September 27, 2017


*Character Education Theme for the Week: Self Respect

*Quote of the Day: “Respect yourself most of all”-Pythagoras

*Birthdays: Mary McDeavitt


*There will be a meeting Thursday night for all 7th-12th grade students who are interested in joining wrestling.  The meeting will be at Montevallo High School at 6pm in the MHS Cafeteria.

*All students interested in joining the MMS Chess Team need to bring their permission forms by Friday to Mrs. Sapp.

*This Friday will be COTS.  If you owe missing work, you will be assigned intervention and not be able to attend COTS.

*Tomorrow night Volleyball will have a home game at 5 & 6. The game may be moved to MHS. Girl’s Basketball will begin practice on Monday from 3-5pm.

*The first dance will be Thursday, October 5th from 3-5pm. The cost will be $5.00

* Keep selling the recipe flip books.  The cost is $8.00 for each recipe book. The highest sales in each grade level will receive a prize. Any student who sells at least 2 books, will receive two tardy to class passes.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday