September 14, 2017


*Character Education Theme for the Week: Kindness

*Quote of the Day:  Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns.  ~Author Unknown



* MMS will have a fundraiser selling recipe flip books.  You will receive an order form from your 4th period teacher. The cost is $8.00 for each recipe book. The highest sales in each grade level will receive a prize. Any student who sells at least 2 books, will receive two tardy to class passes.

*Tonight there will be an away volleyball game at 5 and 6pm in Westminster.

*Tomorrow we will be on break schedule so make sure that you don’t have any tardies or discipline this week.

*ACT Aspire Interim testing will continue this week and next week in your academic classes.

*The LOT and Peer Helpers will be on a field trip today.

*Next Wednesday will be picture day during PE classes.

Have a Thankful Thursday