November 28, 2017



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Generosity

*Quote of the Day: Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

*Birthdays: Jovannie Duran


*Today 7th grade will have Scholar’s Bowl practice after school until 4:45 pm. *Today and tomorrow 6th grade Scholar’s Bowl will have practice after school.

*FBLA students attending the field trip will meet in Mrs. Thomas’ classroom at 10:30 this morning.  You must have a permission form to attend.

*Tomorrow night there will be a Montevallo night at the UM Falcons Basketball Game.  There are free tickets for a family of 4 in the front office.  Any interested students and/or families that would like tickets, please stop by the office and pick them up.  Enjoy a free game while supporting the UM men’s and women’s basketball teams.

*This Friday will be COTS.

*Friday will be Pajama Day for $2.00 to support the Wrestling Team.

*Monday, December 4th will be the Montevallo Youth Holiday Showcase with a joint performance of the band and choir. The Showcase will be held at MHS in the Performing Arts Center at 6pm.

*Start thinking about getting together an ugly sweater for the Ugly Sweater Contest on December 14th.  Prizes will be awarded.

*Congratulations to the student of the week: Alexa Best.  She was nominated by Mrs. Lewis.  Mrs. Lewis states that Alexa demonstrated the character trait of honesty when she found $20.00 in the hallway and turned it into the office.


 Have a Terrific Tuesday