Daily Announcement 04 17 2019


* This Friday will be COTS

*Testing continues today for 7th and 8th grade. The bells will be off for the day.  7th and 8th grade will hold their 3rd periods until 11:10. 6th grade will eat lunch first.  Students must be quiet in all the hallways as we are testing everywhere in the building. Students may NOT bring a cell phone or smart watch into a testing room. Please do not bring any books to the testing room. Students must get their 1st through 3rd period books and materials and then 5th and 6th period materials out of their lockers so we don’t have kids at the lockers except 4th or 7th period. If you do not know where you are testing, ask one of your teachers or check the lists outside their doors. 6th grade will test next week.

*Girls will continue after school work-outs today from 3 – 5 for both volleyball and basketball.  There will be a parent meeting for volleyball and girl’s basketball players on Tuesday, April 23rd at 5pm here at MMS.

*FCCLA is sponsoring, “Cookies for COTS” this week. FCCLA members will be taking pre-orders for three kinds of cookies in the Cafeteria this week during 4th period. You can order 2 cookies for $1.00 and they will be delivered to you during COTS on Friday. Be sure to visit the order table in the Cafeteria before Friday so you can have a sweet treat during COTS.

*Talent Show applications are now available. They can be picked up in the choir room between classes.

*This is the last week to bring in your gently used books for the Peer Helper’s book drive. It ends on Friday. Make sure that your name is on the books that you donate and either leave them in one of the boxes or bring them to Mrs. Day’s room.

*Basketball tryouts for Montevallo Middle School Boy’s basketball (current 6th & 7th graders) for the 2019-20 season will be on Monday, April 29 and Tuesday April 30, 2019 from 4:00-5:30 at the Montevallo Middle School gym.  Tryout packets must be picked up from Coach Horton AND turned in by Friday, April 22, 2019 to try out.  You must have a current PHYSICAL to tryout.  No late signees or excuses will be accepted.”

* 8th graders who will be upcoming 9th graders, boys basketball tryouts will be Thursday, May 1 and Friday May 2 at Montevallo High School.”

Student Institute members: Remember your posters have to be complete by the end of the school day this Thursday, April 18. Mrs. Huckabaa will have them in her room at 7a on Thursday morning for you to work on with your last minute additions. Also, remember we have our Showcase to your parents on Thursday at 6pm at American Village. Be sure to be there.

*It’s not too late to get your yearbook for $30.00.

*Don’t forget the Girls Can Construction Applications are due this Friday for the summer program.

Have A Wonderful Wednesday