Thanks for the knife!” I’m tired so that’s it.



  4. Got 2 blog now!

    Sure Fire-

    Today Jade and Rich were taken away buy this guy, whose name I can’t spell. They got on a plane to head for KOS. When they were in the plane, but still rolling on the ground, Jade jumped out. This guy tried to come and rescue Jade and her brother, Rich, but his artificial leg was blown off. Then, Jade and the guy got into a tank. They were crashing into everything. Then, they saved Rich, and they lived happily ever after in the tank…..

    Just kidding!

    They drove awhile in the tank and in the night, a man named Ralph, but thats not his real name, came to save them, he’s a gangster.

    So, that’s all! ROLL TIDE! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Hi, I am on another book so I have changed nicknames, once again.

    The book I just finished was called Goober Joe. Believe me on this one, this book would be easiest to read because we’re from the South, But if you stuck this book in a notherner’s, it would be bad news!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ The dialect is coming from a “slave boy” (His momma is a slave, but he is white and his mom says he isn’t a slave so who-knows)

    Anyways, this book is about a little “slave boy” during the Civil War in the middle of Georgia who lives on a “plantation” Joe’s mother is a slave, but the other workers are sharecroppers. Then the master Carter becomes a Major for the conferderate army, and his wife takes her kids and moves to Macon to live with her Dad. All the sharecroppers run off leaving the slave and Joe to keep the farm under control. The slave (Della) stays because she is not free yet.

    i have finished this book, but I can’t spoil the rest of this book in case anyone wants to read it.


    from, someone I can’t tell you!!!!!!

  6. I’m sorry I just read your blog entry and did change my name for my last journal entry.


  7. in the first game it was foggy and raining very hard and they where playing hufflepuff harry started to chase the snitch but he got to high and the dementors got him and he fell a long ways then hit the ground. he woke up in the hospitle wing and harry’s broom got broke into thousands of peices because it hit the tree thats alive and the tree did not like it so it broke it. harry cant get out of the hospitle wing because the nurse wont ley him so he is staying another night. Thats all i read tonight see yall tomorrow.

    10-13-09 ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™ :* ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  8. Hey, havent blogged in a while, finished Lost Colony, @ the end, Abbot turns out to be part warlock, but they changed him into a guinia pig (ROTFLMAO!). Butler is very old, b/c Artemis has been gone for 3 years. He returns home to find that he has twin brothers (waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cute)

    Then, i started reading the 1st book, in which artemis gains the fairy bible, the Book, from a sprite. Holly short goes after a rouge troll which she epicly captures, only to be found by a 3 year old (zomigosh shes a n00b :)) so she tries to restore her magic and gets captured. Beet Root tris to rescue her, but is forbidden to enter WHILE ARTEMIS IS ALIVE. Thats about-a it. Time to go tear up GTA: San Andres (W00T!!!!!!)

  9. hey,
    suppose it’s my turn – while in chicago, i conserved energy by reading books – go figure…

    book 1 – “idiot america” – basically, a book about how the nation’s metaphorical library has been turned upside down, and things that used to be filed under certain categories have been filed under others – which is why we now take what celebrities say as the absolute truth and discount science as opinion – interesting point, albeit, the author was a bit bitter at times…

    book 2 – “the beckham experiment” – it was about soccer, so i automatically liked it – basically, beckham came to the LA galaxy two years ago and everyone thought all would be right with the world – but it wasn’t – and that’s mostly the fault of several people

    i’m now on “marathon woman” – i met one of the first women to ever complete a marathon, kathrine switzer, over the weekend – incredible lady – i’m 140 pages into the book – inspring story – would recommend the book to all young women everywhere – regardless of whether they run or not – as inspiration for them to read about what life was like for women even 40 years ago

    i’ve kept up on my weekly magazines too – not much to report there though – do hope everyone’s reading goes well this week


  10. i am reading tuck everlasting a girl named winnie and she was scared to go into the woods alone but one dy she decided to run away but when she got out of the gate she got kidnapped by three people when they stoped traveling they explained that they will live forever and never die and that they were friends not enemys so far it is a really good book but not that exciting yet. as yall know i wont be bloging tomorrow because of homecoming see ya.

