May 9, 2016


Happy Birthday:


*Attention 6th and 7th graders: If you would like to be a Peer Helper next year, please see Ms Green or come to the office and pick up an application packet.

The Yearbook signing party will be this Friday at 2:00pm.  The cost is $2.00 and you will receive a sharpie.

*Middle School Basketball tryouts will be today and tomorrow after school in the MMS Gym until 5pm.

*This Thursday is the Talent Show at 1pm.  The cost to attend is $2.00.

*The MMS Band Concert will be held Thursday night at 6pm.

*Wednesday MMS will be shadowing day for the current 5th graders coming to MMS.  Please be on your best behavior for our guests.

*A/B Honor Roll students need to turn in their permission slip forms to Ms. Ritch asap.

*There are free Yoga classes this summer at the University of Montevallo from June 6-10.  If you are interested pick up a flyer in the front office.

*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Chloe Boyd.  She was nominated by Ms. Green.  Mrs Green states that as a Peer Helper Chloe is always willing to do anything needed and anything asked of her.  This week she mediated a dispute between 3 students and did an outstanding job! Her positive and encouraging nature helped to resolve a sticky situation.

 Have a Marvelous Monday

May 5, 2016


Happy Birthday:


 *There will be a Critter Show today during 2nd period.  We will be on a regular schedule.

*Yearbooks are on sale for $30.  Purchase your yearbook in time for the yearbook signing party on Friday, May 13th. When you purchase your yearbook, you will receive an open seating lunch pass and a free slice of pizza at next Friday’s school dance.  The cost of attending the yearbook signing party is $2.00 and the party will be next Friday.

*Upward Bound packets are due to Ms. Fenn by today

*Middle School Basketball tryouts will be Monday, May 9th and Tuesday, May 10th after school in the MMS Gym until 5pm.

*There will be a school dance this Friday after school from 3-5pm.  The cost is $5.00

*This week is Teacher Appreciation Week so thank a teacher and show your appreciation to them.

*Next Thursday is the Talent Show at 1pm.  The cost to attend is $2.00.  The MMS Band Concert will also be held next Thursday at 6pm.

*A/B Honor Roll students need to turn in their permission slip forms to Ms. Ritch asap.


Have a Thankful Thursday

May 4, 2016


Happy Birthday:


*There will be no after school workouts for girls today

 *Yearbooks are on sale for $30.  Purchase your yearbook in time for the yearbook signing party on Friday, May 13th. When you purchase your yearbook, you will receive an open seating lunch pass and a free slice of pizza at next Friday’s school dance.  The cost of attending the yearbook signing party is $2.00 and the party will be next Friday.

*Upward Bound packets are due to Ms. Fenn by today

*Middle School Basketball tryouts will be Monday, May 9th and Tuesday, May 10th after school in the MMS Gym until 5pm.

*There will be a Critter Show tomorrow so bring your $3.00 tomorrow to get out of 7th period and attend the show.

*There will be a school dance this Friday after school from 3-5pm.  The cost is $5.00

*This week is Teacher Appreciation Week so thank a teacher and show your appreciation to them.

*Next Thursday is the Talent Show at 1pm.  The cost to attend is $2.00.  The MMS Band Concert will also be held next Thursday at 6pm.


*A/B Honor Roll students need to turn in their permission slip forms to Ms. Ritch asap.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday

May 3, 2016


Happy Birthday:
Bella Fancher and Austin Lowery


*Yearbooks are on sale for $30.  Purchase your yearbook in time for the yearbook signing party on Friday, May 13th. When you purchase your yearbook, you will receive an open seating lunch pass and a free slice of pizza at next Friday’s school dance.  The cost of attending the yearbook signing party is $2.00

*Upward Bound packets are due to Ms. Fenn by today

*Middle School Basketball tryouts will be Monday, May 9th and Tuesday, May 10th after school in the MMS Gym until 5pm.

*There will be a Critter Show on Thursday of this week.  The cost is $3.00

*There will be a school dance this Friday after school from 3-5pm.  The cost is $5.00

*Friday the 7th grade will be on a field trip to the Zoo

*Soccer workouts this Tuesday and Thursday have been postponed.

