May 2, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week:  Forgiveness

 *Quote of the Day:  “To be wronged is nothing, unless you continue to remember it.” ― Confucius

*Birthdays: Trevon Rogers & Jeimy Pereza


*From now on, there will be no charges to your lunch account until the end of the school year.  If you buy your lunch, you must pay in full the day you get your meal.

*Students, if you have been invited to the Author Visit Field Trip to Thompson High School, please turn in your permission slips and money by tomorrow to Mrs. Colley in the library.  If you lost your permission slip, come get another one from Mrs. Colley.

* MMS volleyball practice will be on Thursday from 3-5.

*There will be a parent meeting for all students who made the football team this Friday at 4:30pm.

It is almost time for the 2018 MMS Talent Show!

There are sign-up sheets for the 2018 MMS Talent Show Auditions posted outside the Band/Choir Room door, Main Office, and on the White Board in the Lunchroom.

Auditions will be tomorrow, May 3rd, and the Talent Show will be Thursday, May 17th. Groups must sign up each member. Auditions are $5 per person.

We are looking for all talent! (Singing, Dancing, Poetry, Art displays, Play Skits, Comedy, etc) Montevallo has talent, and Now is the time to show it!”

*High school Boy’s basketball tryouts will continue today through today  from 3:15-5:00pm.

*Beginning today, yearbooks will be $35.00. Please bring either cash or a check made out to MMS to Mrs. Harding as soon as possible. There is only a limited number of yearbooks available.

*The 6th graders will be on a field trip on Friday to the Space and Rocket center..

*The Library will be closed today due to the Gifted Student Led Conferences.

*6th and 7th graders must turn in an elective choice sheet to your 4th period teachers by tomorrow.

Have A Wonderful Wednesday