Eliza and Her Monsters

by Francesca Zappia

Eliza is a high school Senior and an extreme introvert who anonymously writes & draws web comics. She prefers her computer and her online friends over the real world. As a person who spent years playing a MMORPG and whole heartedly committing to it, I can definitely relate! I was an officer for my clan (guild), organizing raid fights, and clan hunts for top level materials. It was a lot of fun and I regularly chatted with my clan members, getting to know them, and building friendships. Eliza reminded me very much of myself. The only perk for her, is her web comic is so popular, she is making a lot of money!! She can already pay for herself to go to college and live comfortably on her own. For her, it’s a true pathway to a career. Her parents though do not understand this & often try to pull her away from what she loves to do. A new student arrives at her school as well though, and actually gets it! The relationships in this book are so true and real. I thoroughly enjoyed every second reading it!

Eighteen-year-old Eliza Mirk is the anonymous creator of the wildly popular webcomic Monstrous Sea, but when a new boy at school tempts her to live a life offline, everything she’s worked for begins to crumble.

In the real world, Eliza Mirk is shy, weird, and friendless. Online, Eliza is LadyConstellation, anonymous creator of a popular webcomic called Monstrous Sea. With millions of followers and fans throughout the world, Eliza’s persona is popular. Eliza can’t imagine enjoying the real world as much as she loves her digital community.

Then Wallace Warland transfers to her school and Eliza begins to wonder if a life offline might be worthwhile. But when Eliza’s secret is accidentally shared with the world, everything she’s built—her story, her relationship with Wallace, and even her sanity—begins to fall apart.

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