
by Robinson Wells

I don’t think I have ever read a book that jumps in like Variant! It is fast paced and doesn’t spend a lot of time back tracking. I was hooked within the first few pages! Benson gets accepted to a private school, but turns out their are no adults. Students have job contracts along with their classes to cook meals, do maintenance, run security, and even teach lessons. Despite no adults, the rules are strict, and if a rule is broken, the consequences are severe…. such detention. Detention doesn’t seem that bad, right? Yet no one has ever come back from detention. Lose a game of paintball…. you don’t eat for 2 days. Despite all this, some students have been their for years. Some even seem as if they should have graduated. But can anyone escape?

Benson Fisher thought that a scholarship to Maxfield Academy would be the ticket out of his dead-end life.

He was wrong.

Now he’s trapped in a school that’s surrounded by a razor-wire fence, where video cameras monitor his every move—and where breaking the rules equals death.

All Benson wants is to find a way out. But when he stumbles upon the real secret the school has been hiding, he realizes that escape may be impossible.

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