Daily Announcements 8/24/2018

*Birthdays: Today to Matthew Winslett and Sunday to Vidal OCampo


*Today will be LEAD/ADVISORY.  Make sure you know whose LEAD group that you are in.  It was on your schedule listed as Advisory.  6th Graders will meet with their 4th period teachers for LEAD.  We will be on an activity schedule today.

*Cross Country will begin practice on Monday until 4pm.

*4th period yesterday you received fundraiser packets to begin selling Bulldog T Shirts. The first 3 students to return their order envelope will receive 3 items at break of their choice and two extra tardy to class passes. Any student that turns in an order will receive two tardy to class passes.

*State testing will begin next week for students.  Tuesday will be 6th and 7th grade math. Wednesday will be 6th and 7th grade reading.  8th grade and 7th grade science will test the following week. There will be no cell phones or smart watches allowed in the testing rooms.

*Bulldog Tatoos are on sale in the office for 50 cents each.

*For every 10 Box Tops that you turn into the office, you will receive two tardy to class passes so start saving the box tops off of your food boxes and turn them into the office.

*Teachers don’t forget test training Monday after school in the Library. Also don’t forget your COTS proposals are due next Friday.

Have A Fantastic Friday