Daily Announcement 2/6/20

Monthly Character Theme: Courage

 Quote of the Week: ā€œCourage is like a muscle, it is strengthened by useā€  Ruth Gordon

Study Tip of the Week: – Take regular breaks while you study and do not stay up all night. Lack of sleep will make it hard to focus and you will not do your best. 


Yearbooks are now on sale for the discounted price of $30.00. This price will only last through the month of April, so be sure to reserve your copy now. You can give cash or a check (made out to MMS) to Mrs. Harding. You can also pay online with a debit card by going to yearbookordercenter.com and using the school code 1564. Please see Mrs. Harding for any questions.

Remember to bring in your canned food and toiletries this week to help the MMS Ambassadors. Boxes are located around the school – make sure your name is on everything so you can get credit. Prizes will be awarded – see the posters in the hallways or Mrs. Day for more information.

And Students Remember: ā€œHere at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Lessā€ 

Have a THrilling Thursday