
by Carrie Firestone

The book shines a spotlight on schools and the dress code discussion while highlighting that no matter who you are, middle school/family/life…is tough. I really enjoyed reading this book, despite finding some of the teachers and principals in the book a little too over the top. The argument about dress code is valid for sure, and as a reader, it is very easy to connect with Molly and her experiences. It’s a book that jumps in quickly and provides readers with all the ups and downs of middle school!

Molly Frost is FED UP…

Because Olivia was yelled at for wearing a tank top.

Because Liza got dress coded and Molly didn’t, even though they were wearing the exact same outfit.

Because when Jessica was pulled over by the principal and missed a math quiz, her teacher gave her an F.

Because it’s impossible to find shorts that are longer than her fingertips.

Because girls’ bodies are not a distraction.

Because middle school is hard enough.

And so Molly starts a podcast where girls can tell their stories, and before long, her small rebellion swells into a revolution. Because now the girls are standing up for what’s right, and they’re not backing down.