There will be a meeting Today at 11:30 for any current 6th or 7th grader interested in playing soccer next year.

*This week is Teacher Appreciation Week so thank a teacher and show your appreciation to them.


Have a Tremendous Tuesday

May 2, 2016


Happy Birthday:


*Starting today there will be no breakfast or lunch charges allowed in the cafeteria.

*Yearbooks are on sale for $30.  Purchase your yearbook in time for the yearbook signing party on Friday, May 13th. When you purchase your yearbook, you will receive an open seating lunch pass and a free slice of pizza at next Friday’s school dance.  The cost of attending the yearbook signing party is $2.00

*Upward Bound packets are due to Ms. Fenn by tomorrow

*There will be a Critter Show on Thursday of this week.  The cost is $3.00

*There will be a school dance this Friday after school from 3-5pm.  The cost is $5.00

*Friday the 7th grade will be on a field trip to the Zoo

*Soccer workouts this Tuesday and Thursday have been postponed.

There will be a meeting Tuesday at 11:30 for any current 6th or 7th grader interested in playing soccer next year.

*Teachers there is a faculty meeting after school today.

*This week is Teacher Appreciation Week so thank a teacher and show your appreciation to them.

*Montevallo Middle School Boys Basketball Tryouts has been rescheduled for  Monday & Tuesday, May 9 & 10, from  3:30-5 at  Montevallo MIDDLE School Gym

*Congratulations to the student of the week: Caleb Johnson. He was nominated by Coach Horton.  Coach Horton states that Caleb is respectful, displays good citizenship, exhibits sportsmanlike qualities, and listens attentively in class.

Have a Marvelous Monday

April 29, 2016

Weekly Announcements 

*Upward Bound Applications for 8th graders are due to Ms. Fenn on Tuesday. There are a few forms for the parents to fill out.

* There will be a Critter Show for all students on Thursday.  The cost will be $3.00 to attend.

*There will be a PTO sponsored school dance on Friday, May 6th after school from 3-5pm.  The cost is $5.00.

*Yearbooks are on sale for $30.00.  If a student purchases a yearbook, they will receive a pass for open seating at lunch and a slice of pizza at the dance on Friday.

*The Yearbook signing party will be on Friday, May 13th for $2.00.

*The final Band Concert for the year will be held on Thursday, May 12th at 6pm.

*The Talent Show will be during the school day on Thursday, May 12th. The cost to attend is $2.00.

*This coming week May 2nd-6th is teacher appreciation week so if you would like to send a thank you note to your child’s teachers this week, they would be most appreciative.

*The 7th grade will be on a field trip to the zoo on Friday.

*We are working on a field trip for the students who have made the A/B Honor Roll all year and will let you know the details soon.

*Awards Day for all grade levels will be held on Monday, May 23rd at 8am. Parents are welcome to attend.

*Congratulations to Kayce Sankey and Baxley Shores for being named athletes of the month

*Congratulations to the Faculty Member of the Month:  Coach Horton

*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Robert Kincaid

*MES is selling stadium blankets/cushions for $25.00. Contact  MES for order forms. 682-6420

Montevallo Methodist Preschool is conducting the 2016/2017 school year registration for the 3 and 4 year old classes.  Registration applications for the 2 year class will also be accepted.  School hours are 8:30am to 12:00pm.  The 4 year old class meets Monday through Friday.  The 3 year old class meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  The 2 year old class will likely meet on Tuesday and Thursday.   You can pick up registration forms at the school Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 12:00, please call the Director to schedule a time, 665-1256.  Or you may visit the website to access the registration form –    Please call or email the Director if you have any questions,  Call 682-7130 for more info

April 29, 2016


Happy Birthday:
Jonathan Sharpe and Monday to Samantha Dewell


*Starting Monday there will be no breakfast or lunch charges allowed in the cafeteria.

*Yearbooks are on sale for $30.  Purchase your yearbook in time for the yearbook signing party on Friday, May 13th. When you purchase your yearbook, you will receive an open seating lunch pass and a free slice of pizza at next Friday’s school dance.  The cost of attending the yearbook signing party is $2.00

*Today we are on COTS schedule.  Kona Ice will be sold during COTS so teacher’s please take your students out there at some point during COTS.

