Daily Announcements 8/09/2018

*Birthdays: Savannah Iannello, Wilbert Cruz, & Madelyn Dumm


*Any student who wants to purchase a PE uniform needs to get the money to Coach Horton or Coach Jett by Monday, Aug. 13.  Monday will be the last day to order uniforms this year.  The tops are $12.50 and the bottoms are $12.50 for a total of $25.

*If you did not purchase a locker, you must purchase one by Monday. After Monday if you do not have a locker, you will not be able to leave your backpack in the office, you will have to carry all of your books to and from school each day. There is no sharing of lockers.

*Remember after the 6th period bell, bottom locker students go first to their lockers. On the second bell, top lockers go to their lockers. Bottom locker students should be on their way to 7th period when the second bell rings.


*There will be a soccer interest meeting at the end of 4th period today in Mrs. Thomas’s computer lab. Only 7th and 8th graders who are interested in trying out for the soccer team should attend this meeting.


*Cross Country tryouts will be held on August 14th and 15th after school from 3-4pm for interested 7th and 8th graders. See Ms. Moore for more details.


*The Open House and Meet Your Teachers Night will be on Monday August 20th from 5:30-7:30.


Have A Thankful Thursday