Daily Announcement 04 02 2019

*Birthdays: Ashley Rios & Jamarcus Thomas


*This Friday will be break.

*Tryouts for Volleyball continue this week. Girls Basketball tryouts will be next Monday through Wednesday.

*Soccer has a game today at John Carroll and Thursday at Mumford

*Members of Student Institute: We will be meeting today during 4th period in Mrs. Day’s room. Please bring all of your materials needed to finish your posters. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Huckabaa.

*This Friday will be the 8th grade Panoramic Picture at 1pm. You will receive an order form if you would like to purchase the picture.

*For every 10 box tops you turn in you will receive 2 tardy to class passes.

*Yearbooks are on sale today for $30.00. They go up to $35.00 next month.

Have a Terrific Tuesday