Daily Announcement 11/13/2018

*Birthdays: Yesterday to Usiel Martinez


* This Friday will be break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches.

*Tomorrow will be a pajama day for $2.00 to support choir.

*There will be no school next week for Thanksgiving.

*8th grade Scholar’s Bowl Team will meet every morning Mon-Thur in Lab 28 from 7:00-7:30 am starting Tuesday.  6th and 7th Grade Scholars Bowl will meet on Wednesdays after school.

*There will be a mandatory parent meeting for soccer players on Thursday, November 15th, at 5pm. See Coach Thomas for more information.

*Teachers there is a Montevallo Connections Meeting on Wednesday after school at Montevallo Elementary.

*Tomorrow night there will be an away basketball game against Rudd Middle.

*As a fundraiser, MMS will be selling Priester’s Pecans. Money and order forms are due on November 26th.

*Thursday night there will be an away basketball game at West Blocton and an away wrestling match at Helena Middle.

*Congratulations to the student of the week: Teasia Purnell. She was nominated by Coach Jett.  Coach Jett states that Teasia has shown tremendous leadership both in volleyball and in basketball by keeping her peers motivated. She shows a lot of school pride. She also took initiative by picking up trash around the school without being prompted by an adult.

*Congratulations to the Athlete of the Month: Brantley Burk

Have A Tremendous Tuesday