Daily Announcement 04 09 2019


* Friday will be Lead we will be on activity schedule.

*Any 8th Grader if you would like to order a copy of the Class Panoramic Picture that was taken last Friday you must mail in your order envelope by this Saturday. Don’t miss out. This will be your only chance to order. Be sure and give your order envelope to your parents. Extra order envelopes are available in the main office.

*The Golf team will have a match today vs Helena at Montevallo Golf course at 3:30

*Friday MMS cheerleaders will be hosting a SPIRIT night at Bertelone’s Italian Restaurant from 5-9 on Friday April 12th.

*Today is the second day of the Peer Helper book drive! Don’t forget to bring new or gently used books for children. Drop them in one of the boxes or bring to Mrs. Day and make sure your name is on them. Check posters around the school for prizes you can win.

*For every 10 box tops you turn in you will receive 2 tardy to class passes.

*Yearbooks are on sale today for $30.00. They go up to $35.00 next month.

Have A Terrific Tuesday