February 6, 2023


ā€œGood morning, today is Monday, February 6th, 2023.

Character Education Theme of the Month; Justice: Justice is fairness in the way that people are treated.

Quote of the week:  ā€œAll the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hopeā€.  ~Winston Churchill

Black History Fact for Today:  Rosa Parks ; civil rights activist was born in Tuskegee, Alabama, to parents James and Leona McCauley. She is known for getting arrested after refusing to give up her bus seat to a white passenger, after a white bus driver demanded that she do so.

The brave act of defiance, which took place on Dec. 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, led to a year-long bus boycott by Montgomery’s Black residents. The movement eventually led to a Supreme Court ruling that said bus segregation was unconstitutional.

  • ACCESS Testing starts today!  Bells will be turned off and we ask that you are quiet as you pass through the halls!
  • Yearbooks are on sale for $30 so please purchase at this great price!!!
  • The band will be having auxiliary tryouts on February 23rd. There are free training sessions on Tuesdays at the high school from 3:15 ā€“ 4:15. If you would like to be a member of the colorguard, the dance line, or a majorette please see Mr. Hodges in the band room for more information.
  • Pageant Day is March 18th!  Anyone interested in participating in the Montevallo Day of Pageants, Junior Miss forms are now available; forms are due by February 22 ā€¦See Mrs. Johnson in the choir room.
  • 8th Grade Panoramic Picture is Thursday, February 9th
  • Make-Up Picture Day is Monday, February 13th!
  • Candy Grams will go on sale starting today through Friday of this week! We are doing online orders and paper orders– Money will be collected at lunch by a FBLA representative. 
  • Track practice will start tomorrow till 4:30, parent meeting will follow after practice. 

  • And Students Rememberā€¦..ā€Here at Montevallo Middle School, We Expect Success and Nothing Lessā€!

Have a Mindful Monday!!!