Daily Announcements 10/12/2018

*Birthdays: Today to Oscar Rodriquez and tomorrow to Braden Hall and Lorraine Baker


*Today we will be on break schedule. Check with your 4th period teachers to see if you are eligible for break.

*8th Graders: Don’t forget to turn in your permission slips for Future Falcon Day. They are due today to Mr. Weeks.

*Mrs. Day needs all FCCLA members with their signed parent letters and $15.00 dues by today. Students in Mrs. Day’s 6th period class last nine weeks needs to come by her room and pick up your journal.

*Picture order forms are due back October 19th to your 4th period teacher. Make-up picture day will be October 29th.

*Students don’t forget to bring in your flu shot forms. Flu shots will be given next Thursday.

*There will be a Carnvial for a Cause tonight from 4-6pm at the Main Quad at the University of Montevallo to support the student emergency fund. There will be carnvial type booths and games. Tickets are 10 cents each.

*Congratulations to the athlete of the month: Kam’ron Goins.

*Congratulations to our Faculty/Staff Person of the Month, Tabitha Vinson. She does an awesome job running the cafeteria. The food looks great and is really good. She was very helpful to the Peer Helpers when they rewarded students with slushies for contributing to the food drive. She is always cheerful and is a great fit here at MMS.

Have A Fantastic Friday