Daily Announcement 05 02 2019

*Birthdays: Jeimy Peraza


*Tomorrow will be break.

*Students need to turn in their elective sheets for next year to their 4th period teachers. Friday is the deadline. 8th graders need to turn in their Upward Bound Applications to Mrs. Lusco by Friday. All 8th grade students need to have their 4 year plan uploaded and approved in Kuder before attending the 8th grade picnic on May 17th and the fun activities at the end of the school year.

* 8th graders who will be upcoming 9th graders, boys basketball tryouts will be today and tomorrow at Montevallo High School.

*Girls basketball tryouts for upcoming 9th graders will be next Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:30-5:00 at the high school gym.

*It’s not too late to get your yearbook for $35.00. There aren’t many yearbooks left. See Mrs. Harding if you want one. The Yearbook signing party will be Thursday, May 9th.

*For any 7th grader interested in Peer Helpers for next year, the  Peer Helper Applications may be picked up from Mrs. Day as soon as possible.  Applications will be due on May 10th.

*Don’t forget about the Community Wide Garage Sale to support the MHS Band on Saturday from 7am-2pm.

Have a Thoughtful Thursday