April 4, 2016


Happy Birthday:
Grayson Fulmer


*Friday will be break so make sure that you do not have any tardies or silent lunches this week.

*Volleyball try-outs for 6th and 7th grade girls will begin today after school.   All girls interested in trying out must have a consent form and current physical in order to stay.

*The Cheerleaders are selling Gi Gi’s Cupcakes as a fundraiser.  The orders need to be placed today and the cupcakes will be delivered the following week.  See a MMS Cheerleader to place an order.

*The Baseball team has a game today at home against Centerville at 4pm

*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Jaxon Butterworth.  He was nominated by Mrs. Burns.  Mrs. Burns states that Jaxon demonstrated the character trait of responsibility when he quickly saw that a student had dropped a cell phone in morning drop off and he stopped the cars to keep the phone from getting run over.  The phone was returned to the student with no damage.

*Congratulations to the Chess Team who had a successful tournament on Saturday. MMS took first place overall. Individual medals went to Cody Curl, Jeffery Green, Evan Zou, and Grayson Fulmer.

*Congratulations to Miranda Martin. Her Science Fair Project won the following awards at The Alabama State Science Fair at the University of Alabama at Huntsville.

  • The Toyota Outstanding Project Award
  • Second Place in the Math and Computer Science division
  • Nomination for 2016 for 2016 Broadcom MASTERS (Math, Applied Science, Technology and Engineering for Rising Stars), a program of the Society for Science and the Public. This extraordinary achievement is only awarded to the top 10% of sixth, seventh, and eighth grade participants at the SSP-AFFILIATED SCIENCE FAIR

Have a Marvelous Monday