Mrs. Phillips’ Class Summative Test tomorrow. Everyone has a study guide completed.
Return all library books and pay all lunch money.
Mrs. Phillips’ Class Summative Test tomorrow. Everyone has a study guide completed.
Return all library books and pay all lunch money.
Math: Mrs. Ethridge’s Class only test tomorrow on Summative 4. Study guide is in blue folder. Mrs. Phillips will have the test Thursday. Return all library books.
Math: Pages 259-262 Problems 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10a, 13, 15, 18, 22a,b Test is moved to Monday for Topic 6 SS: Civil War Slides and Facts sheet are due tomorrow. Tug of War tomorrow. Dress appropriately
Math: WB pages 251-252 4-11 Math Test Friday SS: Civil War slides due by Friday
Math: Finish Workbook pages 247-248 11-27 Test on Friday SS: Civil War slides are due by Friday Check out DOJO for OMMS pics from today.
Math: WB page 243 7-10 Test is Friday on long division with decimals SS: Civil War Slides are due Friday Field trip tomorrow to OMMS
No Homework!! Field Day is tomorrow. Please check your email or your child’s agenda for details:)
Math: Finish Workbook pages 231-232 and Quick Check 6.1 Return: Progress Report, Kona Ice $ and slip, Permission slip for Bouncy House. Wednesday is PJ and stuffed animal day for $1 each. Girls on the Run is raising money for the local shelter.
Math: Topic 15 Test tomorrow. Study your practice test and complete pages 611-612 for Bonus Points. (Optional) Camp Journey Applications were sent home today. T-shirt Reveal tomorrow
Math: Finish workbook pages A33-A34. Test on Thursday. No school Friday