Daily Announcements 8/17/2018

*Birthdays: Connor Boyd and Jay Freeman and yesterday to KDen Cooke


*The Open House and Meet Your Teachers Night will be on Monday August 20th from 5:30-7:30. Students do not need to come but encourage your parents to attend.

*Soccer Tryout Packets are due to Mrs. Thomas on Wednesday, August 22nd.

*There will be a new student orientation in the library today at 1pm. This is for students who are new to Montevallo schools (not 6th graders who went to MES last year). The teachers have a list of students who are eligible to attend.  Cookies and punch will be served.

*For every 10 Box Tops that you turn into the office, you will receive two tardy to class passes so start saving the box tops off of your food boxes and turn them into the office.

Have A Fantastic Friday