April 17, 2023

Character Education Theme of the Month is Courage:  Courage is strength in the face of pain or grief.

Quote of the week: ā€œIt takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really areā€  

~EE Cummings

  • ACAP testing will continue tomorrow!. Please get plenty of rest tonight.
  • Also, remember to only have your chromebook with you. There will be major consequences if any electronics are brought into the testing room.
  • Yearbooks are on sale for $30; please purchase at this great price, we have a limited number left so hurry to get yours!

It is now time to acknowledge our March Faculty of the Month!

The March Faculty/Staff of the Month is: Ms. Betsy Moore!!!!

Information about Ms. Moore: Betsy Moore genuinely loves the students and she is here for their academic success, but more than that, she lets them know that she is here for THEM.  She wants them to feel like they are heard and respected, and if she can do that, then she feels like she has accomplished the most important goal of all.  She doesn’t expect them to necessarily come to class loving ELA- or even love it when they leave. Betsy wants them to know WHY it is important, but if she has shown them why THEY are important, she considers it her biggest win and her greatest reward.

And Students Rememberā€¦..ā€Here at Montevallo Middle School, We Expect Success and Nothing Lessā€!

Have a Marvelous!