May 4, 2016


Happy Birthday:


*There will be no after school workouts for girls today

 *Yearbooks are on sale for $30.  Purchase your yearbook in time for the yearbook signing party on Friday, May 13th. When you purchase your yearbook, you will receive an open seating lunch pass and a free slice of pizza at next Friday’s school dance.  The cost of attending the yearbook signing party is $2.00 and the party will be next Friday.

*Upward Bound packets are due to Ms. Fenn by today

*Middle School Basketball tryouts will be Monday, May 9th and Tuesday, May 10th after school in the MMS Gym until 5pm.

*There will be a Critter Show tomorrow so bring your $3.00 tomorrow to get out of 7th period and attend the show.

*There will be a school dance this Friday after school from 3-5pm.  The cost is $5.00

*This week is Teacher Appreciation Week so thank a teacher and show your appreciation to them.

*Next Thursday is the Talent Show at 1pm.  The cost to attend is $2.00.  The MMS Band Concert will also be held next Thursday at 6pm.


*A/B Honor Roll students need to turn in their permission slip forms to Ms. Ritch asap.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday