Matched Trilogy

by Ally Condie

Matched (Book #1)

Matched fits the classic dystopian set up: a war that ruined civilization, society has re-built with better technology, better machines, but all out of fear leading to extreme governmental control. Of any dystopian series I have read, this book truly takes the control to an extreme. The government has centers that send food directly to a person three times a day. It is food meant exactly for that person and that person only to fit their specific nutritional needs. There is no choice in what job a person can take or who they will marry. Cassia is about to find out who she will marry, but the program goes wrong for just a moment. It’s enough of a glimpse that she sees another face and now begins to doubt whether the government truly is as perfect as it seems.

In the Society, Officials decide. Who you love. Where you work. When you die.

Cassia has always trusted the Society’s choices. And when her best friend appears on the Matching screen, she is certain he’s the one—until she sees another face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black. Now she is faced with impossible choices: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she’s ever known and a path no has dared to follow . . . between perfection and the truth.

Crossed (Book #2)

The second book picks up pretty much where the first one left off and just keeps the story moving. Cassia continues to learn how much what she thought was true, isn’t. This book takes a sharp turn from the beautiful city and well polished life that we see in the first book. This book becomes about survival and introduces us to the war that’s been ravaging the world. The paths of Cassia, Ky, and Xander continues as well & how will it turn out between them? Can anyone, even Ky or Xander, be trusted?

Chasing down an uncertain future, Cassia makes her way to the Outer Provinces in pursuit of Ky–taken by Society to his certain death–only to find that he has escaped into the majestic, but treacherous, canyons.  On this wild frontier are glimmers of a different life . . . and the enthralling promise of rebellion. But even as Cassia sacrifices everything to reunite with Ky, ingenious surprises from Xander may change the game.  On the edge of Society, nothing is as expected, and crosses and double crosses make Cassia’s path more twisted than ever.

Reached (Book #3)

Find out what happens in the final book!!!

Cassia’s journey began with an error, a momentary glitch in the otherwise perfect façade of the Society. After crossing canyons to break free, she waits, silk and paper smuggled against her skin, ready for the final chapter.

The wait is over.

One young woman has raged against those who threaten to keep away what matters most—family, love, choice. Her revolution is about to explode into full-scale rebellion. As an incurable plague sweeps through the Society, Cassia races to save both the lives and freedom of those she loves. With exquisite prose, the emotionally gripping conclusion to the international–bestselling Matched trilogy returns Cassia, Ky, and Xander to the Society to save the one thing they have been denied for so long, the power to choose.

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