January 11, 2018


*Character Education Theme for the Week: Responsibility

*Quote of the Day: If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams. Les Brown



* Today will be the Honor Roll Party at 1:30pm.

*7th grade Scholar’s Bowl will practice today after school.

* Tomorrow will be the 8th grade Panoramic Picture at 1:30pm.  8th grade students if you are not here tomorrow, you will not be in the picture.

*Tomorrow we will be on LEAD schedule.

*If you are interested in getting a  sports physical, the field trip will be on Friday, January 19th.  The cost is $10.00.  Students planning on going on the physical field trip must bring back your physical form filled out and signed by a parent ASAP.  Even if you have not turned in the money, we need the physical form back today.  The trainer will be here today for boys and tomorrow for girls to do preliminary screenings.  See Coach Jett or Coach Horton with any questions.

*Anyone interested in submitting work for consideration for the Shelby County Literary Magazine needs to have it typed and submitted to Ms. Moore by the 31st of January.  It can be short stories, essays, or poems.

*7th Grade Math Team will practice next week on Wednesday.

*6th, 7th, and 8th grade Scholar’s Bowl will have a match in Calera after school on Thursday of next week.

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held Saturday, Feb. 3.  If you are interested in becoming the next Junior Miss Montevallo please come by the office and get an entry form.  All entry forms and payments must be turned in by Friday, Jan. 26th.    All girls in grades 6-8 may participate.

*Tennis practice will begin on Wednesday, Jan. 17 from 3:00 – 4:30.  Practices will be every Monday and Wednesday at the city courts across from the library.  Students must have permission to ride the bus to be dropped off at MES.

*There will be no school on Monday due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.

*All student institute members and Junior City Council Members need to meet with Mr. Weeks next Thursday (January 18th) at the beginning of 4th period.

*The 2018-2019 MMS Cheerleading Try-outs Clinic will be on March 12-15 @ MHS from 3:00-5:00. Try-outs will be on Friday, March 16 @ MHS 3:00.  Please see Mrs. Bishop for the registration packet.  There will be a parent interest meeting Tuesday, February 27th at 5:30 in the Media Center.

   Have a Thankful Thursday