    10-14-09 ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. WELL……….
    Tomorow is best dress day! Don’t want to go to P.E., ruin my hair, like every day. ( Never liked P.E. anyway- rather read.) ๐Ÿ™‚

    The last Book in the Universe-

    Today Spaz is introduced to us in the story, I think it’s pretty good, unlike Sure Fire, which I really need to finish. So, Spaz went to the stacks, where the really poor people live, and was supposed to bustdown this gummy’s (old person= gummy) house and take his stuff. They gummy’s name is Ryter. So, he took all of his valuable stuff to give to the gang, but doesn’t really want to hurt the old guy, because he thinks he is special. They actually don’t read books there, I wouldn’t survive. So, the gummy tries to make stories on these old peices of paper, he says that one day, people will want to read agian. Then, he went back home. A runner, who carries mesengers, is at his home.

    And that is where Kendall, Kerrigan, and I left off, at page 40. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Well, I have to go, blog next Monday, I think.

    We don’t have blogs tomorow do we, because fo the dance? We don’t have logs ever on Friday, well, have to go, BY! ROLL TIDE! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. I am still reading the same book the Rivers of Zadda in the Pendragon series and they are out of he camp and are attending a festival for the new king when he is murdered while talking to him and by a Rolkodor too. Anyways a war is at hand and it is Pendragon and Loor’s job to stop it. Bye. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ :O

  13. okay, so i’m still on legacy of blood and i’ll have to admit that i was wrong, believe it or not there is a lot of outer conflict in this book. Lysander is like a war hero for saving his cousin, which happens to be very important, and he gets invited to this awesome place with lots of other grown war heroes. his cousin needs him for something, and he gets mugged on the way back to her villa, they’re called the kryptia and they kill innocent people just for the fun of it. and he like gets his nose broken and a lot of other things hurt. On his way to find the Oracle, there is a girl getting mugged. (lot of mugging in this book) and he totally beats them up. He also gets really mad at his cousin and breaks one of her vases and they yelled at each other a lot.

  14. Ok so we are doing that project thing so i cant read Artemis Fowl I have to read my book “Where The Red Fern Grows” Its is a very good book but i like Artemis Fowl better. So “Where The Red Fern Grows” starts out wierd it is a man named Billy and he goes outside hearing a dog fight he see’s a Red Blood Hound fighting many other dogs. So he helps the dog feeds it and then lets it go then it brings back his memories. Then it talks about him in his childhood her is the story. When he was ten years old he Begged for two Red Blood Hounds his parents did not have the money. He then visits an abandoned fishermen camp and find an add that sells dogs for cheaper. He makes a plan that he will save his money then buy the dogs. He saves his money for two years by helping his grandfather and many other things. Then he sneaks away to the town that is holding the dogs until he arrives so he sneaks out and goes threre. Now he has his puppies one is a brave Male and the other is a Smart Female now he is heading back home. Thats what i’ve reaad so far.


  15. Hi! I probaby will break the text box again, most likely more than once. ๐Ÿ™

    K, breakage warning aside, had to stop Artemis, now on Where the Red Fern Grows for GRC. So, Billy is walking home from work when he sees a dogfight (NOT AN AIR BATTLE, A CANINE FIGHT). He’s trying to decide to help or run when a redbone hound (WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY AWESOME!!!! A REDBONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) runs under a bush. Billy drives the other dogs away and nurses the hound back to health. The dog stirs memories of Billy’s childhood, such as his first traps, his first live catch (the cat (ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)), his 2 years of saving for dogs, and thats about it. GTA:SA awaits!

  16. Dear Mr Jennings,

    I will not rig the Jepordy game this week as long as I get 40% of your winnings and you announce my false name of Buddy Wins-a-lot. If you do this then you shall not be kicked outta Jepordy and sent to jail for committing a scandal in the game show industry. So please for me and everyone around you and in the game show industry just do what I ask.

    Buddy Wins-a-lot.

