Daily Announcements 9/13/2018

*Birthdays: Dylan Campbell and Keiston Piper-Ross


*Tomorrow we will have break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches!

*GIRLS soccer conditioning will begin this week.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school until 4/4:30.  You will need to bring tennis shoes.

*Bulldog Tattoos are on sale in the office for 50 cents each.

*Cross Country will have its first meet this Saturday at Spain Park.

*Today the Volleyball team will be at Jemison game time 5:00pm and the Football team will be in at Jemison Game time 5:30pm.

*The MMS Book Fair will continue until Friday.

*School Pictures will be next Friday September 21st

*For every 10 Box Tops that you turn into the office, you will receive two tardy to class passes so start saving the box tops and turn them into the office.

Have A Thankful Thursday