February 9, 2016



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Cooperation

Quote of the Day:Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.

-Helen Keller

*African American History Spotlight for the Day: Did you know that Booker T Washington was a famous speaker, civil rights activist, professor, and poet? He was born a slave but was freed after the Civil War.  He went on to head the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama as an institution of higher education for black people in the late 1800’s.

  • Happy Birthday: Bernardo Rodriquez, Chloe McKinney, and Alexa Best
  • Announcements:

 *This Thursday will be the Mardis Gras Dance from 3-5pm. The cost will be $5.00.

*Tonight there is a parent and student informational meeting at the Montevallo High School Performing Arts Center for all 8th grade students starting at 6pm.  Ms. Allen from the high school will be coming to Mr. Week’s class on Friday to talk to 8th graders about next year’s classes so don’t be absent on Friday.

There is a mandatory parent meeting for those interested in MMS cheerleading on Monday, February 22 at 5:00 PM in the media center.  Registration packets will be available for pick-up that night. Students that are interested should sign up on the sheet outside Mrs. Bishop’s door.

*There will be a Mandatory parent meeting Friday, February 12th at 6 PM in the PAC at the High School for any 8th grade girl interested in cheerleading next year.  You will pick up your packets that night.

* If you need an application packet to the new Teen Center, they are in the front office.

*Coupon Books are still on sale for $20.00

*MES PTO has a spirit night fundraiser at Chubb’s Grub Station in Alabaster, Tuesday February 9th from 5-8 pm. Come celebrate Fat Tuesday at Chubb’s Grub Station and a portion of the proceeds go to MES!  .

Have a Terrific Tuesday