  17. im still reading tuck everlasting so far it has been an awsome book they just explained why she camt tell anyone about their power and the next day they went swimming but the girl wants to go back home with her parents also she kind of wants to drink the water from the magical stream that if you drink from it you will never age or die. i know it is a short blog tonight but i cant read much because of the dance but i read as much as i could and see everyone tomorrow.


  18. Tuesday-
    Ugh, got to start doing journals again.
    I read,a book called Hound Dog, about Elvis Presely and the authors purpose of this was to show that even the young can be taken advantage of, all she wanted was to get tickets to see Elvis play. It also had a big use of dialect, the characters a deep southern accent.
    I feel like the main character, was round, she started as a girl that all she knew was that she wanted to see Elvis, and she grew into someone who had chaged from experiences, she had met her mother, she had been through the probelms of upper and lower calss, and she has experienced things that most 7 or 8 year old girls had never experienced, she changed trememdously in this book.
    Dear Girl,
    I am sorry I let that happen the other night, and I know that you hate me, but I had no I dea that was going to happen, and I feel really bad about it. I know that you don’t wanna be friends with me anymore and I understand that, but I LOVE YOU.

  19. Hello from me,

    I am reading Adam Canfield of the Splash. Well, from my last journal entry in my compisition book, you can tell Pheboe asked Adam and Jennifer if she could cover the smile contest, Jennifer said yes, but Adam said he didn’t care. She went to the mall and signed in and took some pre-competition interviews.

  20. Sorry, the laptop died when i was in the middle of the sentence.

    Pheboe also waited until the first break and found out that all the children who were left were eating two-liter cokes and gigantic bags of M&M’s all at once. The kids got a sugar rush during the seccond round and were shaking all over.


  21. So,like, I’m reading Redwall and so far it’s pretty good. The author’s purpose is to tell a story about a mouse who has come to a city named Redwall as an orphan. He goes under command of a very honorable mouse who has lived there for a long time. These mice have lived in peace ever since one of the best warriors destroyed all of their enemies and now every animal respects them and doesn’t harm them. Now, a very feared rat is coming with his army to attack Redwall and Matthias, the orphan, is going to somehow become the next great warrior and destroy the rat, Cluny, and his army.

    The character that stands out to me in Redwall is Matthias. He really perseveres to get to his dream. He wants to be a warrior like all the mice were back when nobody respected them. Now that everyone respects them, they have noone to fight. He is really bummed out, but he doesn’t know that in the future, his city will be attacked and he will have to step up and be what he has always wanted to be.

    This book compares to Chronicles of Narnia. Peter has to step up and be the leader of the army once Aslan is killed. Matthias will have to step up and probably lead his army to kill Cluny. The only difference is that Peter didn’t want to be a leader, and Matthias did.

  22. blogness. yea.
    been readin a book called “playing with fire”, its totally cool. anyway im gonna do a ransom note.

    Dear Mr.Pleasent,
    you should really back off of finding those black chrystals. you’ll never find will take forever to find em and then you’ll probably die. stop now, and i’ll let you join us in worshiping the faceless ones. they will probably spare you. soo. yea. back off!

    the bad guys

  23. Still on The Bible

    today a 6th grader asked me why i blog on the Bible

    I said Because Im not shallow and I Belive that every one should know about gods word

    So think about it this way..

    Remember that note from your BFF

    Were you excited to read it?

    Well the Bible is a note For You From god

    David Killed goliath with ONE YES ONE stone but only because god helped was there and saved Davids life cause god wasnt ready for him up in heaven

    Searching the Bible Is a good way to go BACK and see what you missed so ask yourself did you notice that sara had a baby at 90? Is that even possible?

    Yes Sara gave birth to a baby at 90 and yes it possible because god told her she would

    So Now I think that the 6th grader should now understand my point I can use a blog to tell about the Bible Cause it a right and a PRIVALLIgE!!!

