February 25, 2016



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Diligence

o   Quote of the Day:

*African American History Spotlight for the Day: Did you know that Birmingham native and minister Fred Shuttlesworth was an active participant in the Civil Rights Movement with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? He organized and participated in many sit ins and freedom rides during the Civil Rights Movement. The Birmingham airport is named after him.  He died in 2011.

  • Happy Birthday: Tialandria Rutledge
  • Announcements:

 *COTS will be tomorrow.  Kona Ice will be here so make sure to save up your money.

*Please keep collecting Box Tops for Education.  For every 10 that you turn in, you will receive a tardy to class pass.  Teachers will receive a jean stickers for every 10.  The deadline is Monday, Feb 29th.

*There is a baseball game today in Maplesville today at 4pm

* Teacher’s don’t forget today is Montevallo Connections at the high school at 4pm

*On Monday there will be an African American History program


Have a Thrilling Thursday