*Upward Bound packets are due to Ms. Fenn by Tuesday of next week.

*Any 6th or 7th grader interested in trying out for soccer next year is invited to attend two workout sessions next Tuesday and Thursday May 3rd and May 5th, after school until 4:30. Attendance is highly recommended. You must have an up to date physical and consent form. See Coach Jett or Thomas for paperwork.

Have a Fantastic Friday

April 28, 2016


Happy Birthday:


*Starting Monday there will be no breakfast or lunch charges allowed in the cafeteria.

*Coach Niven from the high school will be here today at 10:45 to meet with 8th grade girls interested in trying out for volleyball and basketball next year at the H.S.

*Yearbooks are on sale for $30.  Purchase your yearbook in time for the yearbook signing party on Friday, May 13th. When you purchase your yearbook, you will receive an open seating lunch pass and a free slice of pizza at next Friday’s school dance.  The cost of attending the yearbook signing party is $2.00

*Tomorrow will be COTS so make sure that you have all of your work turned in so that you do not have to attend Intervention COTS.  Kona Ice will be here tomorrow during COTS and if you are intervention COTS you will not be able to get Kona Ice. >

*Upward Bound will be meeting with all 8th graders today at 2pm in the cafeteria.

*The MMS, MHS, and Montevallo Chorale will be performing a concert tonight at 7:30pm at the Le Baron Recital Hall at the University of Montevallo.

*Tomorrow the 8th graders will be going to the High School for their orientation meetings.

*FBLA will be on a field trip tomorrow. There will be a FBLA meeting today at 11:30pm

*Any 6th or 7th grader interested in trying out for soccer next year is invited to attend two workout sessions next Tuesday and Thursday May 3rd and May 5th, after school until 4:30. Attendance is highly recommended. You must have an up to date physical and consent form. See Coach Jett or Thomas for paperwork.

Have a Thankful Thursday

April 27, 2016


Happy Birthday:
Shakerial Goins


*The Library will be closed this morning for GEP Meetings.

*MMS Football tryouts will continue today and last throughout the week. See Coach Horton for details. You must be at tryouts to be on the team next year.

*This Friday will be COTS so make sure that you have all of your work turned in so that you do not have to attend Intervention COTS.  Kona Ice will be here Friday during COTS>

*Any 6th or 7th grader interested in trying out for soccer next year is invited to attend two workout sessions next Tuesday and Thursday May 3rd and May 5th, after school until 4:30. Attendance is highly recommended. You must have an up to date physical and consent form. See Coach Jett or Thomas for paperwork.

*Upward Bound will be meeting with all 8th graders on Thursday at 2pm in the cafeteria.

*The MMS, MHS, and Montevallo Chorale will be performing a concert this Thursday night at 7:30pm at the Le Baron Recital Hall at the University of Montevallo.

*On Friday the 8th graders will be going to the High School for their orientation meetings.


Have a Wonderful Wednesday

April 26, 2016


Happy Birthday:


*High School Basketball tryouts for current 8th grade boys will continue today and after school until 5:30pm at the MHS gym. You must have a current physical on file to try out.

*MMS Football tryouts will continue today and last throughout the week. See Coach Horton for details. You must be at tryouts to be on the team next year.

*This Friday will be COTS so make sure that you have all of your work turned in so that you do not have to attend Intervention COTS.  Kona Ice will be here Friday during COTS>

*Any 6th or 7th grader interested in trying out for soccer next year is invited to attend two workout sessions next Tuesday and Thursday May 3rd and May 5th, after school until 4:30. Attendance is highly recommended. You must have an up to date physical and consent form. See Coach Jett or Thomas for paperwork.

*Upward Bound will be meeting with all 8th graders on Thursday at 2pm in the cafeteria.

*LOT will be on their last field trip today

*The MMS, MHS, and Montevallo Chorale will be performing a concert this Thursday night at 7:30pm at the Le Baron Recital Hall at the University of Montevallo.

*On Friday the 8th graders will be going to the High School for their orientation meetings.

Have a Terrific Tuesday