  24. I am almost finished with the Rivers of Zadaa and Saint Dane is almost finished as he tries to make Zadaa an example of genocide. So I will no longer spoil the book so now I am going to log off and go read more and work on a novel I am tring to write. Peace. ๐Ÿ˜‰ :0 :0 ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. still reading legacy of blood. the authors purpose is of course to entertain. this book is filled with a lot of inner conflict which keeps the reader entertained. stated in my previous journals, Lysander was wondering what he should do. there is also a lot of outer conflict (which most of the readers get hooked on the book just for the conflict) where this random girl is mugged by random people and Lysander fights them off.

  26. This Dragunforse w/ a buk update. So continuing w/ the Hunger Games thingymabober. She keeps running for hours and hours until she finally thinks she is safe to camp for the night, look through the back pack, and rummage around the forest to find food. Have I ever mentioned that Katniss is the best climber ever? Well, she is. She scaled 80 ft. in 30 secs. and then made a bed out of the sleeping bag and belt. The sleeping bag for a bed, of course, the belt so she wouldn’t fall 80ft. and die for no reason except fornot using her mind like it was a dumbwaiter…HAHAHA!!!. So, she looks up a the sky to see if anyone has died because they show the faces of people who died in the sky at night w/ fireworks. On this bloody day 11 have suffered the fate of the Hunger Games. YYYAAAWWWNNN!!!



  27. hey this is Olive-A!!! I just got out the high shool pp rally and i went to the Middle School dance, it was awesome!!!! Anyway i finished reading Thirteen.
    There’s alot I have to tell you!!! Man wait….. I’ve got to tell you every thing that happened……..
    It’s the 3rd book in a series of books starting with:
    Then [of course] Thirteen.
    The main charater/narrator is named Winnie [short for Winnifred, what a bad case of luck.!.!.]
    She has 2 best friends Dinah, and Cinnimon.
    She’s going out with a hot-shot named Lars, the coolest of cool. and hes in high school while she’s still in Middle shool. well she has a cool summer break unfortunatly Lars will be in a foreign country.
    she goes to a camp with cinnimon and almost cuts of her brothers head!! They had herd that there was a murder that had excaped from jail and was hiding in the woods. So one of the guys was groaning in agony like he was being hurt during the night.
    Then the mother was looking for the ax to save her son when Winnie fond it. She was gowing to attack when the boy emerged and puked everywhere!!!
    Winnie stood in horror at the ax that was in her hand.When shool started Lars was treating her badly and it hurt her feeling to the point where they
    almost broke up for good. mean-while she herd about this boy Joseph who had cancer in her little brothers class. and it influnecd her to do locks of love. [which she ended up doing.] one of her ex-friends turned goth. Then her sister and winnie skipped school and got caught. They skipped shool so they wouldn’t have to go to valentines day. both boyfriends were gone. that night Winnie fond Lars and asked him if he wanted to break up with her and he did something he’d never done before…….
    he started to cry. he gave up his cool guy act for a couple of minutes, and let Winnie truly know how he felt about her. Then Joseph was told that his treatment was finally working and that he’d be ok.
    Finally her Mom cocieved a baby. A beautiful baby girl. with brown eyes.


  28. Ok so when i left off Billy is heading home with his new dogs. He gets home and his mother is worried to death. But he is forgiven when he gives them the gifts he bought. Then he relizes that he needs a coon skin to help him train his dogs. He try’s the traps he has at home but the coons are to smart for those traps so then he visits his grandfather. His grandfathere shows him a trick that he used when he was a kid so Billy went home and the very next day he laid the traps. He doesn’t catch anything for about a week then one day he was out checking his traps and he had a coon. He taught his dogs all sorts of coon tricks., Then he went hunting and trapped a coon in a GIANT tree that Billy had to chop down with his axe. He finally gets that and kills many other coons. Now he’s taking a break from hunting thats what i’ve read so far.


