Daily Announcements 9/04/2018


*State testing is today and tomorrow. Today will be 7th grade science and 8th grade reading. There will be no cell phones, smart watches, or electronic devices allowed in the testing rooms.  The bells will be off all day.  Students will not be able to go to their lockers until 4th period. Please be quiet in the hallways between classes as we are testing all over the building.   Tomorrow 8th grade will test in math.

*Progress Reports will go home on Friday.

*The first home volleyball game will be today at 5 & 6pm against Westminster.

*Montevallo Bulldogs Boys Soccer Tryouts are being held Friday, September 7th from 3:30-5:30 and Saturday Sept 8th from 11:-1:00pm at MHS.

*There will be a home football game on Thursday against Clanton at 5:30. The Thursday volleyball game will be away in Isabella.

*Don’t forget to keep selling your T Shirts and turn in your box tops.

*Cross Country will have its first meet this Saturday.

Have A Terrific Tuesday