Daily Announcements 1/13/20

Monthly Character Theme: Cooperation

 Quote of the Week: No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helped you.

-Althea Gibson


  • We will begin Scantron Performance Express testing next Tuesday, January 14th and will end January 16th. 
  • Yearbooks are now on sale for the discounted price of $25.00. This price will only last through the month of January, so be sure to reserve your copy now. You can give cash or a check (made out to MMS) to Mrs. Harding. You can also pay online with a debit card by going to yearbookordercenter.com and using the school code 1564. Please see Mrs. Harding for any questions.
  • 6th grade Scholarā€™s Bowl practice is tomorrow instead of Wednesday from 3-5:00pm.
  • Mrs. Mooreā€™s 1st-3rd and 6-7th class periods need to bring their Library books today
  • Mrs. McGrew will read- Itā€™s important to always pay attention to what your teacher teaches and instructs you to study. 
  • There will be a track parent meeting Wednesday at 4:30

And Students Remember: ā€œHere at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Lessā€ 


Have a Marvelous Monday