  29. i have been reading a book called live like you were dying. it is based on the song live like you were dying by tim mcgraw. it’s about a man who works for a paper and falls off of a 60 foot tower but doesnt go the 60 feet because the rail catches him. he had blood in his lungs and while they were doing the surgery they found a white spot. doesnt know what it is but i think it is cancer. anyways he makes a list of where he wants to go and he goes where he says he wants to.
    i think that the authors purpose was to tell the reader that you should embrace everyday of your life because you never know when your time is up. it’s kinda like another song called if today was your last day. im not going to compare books or songs now cause ive already compared things.
    dear nathan,
    im glad that you arent letting this lung cancer affect your life. you went fishing with your daughter. and your hanging out with your dad whom you havent seen in a while. also when that doctor said that he was going to do an experimental treatment on you to get rid of the cancer but you said no because that’s how your mom died.if people with cancer didnt let it affect their lives like you did maybe alot of them would lead happier lives.
    the conflict in this story is internal. hes fighting himself to get the operation for his cancer or be like his mother and die of experiments. hes fighting whether or not hes going to let this ruin his life or make it so that he has a reason to go and see all the places he saw and wants to see again or never saw and wants to see.
    i know it’s odd for me to say this but i actually like reading this book. wow i never thought that i would say that would you.

  30. OK… the authors purpose of Braniac ( I didnt stop reading the bible I just thought it would be more interesting and less religious for those of yall who arent chrisians) is to retell past events from his life. He tells of how he gets on Jepordy and suceeds. It is also to entertain the readers of all ages.

    The Facts so far are: 1 Ken gets on Jepordy, 2 He wins the first round against a guy who had beaten the champion of 3 rounds.
    Opinions : Wow Ken is smart and kinda reminds me of my friend who always knows the weirdest facts. I kind of wanna meet Ken Jennigs or at least watch him in a Scholars Bowl tournamment!!!!!

  31. Authors Purpose:
    The authors purpose is to let us all know not to give up on you friends. No matter how bad you want to,because in this chapter Ron completely gave up hope on Harry just because they hadnโ€™t found a horcrux yet. Hermione on the other hand may have stayed with Harry,but she gave up hope on him. If Ron doesnโ€™t come back then Hermione will probaly leave too.
    I Think that the theme of this chapter is friendship. Because Harry,Ron,and Hermioneโ€™s relationship is jeprodized because on Ron and Harrys fight,Hermione is in love with Ron,and harry just ruined everything for them.
    Genre Slip:
    Dear Ron,please come back.Me and harry miss you alot. please we cant do this without you,harry misses you i miss you,we can work everything out,please?
    Book Summary:Right now ron and harry just got into a fight and ron just left. They found out news that ginny got in trouble with snape. that dumbeldore made a copy of the sword.

  32. Authors Purpose:The authors purpose of this book is to show that you are perfect the way you are. You don’t have to convert to what other people want you to be. Your not fat, your not short,your not to skinny, your not ugly, your pretty. Thats what she is trying to get across. She does this by showing Izzy and her stuggles with being beliemic and shows that you can have rough patches while recovering and you can have good times. But if you are beliemic then you are just hurting yourself. Theme:The theme of this book relates to character because Izzys character changes throughout the book, in the part about her dad she is just and innocent and happy child then her dad dies and she is depressed. she becomes an anorexic and she becomes happy because she is “pretty”, her mom finds out about her being anorexic and she is mad at “Ape Face” for telling on her. Her mom sends her to “Group” and she is unhappy. Her mood changes throughout the entire book which affects the way she treats people.Book Summary: So far this book is about Izzy who is a belemic bc her dad died and she wants to be like Ashley Barnum who is also a beliemic. Her sister walks in on her throwing up and Izzy tries to bribe her but it doesnt work. So she tells her mom who then sends her to “Group” for therapy with other girls who have eating disorders. Then Ashley abrnum the most popular girl in school shows up. Genre Slip: Dear Izzy, I really appreciate you not telling anyone about me being at Group,I won’t tell anyone about seeing you there either, i sware. But I know that your not great at math so if you need any help i am always here! Thanks for everything, Ashley:)!

