February 2, 2016



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Tolerance

Quote of the Day: “Never judge someone by the way he looks or a book by the way it’s covered; For inside those tattered pages, There’s a lot to be discovered”
Stephen Cosgrove

*African American History Spotlight for the Day: Did you know what George Washington Carver who was a former slave and who became a famous scientist and educator discovered over 100 uses for the peanut? He also discovered different kinds of dyes and adhesives. He was named Time Magazine’s “Black Leonardo da Vinci” in 1941 for his work in agriculture, education, and for promoting racial harmony.

  • Happy Birthday: No Birthdays today!
  • Announcements:

 *There will be visitors in the building this morning so please be on your best behavior in the hallways.

 Due to weather concerns for this afternoon, Battle of the Books will not meet after school today but will meet Thursday after school instead.  If you have any questions, please see Ms. Long.

*Soccer practice has been cancelled for after school today

*This Friday will be break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches.  Progress reports will go out on Wednesday.

*We are now starting to sell the Coupon Books for $20.00.  Permission slips will be sent home with your progress reports on Wednesday if you would like to sell them.  You can currently buy one from any Beta Club member.  The sale lasts until February 17th.

*Save the Date.  On February 11th, we will be having a Mardis Gras Dance from 3-5pm. The cost will be $5.00.

There is a mandatory parent meeting for those interested in MMS cheerleading on Monday, February 22 at 5:00 PM in the media center.  Registration packets will be available for pick-up that night. Students that are interested should sign up on the sheet outside Mrs. Bishop’s door.

*There will be a Mandatory parent meeting February 12th at 6 PM in the PAC at the High School for any 8th grade girl interested in cheerleading next year.  You will pick up your packets that night.

*Any 6th or 7th grade girl that is interested in Monday and Wednesday work-outs needs to turn in permission to Coach Jett before staying after school.  We will begin work-outs next Monday February 8th.

*Any 8th grader interested in trying out for color guard, dance line, or majorette as part of the 2016 Montevallo Marching Troubadours needs to see Mr. Lawley to receive an informational packet.  There is a mandatory parent meeting about tryouts on February 11 at 6:00 p.m. in the Montevallo High School band room

*There will be an informational night at Montevallo High School for all 8th graders and their parents on February 9th at 6pm in the Performing Arts Center.

*The Annual Heart of Dixie Pageant will be held on March 5th of this year at Jemison High School for any girl ages 1-21.  If you are interested in participating in this pageant, please pick up a form in the office or on the Heart of Dixie Facebook page.  All applications are due by February 17th.

*Wish the 6th grade Scholar’s Bowl team good luck as they compete tomorrow in the county competition.

*Soccer practice has been cancelled today.

Have a Terrific Tuesday