January 08, 2018


*Character Education Theme for the Week: Responsibility

*Quote of the Day: “When you blame others, you give up your power to change”  _Anonymous

*Birthdays: Today to Alexandria Massey and yesterday to Abbigail Bryant


*This Friday will be LEAD schedule.

*If you are interested in getting a  sports physical, the field trip will be on Friday, January 19th.  The cost is $10.00.  You must have the money and the permission slip turned in. All students interested in playing sports (this includes 6th graders for next year) must have a current physical on file.

*Anyone interested in submitting work for consideration for the Shelby County Literary Magazine needs to have it typed and submitted to Ms. Moore by the 31st of January.  It can be short stories, essays, or poems.

*Report Cards will be sent home today.

*8th grade Scholar’s Bowl will practice today after school. 7th grade Scholar’s Bowl will practice on Thursday. 6th grade Scholar’s Bowl will practice tomorrow (Tuesday).

*7th Grade Math Team will practice on Tuesday after school until 5:00pm.  Starting next week, practices will be on Wednesdays.

* Thursday will be the Honor Roll Party.

* Friday will be the 8th grade Panoramic Picture at 1:30pm.  8th grade students if you are not here that day, you will not be in the picture.

*Practice will start for Battle of the Books Thursday, Jan 8th. Not only will there will be quizzing, but there will be an original art book jacket competition or you can make a Book video trailer based on one of the books. If you are interested in being part of Battle of the Books, please come to the library today to sign up.  We will have an interest meeting today during 4th period.

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held Saturday, Feb. 3.  If you are interested in becoming the next Junior Miss Montevallo please come by the office and get an entry form.  All entry forms and payments must be turned in by Friday, Jan. 26th.    All girls in grades 6-8 may participate.

Have a Marvelous Monday