  33. Well lets start off with I hope everyone had a GREAATTT Homecoming!! Even though there wasn’t a Homecoming game and it was freezing at the Parade is was still very awesome!! I’m still attempting to finish “Tell Me What You See” Lets see where did I finish off last week?? Mhhmm Okay lets start at her getting visited by the two ghost. OKay so after she was rescued from the dead persons vault she went back home and was a sleep when she woke up to two strange people looking around her room. The ghost didn’t think she could see them YET but when she started asking who they were the ghost started to freak out.. turned out that they were looking for the flower that the girl had recently picked from the littles boys casket but as she was looking through her jacket, she couldnt find it and as she turned back around the ghost were gone then she darted to the bathroom and started throwing up. the next day her boyfriend or ex bf or crush or somthing I don’t know its very confusing but anyways he called her and wanted to meet up with her after 2 weeks before that him and her were at a party and he met another girl and totaly left her for the other girl which in a girls world thats like shooting her in the heart. when i guy you really likes starts making out with another girl even if he doesn’t love you back it still crushes you. But he called her after 2 weeks of not talking to her and wanted to meet up at the park so of course she ran into the bathroom to get all purtied up but in the middle of getting ready she stopped and wiped all the make-up off and walked out of the apartment with nothing special on just her as her. She got to the park early and sat on a swing to sit and think everything over. As she sat and slowly swang back and forth every time someones head peaked over the hill her heart dropped and she lost words but person after person it still wasn’t him. after about 40 minutes she starts to give up but then she feels someone wrap their arms around her. she turned around and it was him. Finally. They walked all around the park holding hands and laughing and thats when he told her he loved her and didn’t wanna live another day with out her!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ OMG!! What an Awesome guy!!!!! Wrap him up and give me two of him!! Geeze Louise how awesome would that be!?!?!! Prettyyyy darn AWESOME! If I do say so myself! I went from crying from sadnes and then to crying from happines all in about 2 and a half chapters!!!!! Thats a good book and an Awesome very expresive writer for ya.

    Love, Marcy Lu

  34. oh me! oh me! my turn, my turn!!!

    first, wonderful, wonderful blog by marcy – oh that we could all be so brilliant… ๐Ÿ™‚

    i finished marathon woman last week – finished the book as i “parked” cars friday night at the football game (really, i only park cars for about 20 minutes – once the main lot fills out – the rest of the time, i’m keeping people from parking there for free and trying desperately to stay warm – so reading helps) – very good book with a strong female protagonist – she overcame quite a bit – that said, probably sophomore level and above just b/c the lady went through marital issues that maybe aren’t middle school appropriate – maybe:)

    got a new book friday “social-emotional curriculum with gifted and talented students” – read 140 pages over the weekend – which isn’t a lot for those of you still reading a series of unfortunate event books, but is quite a bit of reading for textbook reading (particularly when your textbook has no pictures)

    “social-emo with gt” has been really, really good – lots of research, plenty of good activities about how to address needs of gifted kids in class – and that basically, if kids don’t feel well in class, they won’t do nearly as well (go figure)

    i suppose the goal is to finish that book this week – doubt i get anything else in outside of newsweek, b’ham news, runners world, and fast company (business magazine i got this week – did we all know that a new disney movie comes out in november??? so excited:)

    write on

  35. I am now reading the 3rd of the series of the Legend of Drizzit it is called Souljurn. ๐Ÿ™‚ So far Drizzit is on the run from his family members who are on a hunt to kill him and he is noe protecting a set of humans he has found in a small cottage that live in the middle of the woods. So that is all for now. Peace. ๐Ÿ˜‰ :0 ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™

  36. Ok so first I know my name is a mystery but if you look closely you may find it. Ok I’m still reading “Where The Red Fern Grows” So after Billy’s brake he keeps going hunting and everything is normal but then, his grandfather sends someone to get him. When he gets there his grandfather is very excited. He shows Billy the add about the dog hunting competition. He tells Billy he had everything payed for and ready and to see if Billy’s dad would come. Billy got home and asked his dad he said he had work farming. Then Billy’s mom said it was slow around this time so he went they got to the competition and discovered many dogs he entered Little Ann his girl dog into a fashion thing, the best looking dog one it was Little Ann he one a silver cup. Then he went hunting and tied for first then moved on to the final competition. He just found and killed a coon and now is in a bad Blizzard storm trying to find his dogs he found little Ann and is trying to find old Dan. Thats what i’ve read so far


  37. i’m going to answer the question that you wrote on the board today. they shouldn’t hold the dress up day anymore if it becomes a racial thing (because only white people are dressing up) and it might make our school seem kind of racist if other people from different schools or from the board or education may think our school is racist because only white people are wearing camo. they may think that it was white people wear camo day. on the other hand, the school should still have the dress up day because, ethnic groups CHOSE not to dress up for that day. and if they took away the dress up day, people that do participate in the dressing up thing, and would make those people incredibly sad for that day because they would dressing up as something else (uuuuum hippies maybe) and wouldn’t get the satisfaction of dressing up in camo and hiding in the corner from your teachers, hoping they won’t see you and you’ll get out of the classwork and whatever homework may follow.

  38. Hey read A LOT since wednesday, Billy found out the dogs had dropped 5 dollars, but he had to wait a week to get the. He wanted his dogs earlier so he walked there. he met the marshal, got into a fight, and faced a mountain lion on his way there and back. anyways, he treed his first coon then stayed up for 2 nights cutting the tree down (NO!!NOT THE TREE! :))so he got the coon, made a hat and went coon crazy. one day in the winter his female dog (female = Little Ann, male = Old Dan =) fell into semi frozen water, and is about to freeze. (dramatic music plays) Will Ann survive? (I hope so, Dan can’t find a coon for his live :P) Bye!

  39. YO, YO, YO what’s up wich you this ya’ boy Dragonforce jr. w/ a bu… Joseph get off the computer, and u spelled Dragunforse wrong you idiot. UUUUHHHH! Sorry, little bros are such a hassle. This is Dragunfors w/ a buk update. I finished Hunger Games like 3 weeks ago. I just can’t seem to finish blogging it. I’ve still been reading Mr.M, so don’t worry there is more where this came from. ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway, it’s the start of a full day of hunger games, Finding game, looking for clean water, traveling ’til your feet bleed, and hoping everyone kills themselves so you can go home already, all that fun stuff you do in Hide-n-Go Seek. Anyway a couple of faces show up tonyte. So, just a game of Keepaway so we don’t die sort of thing. Well, a few days pass, a few people die, and Katniss is sound asleep until she smells smoke and wakes up immediately. A gammakers hoax, and this is shooting fire balls and filling the air with toxins… no bigge. Well, turns out the fireballs are coming out really fast at her, so she is dodging fire balls by cms. while trying not to suffocate because of the horible smoke. She gets out with bad lungs and a fireball hit her in the calf. While tending to her injuries she notices how she is getting closer to the lake and how she is being forced to fight whoever is at the lake, the really good tributes who train for the Hunger Games are probably there and the audience wants a blood-curdling-bloodspilling-bloodeverything fight to the death. I’ll stop there.

    Mr.Mayfield’s favorite by far,


  40. im still reading tuck everlasting so far there was a man spying on them the whole time and once they got home the man thatwas wearing yellow stole their horse that will never die and ran back to the little girls house to make a trade with the family their land for the directions to the girl and they took the offer so the man said it would be a long ride and they got on their horses with men and loaded the shotguns and went out to search for her. thats all i read tonight i hope to finish the book by wendsday.


  41. Ok, changing my name to bamagirlfootballfan12. No longer bamagirlfootballfan14. I have a reason though, Greg McElroy. His # is 12. J.P. Wilson was 14. Have to keep up:) Thanks for the bracelet!

    I will finish blogging on The Last Book in the Universe.

    I finsihed Sure Fire, FYI.

    So today they Spaz went on an adventure with Ryter. They went to save his sister, Bean. Then they met Lanaya, the proov. Proovs are genetically improved humans. So, she helps them travel with Little Face, a little five year old from the stacks. They find Bean and take her away to Eden, which is forbiden. They get cast out, but Bean gets well. (Lukemia was the disease she had) So, now they go back to their latch. Ryter gets wheeled by the Bangers. They tie him to a jetbike and kill him with hitting the gas and pulling him away. So, then, Billy Bizmo, the head Banger, and latchoss, is Spaz’s dad. He tells him that he never wanted Spaz to be like him. That’s why he gave him away to a foster home. He started talking into this machine that wrote the words for him, and that’s how the book was made.

    It was a very good book, I recomend it to any sci-fi book reader.

    Got 2 go! ROLL TIDE!

  42. I am reading the Witch wars and it is awesome now that the protagonist Anid has finally dicovered that she is a witch and has been acceped and is now a full fledged witch ๐Ÿ™‚ . It may not last long ๐Ÿ™ becuase now that she is a full witch she is now more determined to find her mother and save her than ever. So on that note I will leave now. Peace ya’ll. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™

  43. Ok so when i left off they were trying to find old dan. They were starting to give up when they heard Old Dan. They found him by the tree but they couldn’t shoot the coon out so they chopped the the tree down and three coons jumped out Old Dan got one, and Little Ann got another the last had got away but right when Billy had pointed to where the coons went and off went the dogs. Then the storm cleared up and they heard the men from camp looking for them they found them and then a guy said he found Billy’s dogs frozen. They rushed to the dogs and they were still moving keeping warm . They warmed them up and Billy won the tournament. So then when Billy got back he kept going hunting then one day they had to fight a Lion. They killed it then when Billy got home Old Dan died from a GIANT wound, after that Little Ann was very close to old Dan and would not drink or eat without him. So she layed at his grave and died :'( so thats what i’ve read so far.


  44. so i’m still reading Legacy of Blood. (takes me a while doesn’t it) and relates to conflict because there is a lot of violence in this book, and that is exactly what i look for in a book.the spartan barracks are going to war again(which by the way the boys are like 17) and this time they are fighting the people from Taras, well actually people took over taras and they’re going to take it back. and on the way there, Lysander and some other kid get in a fight. When they get there, they have to go through this really dark tunnel and Lysander and Orpheus (the guy with the prosthetic leg) get left behind and 4 scouts from Taras attack them after they are tortured, they mange to break free and cause little injuries to the people and Orpheus gets stabbed in the chest by a dagger. When Lysander had lost all hope, the guy he had previously had a fight with, came to save him and killed his attackers.

  45. I will blog on….
    Graveyard Book

    Today this little boys family was killed by this guy, whose name hasn’t been mentioned yet. The baby crawled put of the crib and went to a graveyard on the top of the hill. On the hill there were these ghost that saw the baby and were admirring it when a man came. They left it there but stayed close. The guy at the gate was the man who murdered the family, looking for the baby. All of the sudden the babies family appears in the graveyard and the mom yells to not give the baby to the man and take care of it.

    That’s all I have for tonight! ROLL TIDE!

  46. Hey y’all wazzup!

    I just finished Adam Canfield of the Slash, Next I think I am going to read Oliver Twist, and also m going to change my name, of course, and work on my twenty questions for B.O.B.

    Okay, now for my journal.

    The Slash editors held a meeting and decided to not print the Miss Bloch story like marris wanted. They decided to get the true Marris story out by e-mail and on one of those Do-it-yoself romance websites and they also got people to forward it to everybody in their address book and their parents e-mail address books.

    Well got-2-go. BBBBYYYYYEEEEE ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  47. K, Little Ann’s alright (YAY!!!)
    but Billy has the flu (NO!!!)
    Its mostly detail at this point, (dang) So im gonna do author’s purpose, It is probably to entertain, b/c its really entertaining and sad, so entertain and take up time from 7:30 to 11:00 ๐Ÿ™‚

    This is short, so im gonna take up time by repeating abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz over and over. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz jk

  48. It has been a while since I blogged last like months ago. But any way I am still reading Life on the River, And
    now I am on a new chapter. Guess what his ( the author) nickname is Catfish (weird) but it fitted him cause he had a passion for catching catfish. But he “says” that National Geographic took his to Africa to catch one of those giant catfish and write a story about it too. And he “said” that people some people wanted to have his autograph and one guy wanted to have him to sign his wife with permament ink.

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